Set M Flashcards
majestic (adjective)
impressive, splendid, grand, magnificent:
Megan gazed through the window at the majestic tree.
malady (noun)
disease, sickness
margin (noun)
border, edge
mariner (noun)
maximum (noun)
highest, greatest :
One hundred and eighty is the maximum score in a round of darts.
meagre (adjective)
inadequate, insufficient, small:
Poor children in under-developed countries have meagre amounts of food.
merchant (noun)
seller, trader:
Someone who sells goods is called a merchant.
mercy (noun)
kindness, forgiveness:
“Have mercy on me,” pleaded the hungry child who had stolen a piece of bread.
mere (adjective)
only, nothing more:
He was astounded that his three course meal cost a mere £10.
minimum (adjective)
- least, lowest:
Megan recorded the minimum temperature.
moderate (adjective)
reasonable, middle-of-the-road:
We took a moderate amount of luggage on holiday.
modest (adjective)
unassuming, unboastful:
The modest boy kept his excellent test results to himself.
moral (adjective)
proper, having high principles:
mortal (adjective)
deadly, fatal