Severson Reproduction Development Questions Flashcards
The paramesonephric (Müllerian) ducts in female embryos give rise to what structure?
A. Inferior (or most external) part of the vagina
B. Ovarian ligament (aka ligament of the ovary)
C. Round ligament of the uterus
D. Ureter
E. Uterine tubes
Exstrophy of the bladder is often associated with what other condition? A. Adrenal hyperplasia B. Chromosomal abnormalities C. Epispadias D. Hypospadias E. Urachal fistula
The seminal vesicles develop as outgrowths of what developmental structure? A. Membranous urethra B. Mesonephric duct C. Paramesonephric duct D. Prostatic urethra E. Urogenital sinus
What cells form the primordial follicles?
A. Follicular cells undergoing mitosis
B. Migrating primordial germ cells
C. Primordial germ cells undergoing mitosis
D. Oogonia associated with follicular cells
E. Oogonia undergoing mitosis
What cells or structure produce Müllerian inhibiting substance (anti-müllerian substance)? A. Follicular cells B. Interstitial cells of Leydig C. Mesonephric kidney D. Paramesonephric ducts E. Sertoli cells
An individual is phenotypically female, and possesses normal-appearing external genitalia. Subsequent examination reveals the presence of testes in the inguinal region and a 46, XY karyotype. This is representative of 1 , caused by 2 .
A. 1 - Congenital adrenal hyperplasia; 2 - overproduction of adrenal steroids
B. 1 - Androgen insensitivity syndrome; 2 - defective testosterone receptors
C. 1 - Potters’ syndrome; 2 - bilateral renal agenesis
D. 1 - Female pseudohermaphroditism; 2 - delayed testosterone production
E. 1 - Male pseudohermaphroditism; 2 - depressed TDF (testes determining factor) levels
What developmental tissues or structures form the gonads (testes and ovary)?
A. Mesonephric duct, hindgut endoderm, and gonadal sex cords.
B. Metanephric diverticulum, primordial germ cells, and vaginal process.
C. Labioscrotal swellings, genital tubercle, and mesonephric duct.
D. Posterior body wall mesothelium, underlying mesenchyme, and primordial germ cells.
E. Allantois, urogenital sinus and primordial germ cells.
Primordial germ cells migrate to the gonads from what developmental structure? A. Endoderm of the bilaminar disc B. Intermediate mesoderm C. Paraxial mesoderm D. Splanchnic mesoderm E. Yolk sac wall (umbilical vesicle)
What substance is produced by the interstitial cells of Leydig? A. Estrogen B. Insulin C. Müllerian inhibitory substance D. Testis-determining factor E. Testosterone
What developmental structure gives rise to the seminiferous tubules? A. Gonadal cords B. Mesonephric duct C. Mesonephric ductules (tubules) D. Metanephric diverticulum E. Paramesonephric duct
Which of the following statements regarding the gubernaculum is CORRECT?
A. The gubernaculum forms the round ligament of the uterus and the ovarian ligament (aka ligament of the ovary).
B. The gubernaculum forms only in the female.
C. The gubernaculum forms only in the male.
D. The gubernaculum forms inside of the vaginal process.
E. None of the above statements are correct.
What failed to occur in a woman diagnosed with a bicornuate uterus? A. Bifurcation of the ureteric bud B. Division of the cloaca C. Division of the urogenital sinus D. Fusion of the mesonephric ducts E. Fusion of the paramesonephric ducts
When still doing buccal smears, a 20-year-old woman was prevented from competing in the Olympics because her buccal smear test was chromatin negative, indicating that she had a male sex chromosome complement. What was likely her chromosome composition? A. 46, XO B. 46, XY C. 46, XX D. 47, XXY E. 48, XXXY
For what does the SRY gene encode? A. Estrogen B. Meiosis-stimulating factor C. Müllerian inhibiting substance D. Testis-determining factor E. Testosterone
Which of the following occurs as a result of testosterone production by the testes?
A. Stimulation and development of the mesonephric duct system.
B. Stimulation and development of the paramesonephric duct system.
C. Stimulation of testis-determining factor (TGF) production.
D. Suppression of the mesonephric duct system.
E. Suppression of the paramesonephric duct system.
Which of the following statements regarding the determination of chromosomal or genetic sex is CORRECT?
A. Chromosomal or genetic sex is determined at fertilization.
B. Chromosomal or genetic sex is determined upon arrival of the primordial germ cells in the gonadal ridge.
C. Chromosomal or genetic sex is determined when the gonadal ridges first appear.
D. Chromosomal or genetic sex is determined when the indifferent gonads begin to differentiate as ovaries or testes.
E. Chromosomal or genetic sex is determined when the primordial germ cells first appear in the wall of the yolk sac.
What structure is derived from the mesonephric (Wolffian) duct in male embryos? A. Duct of Gartner B. Ductus deferens C. Rete testis D. Seminiferous tubules E. Urachus
A 10-year-old boy suffered pain in his left groin while attempting to lift a heavy box. Later he noticed a lump in his groin. When he told his mother about the lump, she arranged an appointment with the family physician. What would be the MOST LIKELY diagnosis? A. Direct inguinal hernia B. Hematocele C. Hydrocele D. Indirect inguinal hernia E. Undescended testis
14-year-old girl was admitted because of bilateral inguinal masses. She had not begun to menstruate but showed normal breast development for her age. Her external genitalia were feminine, the vagina shallow, but no uterus could be palpated. Her sex chromatin pattern was negative. What is the MOST LIKELY diagnosis?
A. Androgen insensitivity syndrome
B. Female pseudohermaphroditism (congenital adrenal hyperplasia)
C. Inguinal hernia
D. Male pseudohermaphroditism
E. Turner syndrome
A neonate was delivered with ambiguous genitalia. Additional laboratory tests demonstrated chromatin-positive nuclei and an elevated 17-ketosteroid output. What is the MOST LIKELY diagnosis?
A. Androgen insensitivity syndrome
B. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
C. Gonadal dysgenesis with chromosomal abnormalities
D. Male infant with perineal hypospadias
E. Male pseudohermaphroditism
In the development of the external genitalia, what structure is formed by fusion of the urogenital folds? A. Clitoris B. Glans of the penis C. Labia majora D. Seminal vesicles E. Spongy urethra