Set 2 Flashcards
el abra (f)
the inland mountain pass, the wide mountain pass (used especially by sailors), the open clearing in the forest created by removal of vegetation, the clearing, the cove, the haven (cove), the inlet, the (mountain) pass, the (geological) fissure, the (geological) crack
la abrazadera, el gancho, el mango, la manigueta, el ojo
the handle of a shovel, the attachment around a foot joint to give it rigidity and support
a brazo partido
with only one’s arms and no weapons, unarmed, bare-fisted
luchar a brazo partido
to fight hard, to struggle
abre fácil (adj), easy open (adj)
(of a product) designed to open easily
el abridor/la abridora
(in baseball) the pitcher who starts the game, (in baseball) the first player at bat
el abrigadero
the hideout for criminals/bad people, the sheltered place, the shelter
el abrigadero de ladrones (México), la cueva de ladrones
the den of thieves
el abrigo
the coat, the overcoat, the protection (shelter against cold OR refuge), the shelter, the layers (of clothing), the refuge, the small cave, the cove, the haven (figurative)
a buen amigo buen abrigo, en los momentos difíciles se conocen los verdaderos amigos, los amigos son para las ocasiones
a friend in need is a friend indeed (a person who helps at a difficult time is a truly reliable person)
al abrigo de alguien
in the care of someone, under someone’s wing
al abrigo de algo
safe from something, sheltered by something, under the shelter of something
de abrigo (España)
fearsome, frightening, huge, massive
la ropa de abrigo
the warm clothes, the warm clothing
(of a baseball pitcher) to throw the first pitch, (of a baseball player) to be in the batting lineup, (in cockfighting) to hit an opponent the same way until winning a round, to open
abrir algo
to open something, to clear something (unblock something - eg snow), to whet something (an appetite - make someone hungry - used with le), to unwrap something, to unfold something (a map), to draw something back (curtains), to raise something (blinds), to pull something up (blinds), to turn something on (a faucet), to start something (a business), to set something up (a business), to drill something (a well), to sink something (a well), to dig something (a ditch/trench/tunnel), to make something (an opening), to begin something (an investigation), to launch something (an investigation), to head something (a parade), to lead something (a parade)
to open up (share feelings), to be open (receptive to something - used with a), to crack (literal), to crumble (literal), to be off (to leave), to get out (to leave), to be out (eg “I’m out” - I don’t want to do this), to take a curve wide (of vehicles), to take a wide turn (of vehicles)
abrir a pruebas algo
to begin taking testimony, to begin hearing testimony (both usually used with el proceso)
abrir brecha
to open a gap (of the military - find a path), to make way (of the military - find a path), to make a breakthrough, to make inroads (make a breakthrough), to lead the way (make a breakthrough), to break new ground (make a scientific breakthrough), to break through (figurative - make a breakthrough), (of a fighting rooster) to strike the opponent the same way until defeating it
abrir camino
to pave the way, to clear a path, to cut a path (all figurative)
abrir algo de par en par (para que + subjuntivo)
to open something wide enough (to), to draw something wide enough open (to), to crack something wide open (used without anything after)
abrirse de par en par, abrir la boca
to open wide (1st is general, 2nd is of mouth)
abrir el corazón, abrir su pecho
to open one’s heart (1st is romantically or to be sincere, 2nd is only to be sincere)
abrirle el corazón a alguien, abrirle su pecho a alguien
to open one’s heart to someone (1st is romantically or being sincere, 2nd is only being sincere)
abrir el correo
to open the mail, to open the post, to open one’s email, to open one’s inbox
abrir el pico
to snitch, to open one’s mouth (to speak)
abrir algo en canal
to slit something open, to slit something from top to bottom
abrir la caja de Pandora, abrir la caja de los truenos
to open Pandora’s box
abrir la puerta
to open the door (literal or figurative - let something happen), to open one’s doors (figurative - admit/receive someone)
abrirle la puerta a alguien
to open the door for someone, to let someone in, to open one’s doors to someone
abrirle la puerta a algo
to open the door to something (figurative - allow to happen), to invite something (figurative - allow to happen)
abrir la sesión, comenzar la sesión
to open the meeting, to open the session
abrir las piernas
to spread one’s legs, to open one’s legs
abrir los oídos
to listen carefully, to pay attention, to be all ears
abrir los ojos, abrir bien los ojos
to pay close attention, to keep one’s eyes peeled
abrirle los ojos a alguien a algo
to open someone’s eyes to something, to make someone wise to something
abrirle nuevos horizontes a alguien
to open new doors for someone (figurative), to expand someone’s horizons
abrir puertas a algo
to open up doors to/for something (figurative - eg possibilities), to provide opportunities to/for something
abrir puertas
to open for business, to open doors (open for business)
abrir sesión, iniciar sesión
to log in (online)
abrir una cuenta bancaria, abrir una cuenta
to open up a bank account, to open an account (at a bank)
en un abrir y cerrar de ojos
in the blink of an eye, in the twinkling of an eye, in the wink of an eye
abierto/abierta, bien abierto/bien abierta
open wide
bien abierto/bien abierta, muy abierto/muy abierta, abierto de par en par/abierta de par en par, totalmente abierto/totalmente abierta
wide open (of eyes, 3rd is also of a door)
expuesto a algo/expuesta a algo, abierto a algo/abierta a algo, al descubierto para algo
wide open to something (figurative - exposed/vulnerable to something)
wide open (not determined - eg of a criminal case), open (not closed OR in linguistics OR public OR open-minded), open-minded, receptive, amenable, responsive (receptive)
el espacio abierto
the wide-open space (outdoor area without buildings OR indoor unobstructed space), the open space
abrir el coco
to become willing to learn, to become open to learning, to wake up mentally
abrir el inin
(in baseball) to bat in the first half of the inning, (in baseball) to play in the first half of the inning
abrir el paraguas
to defend oneself against veiled attacks, to open the umbrella, to tolerate several insults (used in Dominican Republic/Argentina/Uruguay)
(of a person or institution) to assume the ability to do something illegal
abrogar algo
to abrogate something (repeal), to repeal something
el abrojo, el cadillo, el cardo
the puncture vine, the rose cactus, the leaf cactus, the southern sandbur, the catstongue, the velvetburr (all plants)
to insist on maintaining an opinion despite going against that of everyone else
absorber algo
to sip something, to suck something up, to slurp something, to soak something up, to absorb something, to swallow something up (eg water swallowing up a ship), to drink something in (listen attentively), to sniffle something, to snuffle something
el abstract
the abstract, the extract, the summary, the brief summary of an article or scientific report
la abuelita
the common ground dove, the ruddy ground dove, the grandma, the fossil (old person), the baby bonnet (used in Southern Cone), the cradle (used in Peru/Bolivia)
abufado/abufada, abofado/abofada
swollen, bloated, pale, having a swollen face and eyes, having a bloated face and eyes
to swell, to get bloated, to bloat, to become pale
el abuí, el maje
the gnat, the sand fly, the insect
abufarse, abujarse
to swell, to get bloated, to bloat
el abuje, el abú, el abujo (Cuba), el abús, el abuse, el abuso (República Dominicana), el babuje (Cuba)
the louse that bites hard, the Acarus mite, the mite, the small red louse that lives in grasses and causes an intense itch in humans, the nearly invisible insect whose bite causes an intense itch, the small mosquito or louse with an irritating bite
aburar a alguien
to hit someone, to punch someone, to pester someone, to bother someone, to harass someone, to harry someone, (of an insect) to bite someone repeatedly
la aburrición, la avulción
the boredom, the tedium, the bore, the loathing, the hatred, the dislike, the nuisance, the annoyance
el abús, el abú, el abuje, el abuse, el abuso
the chigger, the harvest mite
abusador/abusadora, abusón/abusona
abusive, who presumes to be brave, who physically or emotionally mistreats another person, prone to abuse (likely to suffer abuse) (2nd is used more in other countries - mostly Chile/Spain/Mexico/Colombia and is considered improper in Puerto Rico)
el A/C, el a/c, el aire acondicionado
the air conditioning
used to refer to a third person present, here, over here
(of a person) weak, (of a person) feeble, (of a person) thin, (of a person) skinny, finished (completed OR ruined), (of a person) old (actually old OR looking old because of exhaustion), (of a person) exhausted, (of a person) worn out (tired), completed, done, (of a person) defeated, (of a person) dejected, (of a person) done for
el acabado
the finish (eg matte/glossy), the finishing touch
(of a person) having more than one partner
a cabalidad
adequately, conveniently, fully, completely, perfectly, precisely (accurately)
to have business success, (of something or someone) to cause a sensation, to age prematurely, to end, to finish, to be over, to be done, to come (in sex - used in Argentina)
acabar algo
to finish something (complete something OR run out of something), to use something up, to end something (finish something), to finish something off (food/drink), to polish something off (finish food), to get through something (food/drink)
to run out, to end, to finish, to be over, to be done, to die (of a person), to get ahead too early and lose vitality and strength later
acabarse algo
to finish something (consume food/drink completely), to sell out of something (tickets), to run out of something, to put an end to something, to lose something, to destroy something
acabar de hacer algo
to have just done something, to have just finished doing something
acabar con alguien
to take someone out (kill someone), to finish someone off (kill someone), to break up with someone
acabar por hacer algo, acabar haciendo algo
to end up doing something
acabarse afuera (Chile)
to pull out (during sex)
acabar en algo, terminar en algo, culminar en algo
to end in something (1st is in shape - eg the mountain ends in a peak - OR in a certain way - eg the night ended in disaster; others are only in a certain way)
acabar como el rosario de la aurora, terminar como el rosario de la aurora
to end up in confusion (without a consensus), to end up badly
acabar con algo
to put an end to something, to finish something off, to finish with something, to destroy something, to do away with something
el cuento de nunca acabar
the never ending story (something that keeps happening)
de nunca acabar, interminable, inacabable, eterno/eterna, inagotable
el mundo se va a acabar
the world is going to end, the world is coming to an end
hasta acabar existencias, hasta agotar existencias
while supplies last, while stocks last
quedar en agua de borrajas (España), quedarse en agua de borrajas (España), acabar en agua de borrajas (España)
to come to nothing, to go up in smoke (come to nothing)
acabará mal, va a terminar mal (Argentina)
it’ll end in tears
el acabe, la fiesta del acabe
the party held by workers on a coffee plantation after the harvest; the post-harvest party on a coffee plantation held by workers, owners, and neighbors; the post-harvest party on a coffee plantation financed by the landowner for the enjoyment of the employees
el acabose, la jundición, el jundimiento
the sinking, the subsidence, the collapse, the disaster, the catastrophic situation, the disaster caused by humans
la acacia, el enrubio, el espino, el espino blanco, el espino rubial, la espinosa, la lengua de mujer, el palo rubio, la sonadora, la vallahonda
the corpse awakener, the snowflake acacia, the tamarind, the river tamarind
la acacia amarilla
the lebbeck, the lebbek tree, the flea tree, the frywood, the koko, the woman’s tongue tree
useless, ineffective, inefficient, theoretical, academic, (of an argument/reasoning) superfluous, (of an argument/reasoning) trivial
closer over here, close, nearby
el acajú, el cajuil, la caobana, la cóbana, el guaraguao, el pajuil
the American mahogany, the Cuban mahogany, the small-leaved mahogany, the West Indian mahogany, the cashew shrub, the guarea
el acalambramiento
the painful but short-lasting spasmodic contraction of a muscle, the cramp
acalorizarse, acalorarse
to feel hot due to exercise or work, to feel hot due to physical causes, to get hot, to heat up
el acana, la ácana
the Manilkara albescens (tree)
the onomatopoeia for a hit, punch, or fall
(of a tree stump) not having begun to rot, (of a cloth) ribbed
el acanturo, el barbero
the doctorfish, the doctorfish tang, the black doctorfish, the lancetfish, the thorntail, the thorntail fish
(of eyes) dark-colored, (of eyes) tobacco-colored, (of eyes) between brown and bluish or greenish, (of eyes) between tobacco-colored and light blue
el acápite
the paragraph of a document, especially a legal document; the division of a document, literary work, or story that is generally numbered and has its own title; the title or subtitle of a document; the heading; the paragraph; the section (of a text)
el punto acápite
the full stop, the period, the new paragraph, the end (full stop)
acapitular, inclinar, agonizar
to be dying, to be in the throes of death, to be near death, to be at death’s door, to fade (die down - eg of candlelight), to die down (of a fire)
acapullar, cuajar
(of the coffee tree) to have the buds of its flowers appear
acaramelear a alguien, caramelear a alguien
to flatter someone excessively, to gratify someone excessively, to show excessive affection to someone, to praise someone excessively
acaramelear algo
to sweeten something (a food or drink)
el acarreto (México), el acarreo
the haulage (of something in a vehicle), the carriage (of something in a vehicle), the transport (of something in a vehicle), the carrying (of something by people), the carry (in sports), the sediment, the carry-over (in math - digit that gets carried over)
el acarreo hormiga (México)
the voter hauling (groups or organizations collecting and turning in individual voters’ completed election ballots - usually done to commit fraud), the vote buying (economic exchange in which the voter sells his or her vote to the highest bidder)
de acarreo
sedimentary, (of materials) brought from elsewhere, (of materials) outsourced
acartonado/acartonada, encartonado/encartonada
(of a person with tuberculosis) not appearing to have tuberculosis, (of an elderly person) having a lean physique and healthy face (used in Spain), (of an elderly person) not physically showing their age (used in Spain), (of a person) having tuberculosis, (of a person with tuberculosis) not contagious, (of a person) having tuberculosis but successfully having stopped its progression, (of a person) dressed very formally with little spontaneity
used as negation at the beginning of a question, perhaps (in statements or questions), maybe (in statements or questions), by chance (in questions)
el acaso
the chance, the luck
por si acaso
in case, just in case, for good measure
si acaso (+ verbo con -se/-ra)
in case, just in case
y por si acaso
and in case, and just in case, and for good measure
accesar algo, acceder a algo
to access something in an information system, to have access to information or data contained in an information system, to access something
el access key, la clave de acceso
the access key, the access password (1st is rarely used)