Language & Lateralization Flashcards
Dominance of one cerebral hemisphere over the other for particular functions
Test in which one hemi. is anesthetized to test for capacity/speed of processing of other
Wada Test
Area in left temporal cortex larger in most humans (& some other primates), assoc’d w/ language processing
Planum Temporale
Cognitive principle that like-disrupts-like (e.g. left hemi activated by language => slower right hand response)
Main bundle of axons connecting two hemi
Corpus Callosum
Patient in whom above connections have been severed (as in treatment for Epilepsy)
Split-Brain Patient
Additional inter-hemi connection, btwn anterior cortex, esp of temporal lobes
Anterior Commisure
Hemisphere dominant for most language processing
Left Hemisphere
Area assoc’d w/ language production
Broca’s Area
Location of Broca’s Area
Frontal Cortex (Lateral Premotor)
Type of aphasia assoc’d w/ damage to this area (Frontal Cortex)
Broca’s (or Productive) Aphasia
One time of difficulty in above, in which speech is slow and halting
Another deficit involving word order and the use of syntax markers
The fixed class of terms that organize syntactical relations such as prepositions, articles, conjunctions, etc
Closed Class Terms
Deficit involving difficulty in “finding” words, esp of the above class
Deficit in one aspect of the “language of the deaf” assoc’d w/ the above
Sign Language Production
Area assoc’d with language comprehension
Wernicke’s Area
Location of Wernicke’s Area
Temporal Cortex (Dorso-Posterior)
Type of aphasia assoc’d w/ damage to this area (Temporal Cortex)
Wernicke’s (or Receptive) Aphasia
Unlabored speech, w/ normal prosody, as seen in above
Deficit involving difficulty in “finding” words, esp of the class below
Open (changeable) class of terms that includes nouns & verbs
Content Terms
Deficit in which patient cannot understand spoken words at all (even if can read or write)
Pure Word Deafness
Deficit involving using irrelevant or made-up words
Nonsensical Speech
Aspect of language of the deaf NOT affected by damage of the above area
Sign Language Comprehension
Cortical area in which damage would result in affecting above language of the deaf
Parietal Lobe
Fibers that connect the above areas involved in production and comprehension of speech
Arcuate Fasiculus
Type of aphasia assoc’d w/ damage to this area
Conduction Aphasia
Deficit in which similar sounding words, but w/ different meaning, are substituted during attempt to repeat
Phonemic Paraphasia
Aspect of working memory involving rehearsal that is probably important normal function of these connections
Phonological Loop
The following are specializations of this hemisphere
Right Hemisphere
Ability to get the “gist, to see the “larger picture”, to organize narrative, etc.
Global Pattern Recognition
Abilities involved in learning, remembering and navigating environments
Spatial Abilities
Abilities involved in facial and nonverbal expression and interpretations
Domain in which above abilities come into play in the aesthetic organization of sound