person of jesus (son) Flashcards
jesus’ title
saviour, son of man, lorda, son of god
who said that jesus didnt teach or believe he was god, and why
Hick, becasue the son of God label was common in Judaism to refer to someone very special, not divine
what bible verse says that god and jesus are one
The father and I are one (john) whiever has seen me has seen the father (john)
what does jesus call god
abba, meaning dad
what issues come from johns gospel
written long after the others, putting words in jesus’ mouth, this point is argued well by hick
what happens at jesus’ bapitsm to evidence that he is gods son
‘you are my son with whom i am well pleases’ is said when the heavens are split
what happens at jesus transfiguration to porve he is gods son
moses and elijah appear (fulfillments of prohecy) and the could said ‘this is my son with whom i am well please’
how does jesus knowledge of salvation make him son of god
matthew 25, parable fo sheep and goats show that jesus knows how it works after death
how does the healing of the paralysed man show that jesus is god
only god can forgive sins, but jesus says his sins are ofrgiven
what miracles of nature does jesus do
walks on water, echoing Job where it says that god alone treads on the waves of the sea
what knowledge did jesus have of the future that porve him as god
-knew his disciple would betray him
-peter would deny him
-he would die in jersusalem BUT this stuff could have just been reasonable predictions based on their chracters
what did rahner say about jesus’ self awareness
his divine self conciousness was within, like onion layers. His outer conciousness was human but enternally he was God
what did Schillebeeckx say that miracles were
messages to people, they are symbolic and metaphoric
in gospel does jesus heal a blind man, why is this important
John, because in the old testement is was prophecised that the messiah would make the blind see
what does Hume say about miracles
witnesses come from ‘ignorant and barbarous places’ and that the poeple seeing them are uneducated and had nothing to lose by making them up
what does bultmann say about miracles (corn)
husk and kernel model, the husk is the story which can be rejected but the kernal/kergyma is the idea and message that is important
what did maurice wiles say about miracles
an interventionist god that can complete miracles is wrong on moral grounds as it is not worthy of worship after letting the Holocaust ect. happen
How is the resurrection an expression of Christ’s divinity
implies that everyone can be raised from the dead,
NT WRIGHT- the disciples literally radically changed relgion after it, without this there could be no church
argument against the ressurection and WLC response
Ehrman, inconsistencies in all 4 biblical accounts of the resurrection, WIlliam Lane Craig reponded sayin that the peripheral details are different but the key message is the ssme and isnt undermined