Obesity Flashcards
Children older than 2 years are severely obese if they have what?
body mass index at least 20% higher than the 95th percentil for their sex and age
BMI of 35 or higher
What percentage of US adults are obese?
What percentage of adult men and women are overweight?
40% of men, 30% of women
What percentage of american youth are severely obese?
The stomach produces ____ to tell us we’re hungry.
Why do weight loss programs usually fail in relation to ghrelin?
the grhelin level doesn’t go down until a couple years after the weight loss, so when you diet you’re constantly being told you’re hungry
What’s the main satiety hormone?
What hormone both augments glucose production and promotes satiety when we eat?
What are the two different kids of fat?
white adipose - stores calories
brown fat - burns calories and generates heat in the process for newborns - found in skeletal muscle
So what do we usually talk about? visceral or subcutaneous adiposity?
visceral diposity
Which is more insulin resistant - visceral or subcutenous?
What are some of the reasons obestiy contributes to HTN?
activation of SNS sodium and volume retention Renal dysfunction insulin and leptin resistance activation of RAS endothelial dysfunction Inflammation and oxidative stress
What cancers are particularly elevated in obestiy
endometrial esophageal kidney colon breast
Mortality goes up by what percent with every increase of 5 BMI units.
At what BMI should you start having the conversation with a patient?
25 and over - even when they’re just overweight
True or false: a 3% sustained weight loss isn’t very significant. you have to lost at least 10%
even that will result in lower TG, A1C and risk of DM2
WHat is a realistic weight goal?
1-2 pounds per week for the first 6 months with an initial goal of 10% from baseline
the issue is that people’s goals are usually unrealistic
WHat is the typical weight loss range for the weight loss meds?
3% for orlistat and 9% for phenteramine+topiramate
True or false: these medications help people lose weight and improve cardio-metabolic risk factors, reducing CV mobidity and mortality
false - improve things, but don’t reduce morbidity and mortality
When do you consider surgical options for weight loss?
BMI over 40
BMI over 35 with comorbidities
What is the most common surgery done for this?
vertical sleeve gastrectomy
What are the surgical complications here?
dumping syndrome
leaks at incision site with incisional hernia and pneumonia
decreased C2+ absorption, gallstronse, hyperoxaluria, rhabomyolysis, B12 deficiency
What is the percent mortality from weight loss surgery?
What was the typical weight loss seen 3 years post surgery with a RYBG or LAGB?
RYBG with 31%
LAGB with 16%