Sex differences II Flashcards
Organisational effects occur only during…
critical periods
Which 3 things are needed for heterosexual mating to occur in mammals?
Attractivity, Proceptivity and Receptivity
Give an example of spinal mechanisms relevant to male copulatory behaviour in rats?
There are a collection of motor neurons in the lower lumbar spinal chord that controls the bulbocavernosus muscle at the base of the penis. Testosterone is responsible for the masculinising effect of this muscle.
Which two areas of the brain in rodents are sexually dimorphic? What does this mean?
Medial preoptic area and the medial amygdala. They are critical for sexually dimorphic behaviour, testosterone for males and oestradiol and progesterone for females.
Similar to the SNB in rodents, in humans, the ventrolateral cell group of Onuf’s nucleus in the spinal cord is larger in….
larger males than females
Which brain area is sexually dimorphic in humans?
The preoptic area of the hypothalamus
Ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus in rodents is critical for which female behaviour?
In rodents, aspects of ______ are mediated by brain regions that overlap between regions implicated in reproductive behaviour.
Which sex on average has an advantage in perceptual speed, visual memory, verbal fluency and fine motor control?
Which sex on average has an advantage in spatial rotation, paper folding, target accuracy and embedded figures?
A study by Gron et al,2000 found that men use their hippocampus more than women in order to….
navigate a virtual maze
What is an effect size?
the difference between two means compared to the size of the standard deviation