Sexual Development and Behavior Terms Flashcards
Effects of reproductive hormones on anatomy vs on behavior
organizing vs activating
class of reproductive hormones found in greater proportion in Females vs Males
estrogens vs androgens
sex chromosomes typical of females vs males, which help determine gender
XX vs XY
systems of ducts in fetus that become part of internal reproductive organs of Males vs Females
wolffian vs muellerian
a male hormone, produces by testes, responsible for development of male anatomy and behavior
another male hormone that inhibits development of female system of internal ducts
Anti-Muellerian Hormone
enzyme produced by “switch” on Male chromosome that leads to the development of gender
Testis-Determining Factor (TDF)
condition in which genetic-male fetus does not respond to Male hormones and thus develops as female
condition in which fetus lacks Y chromosome, develops internally & externally as infertile Female
Turner’s Syndrome
a female hormone, (similar to Testosterone) that, once inside fetal cells, promotes male development
estrogen ( estrodial < correct )
chemical in fetal blood that prevents mother’s hormones from entering fetal cells and masculinizing fetus
area of hypothalamus w/receptor sites for Male hormones, esp active during Male sexual behavior
Medial Preoptic Area (MPOA)
above includes this nucleus which is 2.5X larger in Males than Females
Sexually Dimorphic Nucleus (SDN)
Part of above nucleus that is smaller in both females & homosexual males
area of hypothalamus w/ receptor sites for female hormones, esp active during female sexual behavior
Ventro-Medial Hypothalamus (VMH)
fibers connecting cortical hemispheres which is thicker in Females, who are thus less-lateralized
corpus callosum
hormones released by hypothalamus causing anterior pituitary to release its reproductive hormones
Gonadotropin-Releasing (GnRH)
two Gonadotropic hormones that stimulate development and behavior in both genders
Male hormone released by Female Adrenal Glands, stimulates secondary hair growth & sexual behavior
area near basal forebrain associated with the sensation of sexual pleasure
Nucleus Accumbens
NT released by above area in response to sexual stimulation
hormone released by posterior pituitary at time of orgasm
hormone released by anterior pituitary for refractory period in Males and milk production in Females
part of tegmentum active esp. in Females during sex
Periaqueductal Gray Area (PAG)
NT released by above area, including to suppress potential for pain