Set 4 Flashcards
(of a person or animal) not in the mood or not having the willpower to do things
achongado/achongada, avergonzado/avergonzada, ababachado/ababachada
embarrassed, ashamed
achongarse, ababacharse, acholarse, avergonzarse
to get embarrassed
achongarse, ababacharse, acholarse
to get embarrassed, to be embarrassed, to be ashamed, to feel ashamed, to slip away (leave furtively), to be frightened, to lose heart, to be intimidated, to experience embarrassment, to experience disgrace, to experience shame, to get scared, to get nervous, to be daunted, to lose one’s spirit
achongar a alguien, ababachar a alguien, acholar a alguien, avergonzar a alguien
to embarrass someone
el achoque, el achocazo, el cabezazo
the headbutt, the unintentional blow to the head
el achote, el achiote, la bija
the annatto (fruit OR plant OR dye/food coloring), the achiote (fruit OR plant OR dye/food coloring)
el achotón
the condiment made from achiote
to row from the opposite side, to row from the opposing side
el aciar
the barnacle, the instrument put on the nose of the horse to make it stand quiet
el acid house
the acid house (music genre)
la fiesta acid house
the acid house party (event where acid house is played)
annoying, tiresome, tedious, wearisome, frustrating, impertinent, rude, unfriendly, unpleasant, disagreeable, obnoxious, nasty, mean, not nice, who doesn’t accept suggestions (<–all of a person, all of a thing–>) sour, acidic, acid, tart, sharp (of wine OR tone of voice), caustic (of comments/tone), harsh (of comments)
el ácido
the acid (general or drug)
el ácido acético
the acetic acid (ingredient in vinegar)
el ácido acetilsalicílico
the acetylsalicylic acid
el ácido acrílico
the acrylic acid
el ácido ascórbico
the ascorbic acid (vitamin C), the vitamin C
el ácido barbitúrico
the barbituric acid
el ácido bórico
the boric acid
el ácido bromhídrico
the hydrobromic acid, the bromhydric acid
el ácido carbónico
the carbonic acid
el ácido cianhídrico
the hydrocyanic acid, the cyanhydric acid
el ácido cítrico
the citric acid (acid in fruits)
el ácido clorhídrico
the hydrogen chloride, the hydrochloric acid
el ácido clórico
the chloric acid
el ácido desoxirribonucleico (el ADN)
the deoxyribonucleic acid (the DNA)
el ácido esteárico
the stearic acid (fatty acid), the octadecanoic acid (fatty acid)
el ácido fénico, el fenol, el ácido carbólico
the carbolic acid, the phenic acid
el ácido fluorhídrico
the hydrofluoric acid
el ácido fórmico
the formic acid
el ácido fosfórico
the phosphoric acid
el ácido glutámico
the glutamic acid
el ácido graso
the fatty acid
el ácido láctico
the lactic acid
el ácido lisérgico
the lysergic acid (LSD)
el ácido nítrico
the nitric acid, the aqua fortis (nitric acid)
el ácido nucleico
the nucleic acid
el ácido oleico
the oleic acid (type of fatty acid)
el ácido oxálico
the oxalic acid
el ácido pícrico
the picric acid
el ácido ribonucleico
the ribonucleic acid
el ácido sulfhídrico
the hydrogen sulfide, the sulfhydric acid
el ácido sulfúrico
the sulfuric acid
el ácido sulfuroso
the sulfurous acid
el ácido tartárico
the tartaric acid
el ácido úrico
the uric acid
el ácido benzoico
the benzoic acid, the phenylformic acid, the benzenecarboxylic acid (all used as a preservative)
el humor ácido
the caustic humor, the biting wit, the cutting humor
el ciclo del ácido cítrico
the citric acid cycle
el ácido graso omega 3
the omega-3 fatty acid, the n-3 fatty acid
el ácido graso omega 3
the omega-3 fatty acid, the n-3 fatty acid
el ácido úrico, el hongo, la mazamorra
the disease that attacks the toes, the bleeding and festering/oozing of the toes, the toenail fungus
a cien, fuera de lugar
out of place (inappropriate), inappropriate
a cien
to the max, angry, horny, turned on (horny), out of place (inappropriate), inappropriate
ponerle a cien a alguien
to make someone angry, to turn someone on, to make someone horny
a cien por hora
one hundred miles per hour (literal), a hundred miles per hour (literal), extremely fast, very fast
el todo a cien (España), el todo a 100 (España)
the dollar store, the five-and-dime
aciguatado/aciguatada, aziguatado/aziguatada
(of a person or animal, especially a fish) jaundiced, suffering from ciguatera fish poisoning, (of a person) weak in the nerves and muscles due to ciguatera fish poisoning, sick from ciguatera (foodborne illness from fish), silly (used in Mexico), stupid (used in Mexico)
aciguatarse, enciguatarse
(of a person or animal, especially a fish) to get ciguatera (foodborne illness from fish), to get ciguatera by eating a mollusk or fish that has it, to grow stupid, to lose one’s head, to go crazy
(of water) brownish and causing infection of the umbilical stump in newborns and young children
aclarar, escampar
to clear up (of weather), to stop raining
escampar del aguacero
to guard against rain, to find shelter from the downpour
la aclaratoria, la aclaración
the clarification, the explanation
la aclaratoria
the clarification, the explanation, (in the legal field) the explanation of something, (in the legal field) the clarification of something
la aclaración de sentencia
the clarification of judgment, the clarification of sentence, the clarification of a judge’s decision (clarifying an ambiguous ruling)
el aclimatamiento, la aclimatación
the acclimatization, the acclimation
el aclimatamiento
the acclimatization, the acclimation, the habituation, the naturalization (acclimatization), the induction procedure (introduction to a job)
el aclimatamiento, el procedimiento preparatorio
the induction procedure (introduction to a job)
el aco, el caco, el maco, el ojo
the eye
curved, bent, deep, having a curved shape, having a bent shape
acocarse, curvarse, bombearse, bombiarse
to bend, to arch, to curve, to become concave
covered in dirt, covered in filth, dirty
acochambrar algo, ensuciar algo
to dirty something, to get something dirty
acochambrar algo
to dirty something, to get something dirty, to make something filthy, to turn something filthy
acochambrarse, ensuciarse
to get dirty
to get dirty, to become filthy
(of a person, especially a woman) having very bulky areas on the body, cushioned, padded, quilted, (of a person) sensuous, (of a person) voluptuous, (of a person) licentious, (of a person) sensual, (of a person) lustful
acolchonar algo, acolchar algo
to pad something, to quilt something (cloth)
acolchonar algo
to pad something; to quilt something (cloth); to introduce between two materials (generally a mattress, cushion, or shoulder pad) a natural fiber or soft and fluffy textile such as wool, cotton, or padding and loosely stitch them together; to coat, cover, upholster, or line a surface with soft material; to fluff something (a pillow); to soften something (a pillow); to cushion something (figurative - make something less harsh)
to settle into an easy and well-paying job, to settle with a good and well-paid job
la acometida
the strong blow that the fighter cock gives its rival, the attack, the assault, the charge (of a bull), the connection (system - eg the house’s electricity connection), the supply connection (electricity connection) (ALL CAN BE FOLLOWED BY CONTRA OR DE)
el acomodado/la acomodada
the person who has obtained a position or privilege because of influence and not merits, the person with connections
well-off, well-to-do, tidy, organized, comfortable (settled - eg comfortable on the couch)
el acomodador/la acomodadora
(in volleyball) the player who readies the ball to carry out a spike, the server (in volleyball), the usher/the usherette, the attendant (at a theater/parking lot/etc)
acomodar a alguien
to flatter someone, to make someone sympathize with one, to obtain someone’s sympathy or favor through compliments, to give someone a certain position due to their influence, to trick someone, to set someone up in a job, to seat someone, to show someone to their seat, to put someone up (in a place - lodge someone somewhere), to get a job for someone
acomodar algo
to promote love interest between two people, (in volleyball) to hit the ball in a favorable position for another player to spike it, to put something (followed by en), to place something (followed by en), to adapt something (followed by a), to adjust something (followed by a)
acomodarse algo
to adjust something (eg clothes), to straighten something (eg glasses)
to make oneself comfortable, to settle down, to adapt, to adjust, to get a job or a privileged situation due to influence, to perform with skills to get a job
acomodarse en la primera curva
to look for an advantage as soon as the opportunity presents itself, to take an advantage at the first opportunity
acomodar la muchacha
to propose to a woman
a como dar lugar (a como dé lugar/a como diera lugar)
used to express the determination or firmness with which a person intends to achieve a goal or perform an action, whatever it takes/took (CONJUGATE DAR)
a como haya lugar, a como dé lugar, a toda costa
at all costs
el acomodo
(in volleyball) the hit that puts the ball in a favorable position for another player to spike it, the accommodation(s), the string-pulling (influence), the arrangement (eg of a room), the job, the comfort, the comfortable position, the lodging, the place to stay
el acomodo razonable
the adjustment or modification of a workplace or tools that allows an employee to perform their usual tasks, the public policy that requires employers to have special considerations with disabled employees
a comones, a pie, andando, caminando, a pata, en el coche de san Fernando (España), a patín (México)
on foot
el acón
the trim and flat boat used for unloading goods, the barge
la acona
the Myrtaceae Eugenia greggii (type of myrtle shrub), the myrtle
aconcharse, enconcharse, achantarse, retraerse
to go into one’s shell (psychologically), to go into seclusion (physically), to chicken out, to lose one’s nerve, to keep to oneself
(of a music group) playing harmoniously, (of a pair of dancers) dancing harmoniously, (of a person) adapted to a given circumstance, close (tight-knit), tight (tight-knit), close-knit
el acoplado (Bolivia/Perú/Cono Sur/Argentina/Chile/Uruguay)
the trailer, the mobile home, the camper
el acoplado/la acoplada (Cono Sur), el colado/la colada
the gatecrasher, the crasher
to adapt to a given circumstance (a algo), to fit together (eg of puzzle pieces), to produce feedback (of electronics), to give off feedback (of electronics), to mate (of animals), to dock (of a plane), to settle in, to join something (a algo), to go along (a algo), to be tied to something (one currency to another), to be pinned to something (one currency to another)
acoplar algo
to couple something (2 vehicles - eg a trailer and a car - especially railroad cars), to yoke something together (2 animals), to attach something (parts), to connect something (electronics - eg cables), to hitch something (2 vehicles), to fit something together, to harness something together (2 animals)
acorar a alguien
to stop someone, to corner someone, to distress someone, to afflict someone, to upset someone
***a corcor, a curcur