Set 1 Flashcards
AARP (Asociación Americana de Personas Retiradas)
AARP (American Association of Retired Persons)
embarrassed, ashamed
to be ashamed, to be embarrassed
el ababuy
the tallow wood, the hog plum, the yellow plum, the sea lemon (all type of plant)
depressed, dejected, downhearted, despondent, dispirited, busy, rushed, in debt, cornered, harassed, harried
abacorar a alguien
to pursue someone relentlessly, to hound someone, to bully someone, to harass someone, to pester someone with work, to torment someone through insistence on something, to corner someone in a place with no escape, to overwhelm someone with work
abacuá, abakuá
relating to the Abakuá Secret Society (Afro-Cuban version of Freemasonry)
el abadejo
the cod (Galls morrhua), the pink cusk-eel (both types of fish)
bad-smelling due to beginning the putrefaction process, bad-smelling because it is damaged
to go down, to come down (physically move down)
abajarse, avajarse
to begin to rot or reek (general), to begin to rot (of meat/fish/etc)
(of a person) from southern Puerto Rico, (of a person) settled/deeply rooted in the coast or lowlands, naturally from coastal zones or lowlands near the coast
abajo de algo, debajo de algo
under something, underneath something, beneath something
el abacuá, el abakuá
the abakuá (man belonging to Abakuá - Afro-Cuban version of Freemasonry)
La Sociedad Secreta Abakuá, Ñañiguismo
the Abakuá Secret Society (Afro-Cuban version of Freemasonry)
abalear algo/a alguien
to shoot something/someone, to shoot at something/someone, to execute someone by firing squad, to plagiarize something/someone, to injure or kill someone by shooting them
abalserar algo/a alguien
to train raftsmen/raftswomen; to pile up grass, branches, trash etc to burn when felling/cutting down is occurring
el abana, la ábana
the liana (woody climbing plant), especially that of the yam or sweet potato, used as a seed
la abanasta, la banasta, la aguadera
the fruit basket, the large basket, the hamper
(of a plantain or banana) to release its last leaf, after which a cluster/bunch starts to bud; (of a spathe - large bract sheathing a cluster of flowers) to emerge, thus heralding the bunches
abanderar a alguien
to give a person/collective/delegation a flag so they can represent a country internationally
abanderarse por algo/alguien, abanderizarse por algo/alguien
to take sides with something/someone, to side with something/someone
(of land) not cultivated, deserted, abandoned, derelict, neglected
el abandonado/la abandonada, el dejado/la dejada, el vago/la vaga, el zángano/la zángana (coloquial), el cerdo/la cerda (coloquial), el cochino/la cochina (coloquial), el guarro/la guarra (España), el desaliñado/la desaliñada, el detestable/la detestable
the slob
el abandono
the action that a rooster effects upon stopping fighting, the escape of a rooster from a fight
el abanicado
(in baseball) the failure of the player to bat the ball
drugged, on drugs, out of it, dazed, distracted
abanicar a alguien
to treat someone harshly, to slap someone, to smack someone
abanicar algo
(in baseball) to not hit the ball after attempting forcefully, (of a baseball player) to fail to bat the ball after swinging the bat completely, (of a baseball pitcher) to make a baseball player fail to hit the ball
el abanico
the electric fan, the electric device that propels air around a room, (in a car) the helical device that helps to prevent the motor from overheating
abarcar algo
to stockpile something, to hoard something, to monopolize something, to corner something (a market), to hog something, to take up something (eg time), to carry something off (receive something - eg a prize), to cover something (deal with something), to extend over something, to see something (have a view of something), to take something on, to undertake something, to cope with something, to contain something, to embrace something (figurative - accept), to include something, to span something, to encompass something, to attempt something
el abarrotamiento
the saturation of the market with a specific good, the cramming (general - crowdedness of an object)
to be enough (of someone or something)
abastar a algo de algo
to supply something with something, to provide something with something, to issue something to something, to cater something to something
to eat sumptuously, to eat plentifully
(of a farm/ranch/etc) producing lots of food and fruit, (of a farm/ranch/etc) having good production rates, (of a person) stuffed/full and satisfied, (of a person) satisfied and satiated
chubby, plump, stocky, short and fat, short and fat with rough manners, lazy, shirker, avoiding work
el abatatamiento
the loss of interest in leaving the house especially to have fun, the lack of desire to leave one’s home, the intimidation (used in South America), the confusion (used in South America)
to become fat and therefore lose interest in things, to let oneself go, to lose interest in things, to not be excited to leave the house especially to have fun
abayalde (m y f)
(of a person) albino with slightly reddish skin
la abeja
the bee, the botfly, the blowfly, the bluebottle, the hornet, the wasp, the pest (figurative), the nuisance
la abeja africana
the African honeybee, the East African lowland honeybee
el abejón
the persistent suitor, the suitor who becomes a nuisance due to his insistence
abejucado/abejucada, embejucado/embejucada
tangled like a vine, full of vines (of a place or plant), (of a thing) giving the appearance of being tangled
(of a plant) to tangle like a vine, (of a plant’s stem) to grow twisted and tangled
el abejuelo, el abeyuelo, el aveyuelo, el achiotillo, el guitarán, el quitarán
the colubrina (plant), the nakedwood (plant), the snakewood (plant), the greenheart (plant), the hogplum (plant)
el abeto, el ala de pájaro (f), el encaje
the plumosa fern, the asparagus plumosa fern
el abey, el amarillo, el abey amarillo
the Jacaranda sagraena (plant), the seersucker plant, the blackbead (plant), the Ouratea littoralis (plant), the false tamarind (plant)
el abey blanco
the Pithecellobium obovale (plant), the Bertero albizia (plant)
el abeyuelo amarillo
the yellow colubrina (plant)
el abeyuelo perfumado, el abey, el amarillo, el abey amarillo
the Ouratea littoralis (plant)
el abierto
the sporting event open to players of any age, federation, category etc
a billetazo limpio
(done/accomplished) through a lot of money especially cash, (done/accomplished) through favors or privilege
(of a person) completely dedicated to a task or activity, (of a person) completely focused on a task or activity, (of wine) smooth and slightly sweet, (of wine) semisweet, exposed
abocado a algo/abocada a algo
destined for something (followed by noun), devoted to something (followed by verb)
el abogado de trompito/la abogada de trompito
the little-known lawyer, the lawyer not well respected
to swell with pride, to become vain, to puff up, to get bloated
el abolicionismo
the abolitionism
abolicionista (m y f)
abolitionist (adj)
el abolicionista/la abolicionista
the abolitionist, the emancipator
(of clothing) loose and baggy; (of clothing) extremely loose, baggy, bulky, and wrinkly
abombachar algo, abombacharse algo
to arrange a piece of clothing so it remains loose and baggy
(of water) bad-smelling, (of food/liquid) bad-smelling due to beginning to rot, in bad conditions, rotten
(of water or meat) to start to rot and smell bad, to rot, to putrefy, to go bad, (of water in a well/basin/etc) to go bad and acquire a bad flavor, (of clothes) to take on a bad smell after being washed and dried
la abonadora, la abonera
the tank in which manure is kept and that has orifices for it to come out into grooves in the ground
describing the sea when the wind is calm, calm, settled, (of weather) cleared up after a storm
abordar algo
to get in something (a vehicle), to board something (a boat/plane), to tackle something (deal with), to deal with something, to get into something, to get on something, to ram something (collide with), to address something, to present something (a subject), to broach something
abordar a alguien
to approach someone, to accost someone, to go up to someone, to come up to someone, to talk to someone, to talk with someone, to have a talk with someone
abordar, atracar
to tie up (nautical)
atar algo/a alguien, amarrar algo/a alguien, atarse algo
to tie something/someone up (fasten OR wrap up OR leave attached - eg of dogs; 2nd is also of dogs - al perro) (last is only to fasten; usually of shoelaces)
cerrar algo, concluir algo, finalizar algo, terminar algo
to tie something up (finalize something)
inmovilizar algo, invertir algo
to tie something up (money)
paralizar algo
to tie something up (traffic), to paralyze something (medically or immobilize or stop), to bring something to a standstill, to bring something to a halt, to bring something to a stop, to halt something
meter a alguien en algo
to tie someone up in something (involve someone in something), to involve someone in something, to get someone into something (eg jail/bed)
to tie up (to fasten - eg of straps)
cuadrar con algo, concordar con algo
to tie up with something (coincide with something)
estar relacionado con algo/estar relacionada con algo
to tie up with something (be connected to something), to be related to something
el embotellamiento
the tie-up (of traffic), the traffic jam, the bottleneck (traffic jam), the congestion (traffic jam), the bottling (act of putting something in a bottle)
atar los cabos sueltos, atar cabos sueltos, atar cabos
to tie up loose ends
to become paralyzed (medically), to grind to a halt, to be paralyzed (eg with fear - used with de), to come to a halt, to stop dead in one’s tracks (of a person)
atarse algo
to tie something, to tie up something, to do up something
atarse a algo
to be tied to something (figurative), to be towed to something (figurative), to be conformed to something
atar algo
to tie something, to tie something up, to tie something down, to tie something together, to tether something (livestock)
atar a alguien
to tie someone down (figurative - impede), to truss someone up (literal - tie someone up), to constrain someone, to limit someone
atar cabos
to tie up loose ends, to put two and two together
atar con alambre algo
to tie something with wire, to attach something with wire
atar corto a alguien, traer a mecate corto a alguien
to keep someone on a short leash
atar de manos a alguien
to tie someone’s hands, to tie up someone’s hands (both figurative - stop someone from acting)
atar de pies y manos a alguien
to tie someone’s hands and feet, to bind someone by the hands and feet (both figurative - stop someone from acting/reacting)
estar loco de atar/estar loca de atar
to be a raving lunatic, to be a nervous madman/madwoman, to be a raving looney
bitter, sulky, embittered, ill-tempered, loathed, hated, detested, unpopular
aborrecer algo/a algo
to abhor something, to detest something, to loathe something, to hate something, to forsake something, to abandon something, to ditch something, to dump something (abandon) (a algo is only of animals, but they can also use just algo)
aborrecer a alguien
to abhor someone, to detest someone, to loathe someone
abortar algo
to prematurely end a process or program on an electronic device due to an error or communication issue, to foil something (thwart something), to abort something (stop something - general or in computing), to call something off, to cut something short
to abort, to have an abortion, to miscarry, to have a miscarriage, to suffer a miscarriage
el aborto de la naturaleza
the extraordinary circumstance that falls outside the norm, the extraordinary circumstances, the double bagger (a person so ugly that in order to have sex with them you have to put a bag over their head and a bag over your head in case theirs falls off)
to yawn, to yawn from tiredness or boredom
abotonar algo
to fasten something, to button something, to button up something, to do up something
to button, to button up
abotonarse algo
to do up the buttons of something