person of jesus (teacher and liberator) Flashcards
what book is the sermon on the mount
what key ideas are outlined in the sermon on the mount
the beatitudes (blessed are..) murder, adultery, divorce, turn the other cheek, love for enemies
what kind of purity does jesus emphasise
inner purity, it is about feelings in the heart (e.g. commited adultery in his heart)
how does jesus show orthopraxy over orthodoxy
the sabbath was made for humankind not humankind for the sabbath
what were zealots
fought against the roman occupation
what did Jesus say that suggests he is a zealot
‘Give back to Caesar what is Caesars and to God what is Gods’
other evidence jesus was a zealot
-Judas Iscariot, Iscarii meaning dagger-men
-‘I did not come to bring peace but a sword’ Matthew
-crucifixion was a ounishment for poltical criminals
evidence against jesus being a zealot
-srtops his dicsples from using violence in the garden of gethsemane
-blessed are rthe peacemakers
how is jesus is SOCIAL liberator
-heals a bleeding woman (Mark)
-parable of good samaritan
-liberated the poor (links to Lib Theo)
-eats with prostitutes and theieves