sex gender and reproduction Flashcards
What percent of kids are born with DSV
sexual determination
has to do with what chromosomes you get, determines what happens to your body during sexual differentiation
Sexual differentiation
the process in which you develop the physiological characteristics associated with your sex
this doesnt stop when youre born
reproductive strategy
the ways in which a species ensures that its offspring reach adulthood
r selection
- many offspring
- high juvenile mortality
- smaller animals
- babies mature quickly
K selection
- a few children
- resource rich areas
- larger
- babies take longer to mature
what shapes the development os sexual anatomy
sex hormones, genes, brain
development of internal sex organs
chromosomal related sexual disorders
Male reproductive strategy
quantity, in order to maximize offspring
- mass sperm produced
female strategy
- lots of resources for 1 egg
Batemans principle
if you graph mates, female is low variation, males face higher variation and evolutionary pressures (they need to be more showey)
Humans use a mix of qualitative and quantitative strategies due to our complex social structures, our long lifespans, and our extensive parental care
Men AND women can be selective with partners
The waste disposal hypothesis
- waste might get rid of unhealthy baby
Let’s explore biological sex determination. How does the SRY gene influence this and what is the role of the Y chromosome?
What do Müllerian and Wolffian ducts signify, and what might cause ambiguous sex determination?
How do conditions like Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome, Klinefelter Syndrome, Turner Syndrome, Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia, and 5-alpha-reductase Deficiency impact sexual development?
Reflect on reproductive phenomena in animals, such as sexual mimicry, sexual dimorphism, sequential hermaphroditism, and different mating strategies like polygamy and monogamy.