Session 8 Consumer Behavior II Flashcards
Predispositions and Biases in Individual Consumer Decision Making
Psychological Influences of Consumer purchase decision process
2.Personality A consistent set of key traits Self Concept - Stems from idea of “multiple selves” (ex.) 3 types: 1. actual self concept 2. ideal self 3. ideal social self
Behavioral learning perspective
- Environment controls behavior
Cognitive learning perspective
- Consumers control behavior through information processing & decisionmaking (seeking expert opinions)
- Focuses on internal mental processes
- Views consumers as actively seeking and using information to understand and master their environment
- Memory is critical to this process
Types of Knowledge Structures (2)
2 S’s
- An associative network of interrelated meanings
that represent a personʼs declarative knowledge
about a concept.
- An associative network of knowledge that
contains procedural knowledge about a concept.
Non-Normative Models & Theories
How do you think about consumers?
How do consumers think?
How you we think about consumers?
- judgements are based on own position and information out there– that biases there decision
This formulates the predicted position of target
How do consumers think?
“Frames” can influence them - An Alternative to Utility Theory:“Frames” Matter (ie. Beer at the beach, how question is phrased) - prospect theory function The present is very powerful - The future is hard to think about - Future Self-Continuity
Normative model
- 5 step consumer purchase decision process
- Rational approach
- Standard economic theory
The Standard Economic Theory
Customers assess options relative to their net worth.
Pick the best option to maximize utility across all possible actions, times.
Motivational Approaches
People are less than rational, driven often by
unconscious and uncontrolled motivations.
Behavioral Approaches
People, because of limited processing
capacity, use simplified ways of making
decisions. (e.g., anchoring, availability)
An Alternative to Utility Theory:
“Frames” Matter
Beer on beach example
Prospect Theory Value Function (was on exam) DRAW OUT
3 Tenets of prospect theory:
- all decisions are made in relation to reference points.
- diminishing marginal utility as loss/gain increased-> gaining 100 dollars does not feel 10 times better than gaining 10 dollars.
- Losses feel larger than gains
Non-normative models and theories
- Prospect theory value function
- The continuum of views
Applications of Prospect Theory
Price increases hurt more than price decreases
- Elasticity to price changes: You cannot “make-up” for a 5% price increase by an equivalent discount of 5% later on
Labels on products
- 75% lean versus 25% fat
Because of loss aversion, the status quo is (too)
often chosen:
- Check boxes on web sites:
"The continuum of views" ON EXAM (Draw out)
- rational approach- normative model
- bounded rationality- hueristics- able to think normatively but only sometimes
- motivational appraoches- nonnormative, psychological approach to decision making
How do consumers think?
Future Self-Continuity Hypthesis
Future Self-Continuity Hypothesis
The way the future self is perceived should be an
important predictor of decision-making
- Future self seen as stranger= Low motivation to save
- Future self seen as similar= High motivation to save
- At the extreme, the future self may seem like a different person
A Vivid Future Self
“A failure of belief” and an inability to vividly
imagine future wants/desires can lead to poor
Vivid examples affect behavior
e.g.,Tim Russert and heart checkups,
Pulmonologists and smoking
Organizational Decision Making
Recognize that organizations are still
BUT, they tend to be more “rational” than
individual consumers…
AND, they tend to make decisions in groups.
Read book chapter 6, on Organizational Decision
cognitive dissonance
postpurchase behavior
. Cognitive dissonance is most likely to occur after a consumer makes a purchase
- play up good things and play down bad things, find things wrong with alternatives to make self feel better about purchase decision
- An associative network of interrelated meanings
that represent a personʼs declarative knowledge
about a concept.
- An associative network of knowledge that
contains procedural knowledge about a concept.