eternity (n)
vô tận
All this language, in my opinion, weakens, if not obliterates, the distinction between
eternity and the whole of time
murmur (v)
- To speak or say something very quietly that is difficult to hear or understand
He murmured something in his sleep - To complain about something that you disagree with or dislike, but not in a public way:
murmur (against somebody/ something)
The people murmured against the new regime. (chế độ)
embark (v)
lên tàu, máy bay
Passengers should prepare to embark.
hostility (n)
- Unfriendly and not liking something
They showed open (= obvious) hostility
to/towards their new neighbours. - Sự thù địch
public hostility to nuclear power
perseverance (n)
continued effort to do or achieve something, even this is difficult or takes a long time
They showed great perseverance in the face of difficulty.
formidable (adj)
you have fear or respect for something or someone because that thing or person is large, powerful, or difficult
She has a formidable list of qualifications.
They had to overcome formidable obstacles.”
prairie (n)
a wide area of flat land without trees in Canada and the northern US
prosecution (n)
- sự truy tố
faces prosecution for drunken driving - bên nguyên đơn
The prosecution has/have failed to prove its/their case.”
tariff (n)
- thuế xuất nhập khẩu
A general tariff was imposed (đánh thuế) on foreign imports. - a list of fixed prices that are charged by a hotel or restaurant for rooms, meals,… or by a company for a particular service
A copy of the tariff is placed in each bedroom
tyranny (n)
sự bạo ngược (sự sử dụng tàn bạo, bất công hoặc áp chế quyền lực hay uy thế)
The children had no protection against the tyranny of their father.
aristocracy (n)
tầng lớp quí tộc
members of the aristocracy
posterity (n)
thế hệ sau
Their music has been preserved for posterity.
ordain (v)
phong chức (tôn giáo)
He was ordained (as) a priest (linh mục) last year
lenient (adj)
khoan dung or punishing only lightly
He’s much too lenient when the children are being naughty.
precipitation (n)
- a way of behaving too quickly and without thinking
The prime minister has been accused of acting with precipitation over the crisis. - mưa, tuyết
There is heavy precipitation in some parts of the country.
adjacent (adj)
very near, next to, or touching
The planes landed on adjacent runways.
compromise (v)
- Làm hại, làm tổn thương
We would never compromise the safety of our passengers - Sự thỏa hiệp
They were unwilling to compromise with the terrorists.
attribute to (v)
gán cho là, qui cho là
She attributes her success to hard work and a little luck.
omnipresent (adj)
có mặt khắp nơi
These days the media are omnipresent.
suffice (v)
to be enough
Generally a brief note or a phone call will suffice.
apprenticeships (n)
a period of time working as an apprentice; a job as an apprentice (người học việc)
He had served his apprenticeship as a plumber.
deterioration (n)
becoming worse
a serious deterioration in relations between the two countries
cumbersome (adj)
large and heavy; difficult to carry
cumbersome machinery