Set R Flashcards
raiment (noun)
an Old English word rarely used today
clothing, garment:
Coloured clothing, gold ornaments and silken raiment were worn on days of celebration.
ramble (noun)
a walk without a definite route:
In the summer, Honor and her friends enjoyed to ramble through the countryside.
ramble (verb)
to wander or talk aimlessly:
My Grandpa tends to ramble on about his childhood.
rank (noun)
status, level:
Hugo’s ambition is to reach the rank of major in the army.
rare (adjective)
unusual, uncommon
recite (verb)
Claire encouraged her pupils to recite their times tables.
refuse (noun)
rubbish, litter
refuse (verb)
deny, decline
release (verb)
free, let go
repent (verb)
apologise, show regret:
If you repent after a thoughtless act, you will be forgiven.
reserve (noun 1)
Despite his reserve, Ben put his hand up to answer the question.
reserve (noun 2)
nature or wildlife park:
Amelia’s family visited the Amakhala Game Reserve.
reserve (verb)
Please reserve a seat for me at the concert.
residence (noun)
resign (verb)
leave, quit:
John decided to resign from his job in London as he wanted to become a teacher.
resolve (noun)
determination, courage:
Katie showed great resolve when she completed the twenty mile hike despite having twisted her ankle.
resolve (verb)
The three friends were relieved to resolve their argument.
restore (verb)
renew, repair, bring back:
- Claire had to restore order when a wasp entered the room and caused the class to panic.
- They had to restore the damage caused by the fire.
restrain (verb)
control, prevent
retain (verb)
retreat (verb)
withdraw, move back
reveal (verb)
revive (verb)
refresh, bring back to life:
The wilting flowers were revived by the rain.
roam (verb)
robust (adjective)
rogue (noun)
scoundrel, villain
rowdy (adjective)
rural (adjective)
rustic, of the countryside:
It is pleasant to live in a rural area, away from the hustle and bustle of the town.