Sexual ethics Flashcards
Bible quote about adultery
Hebrews 13:4
“marriage should be honoured by all, and the marriage bed kept poor, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral”
Bible quote about promiscuity
1 corinthians 6:13
“the body is not meant for sexual immorality”
genesis quotes about homosexuality
Genesis 1:28
“God said be fruitful and multiply”
Genesis 2:24
“a man shall be joined by his wife”
Leviticus quotes about homosexuality
“you shall not lie with another man as with a woman: that is an abomination”
“if a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall be put to death; their blood is upon them”
the point of sex for Roman Catholics
what is proles (RCC)
and what’s it based on
sex has the sole purpose of reproduction
based on Aquinas’ NML theory, the 2nd primary precept
what is sacramental (RCC)
two people become one through divine union
what is fides (RCC)
act of faithfulness
rcc views on pre-marital sex
sex is only moral in the bounds of marriage, so it’s a sin
rcc views on adultery
immoral, breaks fides
rcc views on promiscuity
immoral, should only have sex w on person for the sole purpose of reproduction within marriage - proles
rcc views on homosexuality
sexual inclination is okay, unless acted upon, abstinence
seen as a test from God
immoral because of bible, nml, and proles
against gay marriage
rcc views on childlessness
against any means of artificial procreation
children are a gift from god, not a right
Ivf / donor eggs goes against the unity and integrity of marriage which is a divine union (sacramentum)
Ivf involves selection of viable embryos meaning some are discarded, kills human life
rcc views on contraception
artificial contraception is sinful
purpose of sex is to reproduce (proles)
both barrier methods and morning after pill is abortion
natural family planning methods are seen as acceptable
Evangelical protestant view on the point of sex
accepted that sex is enjoyable as well as for procreation
Evangelical protestant view on pre-marital sex, adultery and promiscuity
sex should only take place within a heterosexual marriage
what do some evangelical organisations campaign for
celibacy amongst teens, encouraging them to wait for marriage before intimacy
evangelical protestant view on homosexuality
a sin, bible condemns it, but salvation of Christ can remove all sins
most churches have taught it’s wrong, but homosexuals should be welcomed with no tolerance of homophobia
some churches advocate conversion therapy
evangelical protestant view on contraception
flexible, view sex as pleasurable
which childlessness approaches have some consensus for evangelical Protestants
ivf and artificial insemination
what do evangelical protestants argue it’s right for (childlessness)
right for scientists to try and find and learn more about causes and cures for infertility
what do Evangelical protestants accept (childlessness)
acceptance of the use of ‘spare’ embryos in medical research up to 14 days after fertilisation
Evangelical protestant view on surrogacy
all evangelikal churches accept surrogacy is wrong as it involves a third party in a much more significant way than donated eggs and sperm, can potentially strike at the heart of the family
liberal protestant view on the point of sex
love is central to human relationships, sex is an expression of that love
what is key to liberal protestants when it comes to sex
love, justice and consent
liberal protestant view on adultery and promiscuity
immoral - not loving
liberal protestant views on homosexuality
life-long relationships are acceptable, the quality of the relationship determines the moral value, not the gender
liberal protestants take on the bible’s take on homosexuality
and quote
dispute bible passages, focus on the teaching that all men are made in the image and likeness of God
Genesis 1:27 - ‘God created man in his own image’
He created homosexuals so they must be good because God cannot intentionally create a disordered human
what do liberal protestants think we need to do about the Bible
reinterpret them in light of modern knowledge, not Jewish culture at the time
what does christian belief focus on (liberal protestant in terms of homosexuality)
love and acceptance
what does refusing gay rights encourage (liberal protestant)
what are church of England ministers not allowed to do (liberal protestant/homosexuality)
not allowed to marry gay couples or enter gay marriages, so homosexual relationships are not equal
what is the liberal protestant view on contraception
any form is allowed as long as it’s used to limit size of family, and not stop children all together
why is contraception okay if it is for limiting the size of the family (liberal protestant)
because it’s better for the woman’s health, so allows a greater quality of life
and sex is for enjoyment and to strengthen a marriage as well as procreation
liberal protestant view on childlessness
ivf and artificial insemination is morally acceptable because they bering people happiness who would not otherwise have children
what is the logic for accepting ivf and artificial insemination in liberal protestantism
if life comes from God, anything that creates new life must be good, God wants us to have children
bible quote to support ivf and artificial insemination (liberal protestant)
“be fruitful and increase in number” - Genesis 1:28, God told Adam and Eve
point of sex in feminism
sex is their choice and liberating
but situational
could be powerful abstaining
why could it be powerful abstaining from sex for feminism
sex assumes male domination and female submission
Why does Christian approaches contrast feminism
cos they rest on a defined cultural roles for women, mother and wife, considers this a submissive role which disempowers women, restricts their status in society and socialises them to meet the desires of men
why does feminism criticise liberal approaches
they assume a level playing field between the sexes
feminist views on contraception
agrees because it gives women control over their bodies and their choice
what is liberation
people should be free to behave as they wish without limitations being imposed by the government
what is contractarian ethics
moral norms come from a mutual agreement
individuals make the right choices for themselves under some form of social contract
what does the liberation contemporary attitude to sex emphasise and why
contactarian ethics
because sex is morally permissible if there is a mutual agreement, or concept between the two parties
what are the most important principles and values for liberation
human freedom and autonomy
where does the liberation view come from
JSM’s harm principle, an action is morally acceptable if no harm is done to either party or third party
harm = physical harm or harm to someone’s interest
through what can we determine what (liberation)
‘experiences in living’
actions are better for us
what ethical theory does liberation stem from
what is paramount in liberation
freedom of choice, although we should privilege higher pleasures over lower pleasures
how can humans only flourish
if they have freedom to pursue their own good in their own way without interference from society or oppressive religious institutions
there is no restriction on sexual activity unless what (liberation)
no harm is done to either party or third party
liberation feeling about sex as reproduction
no requirement to avoid sexual acts that do not lead to reproduction
liberation view on contraception
no problem with it
weakness of liberation
hard to make distinction between harm and offence, could lead to porn and prostitution being permissible if consensual
indirect harm, like the effect porn has on boys’ attitude to sex