Amnesia and the brain Flashcards
Name the two different types of amnesia?
Anterograde and Retrograde
Cannot remember events prior to the brain damage. What type of amnesia is this?
Cannot later remember events that occur after brain damage. What type of amnesia is this?
Name a few causes of anterograde amnesia.
Korsakoff’s psychosis
Herpes encephalitis
Surgeries for epilepsy involving temporal lobes
Degenerative brain diseases such as schizophrenia, MS, Huntington’s disease
What condition did H.M have and what procedure was carried out as treatment?
HM had epileptic seizures and had his temporal lobes bilaterally resected.
What did HM experience have after the procedure?
Severe anterograde amnesia
What symptoms did H.M have after the procedure?
Intact short term memory and motor learning but poor long term memory for NEW material.
Amnesia is global. What does this mean?
It means that various tests can be used to test amnesia and various modalities are affected such as visual, auditory, olfactory etc.
Amnesics have intact skills in which three tasks?
Repetition priming
Mirror tracing
Mirror image reading task
Spared skilled performance in Amnesia is seen despite:
little or no memory for learning experience or the skills acquired & little transfer to other tasks or contexts.
In Graf et al (1984) experiment, a dissociation was found between cued recall and word stem completion. Which tasks were Amnesics impaired on?
Cued recall of words previously studied. But they were biased on word stem completions by previous word exposures.
What other brain region other than the hippocampus can result in amnesia?
Damage to the mamillary bodies