Settings of interpreting - FINAL EXAM Flashcards
What is an example of freudian/psychoanalytic therapy?
Long term therapy that may or may not be cured.
What is an example of cognitive therapy?
Cognitive therapy helps with task oriented therapy. (over repetition of signs).
What is an example of developmental therapy?
When a patient performs dangerous activities like cutting or suicide.
What is an example of family therapy?
Helps to change how a family functions.
Where does the interpreter sit when mental health interpreting?
Behind or out of the circle to be mindful of the power dynamics.
T/F: Deaf people who have schizophrenia can hear voices in the back of their heads.
What are some general guidelines when mental health interpreting?
Don’t use a family member/CODA to interpret. Realize if the patient wants to be there.
What is an example of transference of Habitual relationships?
How one interacts with people in their environment.
What is an example of transference of Current relationships?
If someone is mad at someone else and needs to talk w/ someone to work it out.
What is an example of transference of past experiences?
Past experiences that may change the way one interacts or receives information from someone. May trigger emotions in the patient.
What is an example of Transference neurosis?
Patient wants to be dependent and nurtured but was punished for feeling this way by the caretaker.
What kind of question should be asked when inn therapy?
What is the goal of therapy?
What can be done pre-session of a therapy meeting for the interpreter?
Find out the kind of session, mode of communication, if there is any unusual behavior, age/sex of the client.
What can be done post-session of a therapy meeting for the interpreter?
Talk about feelings that the interpreter has and be able to vent to someone about difficulties/triggers that the interpreter has.
If a client that has cognitive problems (repetition) or neurological problems, what shouldn’t you do as the interpreter?
Ask the client to repeat themselves.
What should an interpreter do to prepare for a religious setting?
Become familiar with: Special vocabulary, Names of persons, Organizations, Abbreviations , Order of events. Liturgical or not?