Set 3 Flashcards
los accidentes
the unevenness in terrain, the roughness (in terrain), the accidents (general or of vehicles), the crashes (of vehicles), the stray incidents, the coincidences, the accidentals (in music)
el accidente aéreo, el accidente de avión
the plane crash
el accidente cerebrovascular
the stroke, the brain injury, the brain damage
el accidente corporal
the personal injury, the accident resulting in bodily injury
el accidente de circulación, el accidente de tránsito, el accidente de tráfico
the traffic accident
el accidente de trabajo
the occupational accident, the work accident, the work related accident
el accidente de tránsito
the road accident, the car accident, the traffic accident
el accidente gramatical
the accidence (in grammar), the inflection (in grammar) (both - variance of words to express contrasts eg singular/plural and present/past)
el accidente inculpable
the blameless accident, the non-negligible accident, the nonnegligible accident, the accident not due to negligence (all in law)
el accidente laboral
the work accident, the workplace accident, the occupational accident, the accident at work
el accidente mortal, el accidente fatal
the fatal accident
el accidente no laboral
the non-work-related accident, the non-occupational accident
por accidente
by accident, by chance, accidentally
la acción afirmativa, la discriminación positiva
the affirmative action
la acción remedial
the action taken to improve a situation or contain damage, the remedial action (change made to a nonconforming product or service to address the deficiency)
el account
the account (especially a bank account), the bank account
el accountability
(in business) the obligation to settle accounts (to pay outstanding balances)
la acedía, la agriera, las herbederas, las hervederas, la hervera, la hervedera
the heartburn, the acidity (of the stomach)
la acedía, la agriera, las herbederas, las hervederas, la hervera
the heartburn, the acidity (of the stomach OR in chemistry), the sourness
(of a judicial witness) who has practiced their testimony with their lawyer, (of a person or entity) ready to do something, (of a person or entity) prepared to do something, oiled, bribed (used in Southern Cone), who has had sex (used in Nicaragua)
la aceitada
the oiling, the lubing, the bribing, the sweetening (giving of an incentive)
aceitar la maquinaria
(in politics) to prepare, organize, and control all of the details in order to achieve the proposed objective(s)
aceitar los motores
(of group/organization members) to prepare to put into action a plan or predetermined activity
el aceite de castor, el aceite de ricino
the castor oil
el aceite de coco
the edible oil extracted from the fruit pulp of the coconut tree used for frying, the coconut oil
el aceite de comer
the olive oil used in the preparation of food, especially salads (used in Cuba/Venezuela/Ecuador/Bolivia); the oil that, generally with camphor, is used in lotions or rubs and is never eaten
el aceite de María
the calaba oil, the guanandi (type of tree whose wood is used for furniture)
el aceite de palo, el palo de aceite
the copaiba balsam (sap-like substance used to make copaiba oil)
el aceite de Santa María
the aniseed oil, the balsam made with the oily latex of the sap of the laurelwood (tree)
la aceitera, la aceiterita
the oil bottle, the oil cruet (oil bottle), the oilcan (in mechanics), the gland in a rooster’s tailbone that produces oil to condition its plumage
aceitero/aceitera, aceitoso/aceitosa, grasiento/grasienta, graso/grasa, grasoso/grasosa, oleaginoso/oleaginosa
oily (1st is only relating to oil, others are relating to oil OR containing oil; last is technical)
el aceitero/la aceitera
the oil maker, the oil seller, the oil merchant
el aceitillo, el haití
the aceitillo tree, the amargo (tree), the bitter-ash (tree), the bitter-wood (tree), the strong yellow tree/wood used for furniture, the tree with oily yellowish wood used to make cabinets, the Pilocarpus racemosus (plant)
la aceituna, la guaseta
the African wall-eye (fish)
el aceituno, el olivo
the olive tree
la aceituna negra, la oliva
the black olive
la aceituna verde, la oliva verde
the green olive
verde aceituna, verde oliva
olive green
el verde aceituna, el verde oliva
the olive green
la aceituna blanca, la aceituna cimarrona
the aceitunilla (tree), the Symplocos micrantha (tree), the fruit of the aceitunilla
el aceitunillo
the St. Thomas prickly-ash (plant)
aceituno/aceituna, aceitunado/aceitunada
olive (in color), olive-colored
a ceja y vira
without wasting time, without losing time
under the effects of marijuana, somewhat drunk, somewhat drugged, very wasteful (in terms of money), very extravagant (wasting money), accelerated, fast, rapid, brisk, jumpy, agitated (jumpy), intensive, crash (intensive - eg crash course), hyper
el pulso acelerado
the fast pulse, the rapid pulse
el aceleramiento
the state of agitation and anxiety manifested in disorganized and hurried behavior, the acceleration (act of speeding up or result of speeding up)
(of a person or animal) to act in a hurried or nervous way due to excess anxiety or agitation, to accelerate, to speed up, to hurry up, to get a move on
acelerar algo
to accelerate something, to speed something up, to quicken something, to hasten something, to rev something (an engine)
to get overexcited, to lose one’s cool, to get worked up, to speed up, to be euphoric due to an excess of alcohol or drugs
acepillado/acepillada, cepillado/cepillada
handsome/pretty with a good body, careful of one’s physical appearance, dressed up
acepillar a alguien
to treat someone harshly, to severely reprimand someone, to flatter someone, to adulate someone, to suck up to someone, to rob someone (used with a thing + person = acepillarle algo a alguien)
acepillar a alguien, cepillar a alguien
to flatter someone, to adulate someone, to suck up to someone
acepillarse, cepillarse
to get ready (of a person), to care for one’s physical appearance
el acercamiento
the insinuation, the hint (insinuation), the suggestion, the recommendation, the process undertaken to obtain something, the closeness with a person with the goal of getting certain results, the approach (way of dealing with a problem/difficulty OR coming closer of something - eg the approach of the plane), the introduction (to a topic/subject), the rapprochement (between countries), the reconciliation (between people)
el acerico, la rodilla
the cushion or pad made of plant skin/peel/rind, reeds, or canvas and put under a livestock animal’s harness for comfort or defense; the ring of canvas, cloth, or other material placed atop the head to carry a weight or burden on it
el acerico
the cushion or pad made of plant skin/peel/rind, reeds, or canvas and put under a livestock animal’s harness for comfort or defense; the ring of canvas, cloth, or other material placed atop the head to carry a weight or burden on it; the pincushion
effective, accurate, capable of hitting the target
(of a person) not motivated to improve, withdrawn, reserved, shy, lazy, satisfied with one’s situation despite the fact that one could progress, unassuming, uncommunicative
to be overwhelmed, to be defeated, to be humiliated, to stagnate (of a person), to be stagnant, to remain stagnant in a situation without ambitions or the desire to progress, to stagnate in a job without seeking advancement, to get discouraged, to lose heart, to restrain oneself (in one’s circumstances), to lose interest in something, to lose enthusiasm for something, to not be in the mood to do what one has to do, to leave a contest/sports game/competition/dispute due to insecurity or lack of motivation, to lack the courage to do what has to be done, to have no ambition or desire to prosper, to hide away, to wimp out, to back down, to give in, to comply
achantar a alguien
to intimidate someone, to frighten someone, to scare someone, to crush someone (defeat an opponent)
los achaques del oficio, los inconvenientes
the problems, the disadvantages, the drawbacks, the objections, the inconveniences, the issues, the qualms, the hesitation
inconvenient, inappropriate, unsuitable
el achaque
the ailment, the infirmity, the affliction, the excuse, the pretext
achatado/achatada, aplanado/aplanada
(of an object) flattened, (of an object) leveled
el aplanado (Argentina/México)
the plaster (on a wall), the layer of plaster (on a wall), the leveling (of a wall)
comer a chauchau
to eat in a hurry and without tact, to eat in a hurry and without consideration
a chavo
amply, abundantly, plentifully, in a perfect way
la ache, la heroína
the heroin
el achicadero
the place where animals are tied; the large stake to which animals are tied with a short rope to saddle them, dress their wounds, milk them, or clean them; the tie stall (cows are tethered to it by their necks)
achicar algo
to tie an animal, to tie an animal with a rope, to tie cattle that is about to be sold after it has gone a night without eating or drinking to remove weight from urine and feces, to make something smaller, to take clothes in, to bail water out (of a boat), to pump water out (of a well)
achicar a alguien
to intimidate someone, to browbeat someone (intimidate someone), to terrorize someone, to dominate someone (into submission)
to be intimidated, to become smaller, to shrink, to get smaller, to bail out (back out of something)
la achicharada, la quemadura de sol
the sunburn
tostarse al sol, quemarse al sol
to sunburn
quemar algo al sol, tostar algo al sol
to sunburn something
la cara se me quemó al sol, la cara se me tostó al sol
my face got sunburned
achicharronar algo
to scorch something (general but especially with clothes), to burn something (food), to burn something to a crisp (food), to burn something to a cinder (food), to completely burn something, to flatten something, to crush something (flatten something)
achichincle, achichinque
sycophantic, flatterer, servile, obsequious
el achichinque/la achichinque, el asistente/la asistente/la asistenta
the assistant, the attendant (assistant)
el achichinque/la achichinque
the servile follower, the lackey, the assistant, the miner whose job is to drain water from mines (used in Mexico), the minion (used in Mexico/Honduras), the servant (used in Mexico)
el achichinque/la achichinque, el achichincle/la achichincle (Centroamérica/México)
the lackey, the minion (used in Mexico/Honduras), the servant (used in Mexico)
el achiote, el achote, el anatto, la bija, la bixa, el urucú
the achiote (shrub used for condiments), the fruit of the achiote, the seed of the achiote, the seed generally used to give color to food, the fruit that serves as a base for a colorant used in some foods, the dark red colorant paste extracted from pulverized achiote seeds and dissolved in boiling water to color certain foods
la achiotera, la achotera
the pot for the achiote shrub/fruit/seed, the vessel for the achiote shrub/fruit/seed, the vessel to hold achiote prepared with lard and ready to color foods
el achiotillo, el abeyuelo, el palo de cotorra, la cotorra, el pollo, el poyo
the Alchornea latifolia (auburn-colored tree used for wood, especially burning despite its good wood)
achiquerar algo, achicar algo
to tie an animal without giving it food or drink so it loses weight overnight before being sold
expression used when someone knows they can’t do something, expression used to emphasize the impossibility of something, Darn!
el acho
the guy, the dude
achocadito/achocadita, despuntado/despuntada
(of a drink, especially coffee) having little sugar
(of a drink, especially coffee) having little sugar
el achocadito
the beverage, especially coffee, with little or no sugar
having a bad headache, having a strong headache, unconscious after receiving a strong blow to the head, on drugs, in bed due to a passing illness, very sleepy, deeply asleep, sound asleep
estar achocado de la cabeza/estar achocada de la cabeza
to have a bad headache, to have a strong headache
who sells adulterated drugs
el achocador/la achocadora
the seller of adulterated drugs
achocar algo/a alguien
to make something/someone lose consciousness by hitting them repeatedly on the head, to kill something/someone by hitting them repeatedly on the head, to hit something/someone, to bash something/someone (literal - hit something/someone)
to lose consciousness due to a blow on the head, to receive a blow to the head
achocar algo
to sell adulterated drugs, to sell adulterated narcotics, to hoard something, to stash something away
achocar a alguien contra la pared
to shove someone against the wall, to dash someone against the wall (shove against the wall)
achocarse, acholarse, golpearse la cabeza, darse en la cabeza
to hit one’s head
to hit one’s head, to fall alseep due to tiredness
el achocazo, el achoque
the sudden blow to the head due to carelessness, the accidental blow to the head
el achocazo
the sudden blow to the head due to carelessness, the accidental blow to the head, the blow, the hit
chocolate-colored, having the qualities of chocolate, chocolate-brown, made of chocolate, containing chocolate, canned (drunk - used with estar)