Session 8 - Shoulder Flashcards
What is the technical name of the shoulder joint?
Glenohumoral joint - humerus and glenoid fossa
What are the 2 other joints in the shoulder girdle?
Sternoclavicular joint
Acromioclavicular joint
What is the sternoclavicular joint?
Articulation of sternum and clavicle
What is the acromioclavicular joint?
Scapula and clavicle
What is glenoid labrum?
Rim of fibrocartilaginous tissue around edge of glenoid cavity
What are the 3 glenohumeral ligaments?
What does the coracoclavicular ligament join?
Coracoid process of scapula with clavicle
What does the coracohumeral ligament do?
Attach coracoid process of scapula to greater tubercle of humerus
What is the function of transverse humoral ligament?
Creates a tunnel between greater and lesser tuberosity of humerus to allow long head of biceps to pass
What does the coraco-acromial ligament do?
Provides roof of subacromial space, a tunnel above glenohumeral joint that allows passage of supraspinatus ligament
Prevents superior dislocation of humerus when falling on outstretched hand
Where do the extrinsic muscles of shoulder originate and insert?
Originate from torso and insert onto bones of shoulder
Where do the intrinsic shoulder muscles originate and insert?
Originate from scapula/clavicle and insert onto humerus
What are the 2 superficial extrinsic muscles of shoulder?
Trapezius and latissimus dorsi
What are the 3 deep extrinsic shoulder muscles?
Legatos scapulae
Rhomboid major
Rhomboid minor
What does the trapezius muscle do?
Upper fibres elevate scapula and rotate during abduction of arm >90 degrees
Middle retract scapula
Lower pull scapula inferiorly
What are the 3 actions of latissimus dorsi?
Medially rotate
What is the latissimus dorsi innervated by?
Thoracodorsal nerve
What are the 3 deep extrinsic muscles of shoulder?
Levator scapulae
Rhomboid major
Rhomboid minor
What is the action of levator scapulae?
Elevate scapula
What is the levator scapulae innervated by?
Dorsal scapular nerve
What are the 2 rhomboid muscles?
Major and minor
What is the function of rhomboid minor?
Retracts scapula
Returns arm to anatomically position after previous abduction of arm above 90
What is rhomboid minor innervated by?
Dorsal scapular nerve
What is rhomboid major innervated by?
Dorsal scapular nerve
What is the function of rhomboid major?
Retract scapula
Helps return to original position after abduction of arm above 90 degrees
What is the scapulohumeral group of muscles?
Intrinsic muscles originating from scapula and inserting on humerus
What are the 6 intrinsic muscles of shoulder?
Teres major
Rotator cuff (supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis, teres minor)
What are the 3 parts of the deltoid muscle?
What is the action of anterior fibres of deltoid muscle?
Flex and medially rotate arm
What is the function of middle fibres of deltoid muscle?
Abduct arm from 15-90 degrees
What is the function of posterior fibres of deltoid muscle?
Extend and laterally rotate arm at shoulder
What is the deltoid muscle innervated by?
Axillary nerve