Learning and Memory Flashcards
Rule of Conditioning: Event assoc’d w/ + (vs. -) reinforcement will (vs. not) be repeated
Law of Effect
Developed association btwn stimuli, esp involving an unconditioned response
Classical Conditioning
Developed association btwn stimulus & response
Operant Conditioning
Co-activated neural circuits presumably involved in learning and retrieval of associations
Hebbian Cells Assemblies
Physical changes in cells involved in above, associated w/ learning
Long-Term Potentiation (LTP)
Area of brain in which above process has been well studies/described
Type of NT involved in above
Type of receptor site for above NT that is ionotropic and easy to stimulate
Type of receptor site for above NT that is difficult to stimulate, and often requires above to first hypo-polarize cell
Type of ion that blocks ion gate of above receptor site
Type of receptor site that above can change into, after repeated co-act. in a circuit
One kind of change to dendrite structure that results in an inc. in surface area and thus of available sites
Dendritic Branching
Act by post-synp. cell membrane that results in division of “active zone” of pre-synp. terminal
DNA transcribed to RNS translated to Protein production that in. likelihood of neural act.
Genetic Changes
Rare (except in Hippocampus) generation of new neurons associated w/ learning
Recall of specific locations, spatial judgments of familiarity
Spatial Memory
Area of brain in which above process has been well studied/described
Motor Skill, How to do it (peck a target, ride a bike)
Procedural Memory
Areas of brain in which above process [Procedural Memory] has been well studied/described
Cerebellum & Striatum
Episodic (personal history) & Semantic/Associative (Fact) memory
Declarative Memory
Areas of brain in which above process [Declarative Memory] has been well studied/described
Hippocampus & Mediodorsal Thalamus
Types of cells found in Hippocampus whose act. becomes associated w/ particular parts of a familiar environment
Place Cells
The type of map formed by a subject who gets to know the spatial layout of a particular environment
Cognitive Map
Subsection of above hindbrain area associated w/ conditioning of “eye blink” response
Lateral Imterpositus (LIP)
Area of Tegmentum (in midbrain) that also plays a role in “eye blink” response
Red Nucleus
Task requiring application of rule “Pick alt. that is the same as the sample stimulus”
Match to Sample
Area of leasioned in rats caused impairment on above task
Area that projects to Prefrontal Cortex, implicated in declarative memory
Medio-dorsal Thalamus
Area of Cortex associated with “working memory” esp. when response delays are involved
Prefrontal Cortex
Syndrome, from B1 deficiency via chronic alcoholism, that esp affects cells of above area
Korsakoff’s Syndrome
Type of memory deficit most commonly associated w/ above
Anterograde Amnesia
Symptom of above involving “tale-telling” in which imagination not distinguished from knowledge
Famous patient w/ damage to Hippocampus & other temporal areas. Symptoms include…
Deficit in ability to generate new (“consolidate”) memories
Anterograde Amnesia
Type of learning/memories above patient unable to form
Declarative Memory
Above patient did NOT show deficit in this type of learning/memory
Procedural Memory
Limbic structure that plays a role in learning such as “Conditioned Fear”, and in arousal to “taboo”
Deficit in ability to recognize (remember) faces
Area of brain associated w/ above, where presumably relevant data are “stored”
Inferior Temporal Cortex
Area of brain where well-learn voices, words are “stored”
Dorsal Temporal Cortex