Set S Flashcards
sacred (adjective)
sacrifice (noun)
an offering:
The Ancient Greeks and Romans gave live animals as a sacrifice to the gods.
sacrifice (verb)
to offer, give up:
The Ancient Greeks and Romans sacrificed live animals to the gods.
sane (adjective)
sensible, of sound mind
sanitary (adjective)
clean, hygienic
satin (noun)
silk fabric
satin (adjective)
silky, smooth, glossy:
The newly painted walls had a satin finish.
scanty (adjective)
insufficient, inadequate:
Harry was disappointed with his scanty portion of chips.
score (adjective)
Old English word rarely used
score (noun)
score (verb)
to cut
scripture (noun)
secure (adjective)
secure (verb)
to fasten, make safe
seize (verb)
capture by force
seldom (adverb)
rarely, not often
sermon (noun)
a lecture or talk by a priest
shrine (noun)
holy place, church, chapel, temple
sincere (adjective)
genuine, true, trustworthy:
Claire gave her sincere apology for forgetting to offer her pupil a chocolate brownie.
sleek (adjective)
polished, glossy
sly (adjective)
sober (adjective)
sow (noun)
female pig
sow (verb)
scatter or plant seeds
stern (adjective)
strict, severe:
The children were upset when their mother had a stern expression.
stoop (verb)
bend, duck
stout (adjective)
stress (noun)
stress (verb)
to emphasise:
I cannot stress enough the importance of learning these words.
stubborn (adjective)
The stubborn boy refused to wear his new shoes.
sturdy (adjective)
rigid, strong, robust
submit (verb 1.)
to present, give in:
Ben had to submit his homework to the headmaster.
submit (verb 2.)
to surrender
suspect (adjective)
doubtful, questionable
suspect (noun)
a person thought to have committed a crime:
The suspect was held in a police cell overnight.
suspect (verb)
to doubt or mistrust:
I suspect the man of being guilty.
suspend (verb)
dangle, hang down