sex ethics Flashcards
Augustine on sex
-only for having children but doing otherwise would only be a minor sin
Catholic view on marriage
its is a sacrament with god and is a symbol of christs love, Ephesians 5;25 husband should love his wife as christ loved the church
one flesh
-proved by the wedding miracle at Cana
protestant view on marriage
its a union but is ordained by God, falls under civic authority
Archbishop of York stance on premartial sex
backed William and Kate
Biblical condemnations of pre-marital sex
1 Corinthians 6, ‘The body is not for fornication, it is for the Lord’
1 Corinthians 6, ‘No fornicator or idolater, no adulterer or sexual pervert will possess the Kingdom of God’
Tim Keller on sex
changing attitutdes towards permarital sex changes from love to commodified relationships with no intimacy
what are the two aspects of sex in marriage
unitive, procreative
types of cohabitation
-trial marriage
-substitute marriage
Thatcher on premartial sex
the marriage ceremony is betrothal, not the ceremony
what is the Catholic approach to divorce
cant happen
only annulment saying the marriage was never real
Lisa Sowle Cahill on sex
marriage is based around capture, purchase and consent, hence why only women got in trouble for adulutury not men, they were property
when was homosexuality decriminalised in the UK
Biblical references opposing homosexuality
the Rape of Sodom
Leviticus, Man shall not lie with Man as he does with woman, it is an abomination
Gareth Moore on the use of scripture to condemn homosecuality
Leviticus used to justify homophobia but ignore the part where beheading is deemed as okay in later passages
St Paul on homosexuality and Vardy on this
writes in many letters against it, including lesbians
Vardy says that St Paul saying that this is impure goes against the general rejection of impurity in the New Testament
Liberal Christian view on homosexuality
-historical context needs to be considered
-prejudice is against Christian values
Mill’s Liberty Principle
freedom to pursue own happiness, the state should not intervene if the actions do not impact others
issues with Mills Liberty Principle
-people may not make choices best for themselves e.g. sexually impulsive behavior but Mill says that self-harm is autonomy
when did civil partnership become allowed
application of natural law to sexual ethics
work it out, common sense innit