Set P Flashcards
pasture (noun)
The cows grazed in the green pasture.
peculiar (adjective)
perceive (verb)
to see, notice
peril (noun)
perish (verb)
to die
permit (noun)
a document allowing someone to do something:
Mrs. Evans has a parking permit for the station carpark.
permit (verb)
to allow
pioneer (noun)
an explorer, someone who is the first to explore or settle in a new country or area
pledge (noun)
a promise
plume (noun)
a feather or featherlike shape:
A plume of smoke rose from the burning building.
plunge (verb)
to dive
poultry (noun)
pretence (noun)
deceit, a false display that something is not what it really is:
She put on the pretence that she was enjoying the chocolate brownie though she really wanted to spit it out.
proclaim (verb)
to announce:
“I proclaim you Lord Mayor of London,” announced the Queen.
procure (verb)
to obtain, to get with effort:
It took the soldiers a long time to procure food for the starving children.
profit (noun)
money remaining after all expenses have been subtracted
profit (verb)
to gain advantage, benefit from
prohibit (verb)
to ban, disallow
prominent (adjective)
noticeable, obvious
promote (verb)
to advertise
proportion (noun)
a part, share
prosperous (adjective)
rich, wealthy
provoke (verb)
to annoy, tease
public (noun)
punctual (adjective)
prompt, on time
puncture (noun)
a small hole
puncture (verb)
Harry likes to puncture balloons so that they make a loud bang.
purpose (noun)
aim, intention