Service Delivery Issues Flashcards
Service Delivery Options (7)
- Monitor
- Collaborative consultation
- Classroom-based
- Pullout
- Self-contained
- Community based
- combination
Caseload & Service Delivery
- Speech presentations
— Caseload limit significantly influenced by IEPs
— Careful how service is “written”
- Much of work is not direct service, and must be reflected in caseload formula
- Kentucky: Caseload cap is 65
- Indiana currently has no caseload cap
Service Delivery Issues (3)
- Service Delivery Issues/decisions:
— shape the attitude of service providers
— determine type, amount, location and outcome of service, and goals
— Vary according to employer, age of clients, disorder labels, best practice models
Group Size & Composition
- Some states mandated by law for school groups
— 3 years age range (IDEA, not specific to speech, but classroom as well)
— NYS group size determined to be 5 kids, in line with national trends
—— Can petition state to add 2 more
Group size and composition
- No mandate for Kentucky at present
— Medicaid will not reimburse if >6 students in group
— SLPs should monitor research for guidance
— Current data indicates smaller groups demonstrate more progress than large groups
Teaching Service Delivery Options (5)
- Supportive teaching
- Complementary teaching
- Consultation
- Team Teaching
- Resource Room
Additional Service Delivery
- Speech Club
- Teaming for reading instruction
- Course for credit (departmentalized model)
Service Delivery Models
- Itinerant
- Direct Service
- Resource
- Itinerant:
- Pull-out or push-in - Direct Service
- Most common - Resource:
- outside of regular classroom, Teacher and SLP develop modules which combine academic work and communication needs.
Models: School Age
Traditional Pull out
Traditional Pull-out:
- some location other than child’s classroom.
- Individual or small group.
- Used to be synonymous with drill, dydactic teaching methods.
- Now may include child-directed, naturalistic methods.
- When does 20 hours happen?
Models: School Age
- Classroom Intervention
- Self Contained Classroom
- Classroom Intervention:
SLP does “lesson” on routine basis for all children in classroom.
- Self-Contained Classroom: SLP may:
be the teacher/do pull-out/do classroom intervention and/or consultation model combined with pull-out/ class lesson
Departmentalized Model
Departmentalized Model:
- Graduation credit awarded
- SLP teaches a “class” for credit along the lines of public speaking/foreign language.
- Includes typical students as well as IEP or other identified students
Collaborative Consultation
- SLP is member of transdisciplinary team.
- Focus on particular child/children
- Elementary school –> teacher
- Middle/High school –> special ed teacher
- Collaboration is an interactive process that enables people with diverse expertise to mutually define problems and to creatively solve these problems
Collaboration model
- Identifies strength and weaknesses in academic areas, and problem solves with team.
- Uses curriculum for:
— identifying trouble areas related to language; developing goals related to language; developing materials to reach goal targets.
- Uses combination of direct/drill and scaffolding.
- Traditional Goals vs.
2. Collaborative Goals
- By April, 1991, Ben will sequence 4 items in a logical order without assistance, as measured by a 30% improvement on the _____ test.
- By April, 1991, Ben will be able to retell 4 events from a story in his 4th grade literature book so that he can take part in his classroom oral book reports.
- Consultation:
— SLP develops treatment program, trains others to implement
— Coordinates program
— Meets LRE (least restrictive environment)
— Meets REI (regular education initiative)
— Collaborative consultation/Integrated /Inclusion
- Self-Contained:
SLP is teacher as well as communication specialist.
- one teach, one observe
- one teach, one drift
- station teaching-divide content, take turn with group.
- Parallel teaching- class is split, each teaches.
- Remedial Teaching
- Supplemental Teaching
- Team Teaching
- Remedial Teaching- one teaches, other re-teaches students who have not yet mastered the material.
- Supplemental teaching- on adapts lesson as needed.
- Team Teaching- both teach preferred team teach, teach-drift and station teaching models.
4 Essential questions for curriculum-based assessment intervention
- What kinds of oral and written language skills does successful processing of this particular curriculum require?
- What kinds of language skills and strategies does the student currently exhibit when attempting to complete academic tasks in the curriculum?
- What kinds of language skills and strategies might the student acquire in the future that will lead to greater success in meeting similar curriculum demands?
- What modification in curricular expectations, or in the way the curriculum is taught to this particular student, might make it more accessible?
Rationale for treating older clients
- More resistance all around (SLP, client, teachers…) as clients get older but
- Older clients may have more communication needs for academic success
- “others” may only target academic language needs, not social-communicative
- Successful communication decreases drop-out rate, increases job opportunities
- Communicatively impaired adults more expensive than treating adolescents