Session 10 - Managing Oxidation Flashcards
What are antioxidants?
Molecules that protect other molecules from a chemical process called oxidation.
What is oxidation?
A common chemical reaction where electrons are transferred from 1 molecule to another. The antioxidant sacrifices itself and is oxidised instead of the other molecule, becoming the free radical.
What do all oils contain?
Vitamin E which protects lipids from becoming oxidated - especially PUFA’s
What are these antioxidants?
Vitamins, minerals, enzymes, or plant derived nutrients.
What are the two lines of cellular antioxidant defence?
In the membrane: Vit E, beta-carotene, coQ10
Intracellular: Vit C, glutathione per, superoxide dismutase (SOD), & catalase
What are endogenous and exogenous antioxidants?
Endogenous are antioxidants produced in our body incl enzymes & molecules such as:
glutathione (GSH) peroxidase, catalse, superoxide dismutase and thioredoxin.
What are exogenous antioxidants?
Dietary antioxidants - vit c, tocopherols, flavonoids, carotenoids, lipoic acid, and selenium.
True/False - A free radical is an unstable atom/molecule that has at least one unpaired electron in an atomic orbital.
True/False - free radicals are not produced in the human body during our normal metabolic processes.
Explain the damage caused by free radicals in a human body. How do free radicals harm human body cells?
Causes DNA and intracellular organelle damage.
Damages protein structures -
Damages lipids: all cell membranes, cholesterol, fat breakdown.
List 3 endogenous antioxidants in our body.
- Glutathione peroxidase
- Catalase
- Superoxide dismutase
Which of the following enzymes are not used to eliminate hydrogen peroxides in our cells?
Glutathione, Catalase, Superoxide dismutase (SOD, Vitamin C.
Superoxide Dismutase (SOD)
What are Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS)?
Highly reactive chemicals formed from oxygen
List examples of Reactive Oxygen Species? (ROS)
Hydrogen peroxide
What are the importance of enzymes in relation to ROS?
Enzymes scavenge and neutralise ROS into less noxious molecules.