Sexual Differentiation Flashcards
Role of Retinoic Acid in development
Establishes an Ant-Pos gradient to regulate Hox Gene expression
HOX genes types
3’: expressed inr esponse to retinoic acid; Control anterior regions of the body
5’: expressed in response to FGF, and control Posterior development
When does sexual differentiation occur in fetus?
4th - 12th week
Where do reproductive organs originate from?
Germ cells f/ that yolk sac that migrate to genital ridge and interact w/ coelomic epithelium
What are the fates of:
- Germ Cells
- Coelomic epithelium
- Mesenchymal cells
- Germ: Spermatagonia OR Oogonia
- Coelomic Epi: Sertoli Cells OR Granulosa cells
- Mes: Leydoig Cells OR Theca cells
What do Sertoli Cells produce, and what does it do?
Anti-mullerian hormones -> inhibits mullerian duct formation
What is the role of 5a-reductase?
Converts T into DHT for proper development of prostate + external genitalia
What is H-Y, and what is its significance?
Histocombatability antigen on Y chromosome
Causes high rejection rate of male donor transplant by female recipient
What is TDF?
SRY protein (another name)
Role of Cells of Leydig
Produce Testosterone, in response to hCG, (T)which is required for wolffian duct formation into internal male genitalia
Turner Syndrome
- Genetics
- S/S
- Morph
- G: Only one X
- S/S: Sexual immaturity, priamry amenorrhea, infertiity, short, webbed neck, CV + Renal abnomalities
- Morph: “Streak” Ovaries; atrophy
Androgen Insensitivity Syndromes
- Genetics
- Path
- S/S
- X-linked
- Path: Androgen receptor is absent or non-functioning -> external female characteristics, but internal testes
- S/S: Amenorrhea, Absent Uterus/Cervix
Converts T -> Estradiol
5-a-reductase Deficiency
- Baby may look externally female at birth if there is complete lack of DHT during development
- Testosterone levels rise during puberty causing masculine characteristics to appear, breasts fail to develop, and internal exam will reveal testes & other male structures
Failure of complete fusion of the genital folds resulting in a congenital opening of the urethra on the undersurface of the penis
Kleinfelter’s Syndrome
- Genetics
- S/S
- S/s: Testicular atrophy, Tall stature, feminized physique, impaired IQ
Prader Stages
External Genitalia Range
Female -> Stage I-5 -> Male
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia Pathology
The lack of feedback inhibition due to defective production of cortisolleads to high levels of adrenal androgensthat are converted to DHT causing masculinization of a female fetus