Sept 28 - Social Work Assessment in Mental Health Flashcards
There are 4 levels that affect the experiences of a person living with a mental health problem and the choices available to them
Which one is - Client comes with biological, psychological, and interpersonal strengths and challenges
individual level
There are 4 levels that affect the experiences of a person living with a mental health problem and the choices available to them
Which one is do you want to look at - individual members, family structure, and relationships
family level
There are 4 levels that affect the experiences of a person living with a mental health problem and the choices available to them
Which one is do you want to look at - Resources, cohesion, and exclusion
community context
There are 4 levels that affect the experiences of a person living with a mental health problem and the choices available to them
Which one is do you want to look at - policies and practices that influence choice
Societal level
The last part of the Social Work Assessment includes Formulation - how do you describe Predisposing factors
Why this person?
o Vulnerabilities/history/stressors
The last part of the Social Work Assessment includes Formulation - how do you describe Precipitating factors
Why now?
o Major stresses/critical events
The last part of the Social Work Assessment includes Formulation - how do you describe Perpetuating factors
What maintains the problem?
o Social-environmental factors/health/substance use/personality
The last part of the Social Work Assessment includes Formulation - how do you describe Protective factors
What are the strengths?
o Supports/successes/abilities
The last part of the Social Work Assessment includes Formulation - how do you describe Plan
Where do we go from here?
o Client wishes regarding intervention/referral/advocacy
In terms of Disturbances in Speech/Thought Form - new word created by the person
Echolalia or Neologism
In terms of Disturbances in Speech/Thought Form - person repeats the words of others in a repetitive persistent manner
Echolalia or Neologism
In terms of Disturbances in Speech/Thought Form - incoherent list of words
Loosening of associations OR Word salad
Word salad
In terms of Disturbances in Speech/Thought Form - ideas shift from one to another with no obvious link
Loosening of associations OR Word salad
Loosening of associations
In terms of Disturbances in Speech/Thought Form - person reaches the final point after including many irrelevant details
Circumstantial thinking OR Tangential thinking OR Perseveration
Circumstantial thinking
In terms of Disturbances in Speech/Thought Form - person never reaches final point and moves from one topic to another
Circumstantial thinking OR Tangential thinking OR Perseveration
Tangential thinking
In terms of Disturbances in Speech/Thought Form - person is unable to move away from a particular point or phrase
Circumstantial thinking OR Tangential thinking OR Perseveration
Aspects of a Mental Status Examination looking at Speech Content/Delusions - involving the functioning of the body
Persecutory delusions OR Somatic delusions OR Ideas of reference
Somatic delusions
Aspects of a Mental Status Examination looking at Speech Content/Delusions - false beliefs that one is being harassed, cheated, or persecuted
Persecutory delusions OR Somatic delusions OR Ideas of reference
Persecutory delusions
Aspects of a Mental Status Examination looking at Speech Content/Delusions - beliefs that events refer to oneself, for instance, that the radio is speaking directly to the person
Persecutory delusions OR Somatic delusions OR Ideas of reference
Ideas of reference
Aspects of a Mental Status Examination looking at Speech Content/Delusions - exaggerated ideas of one’s importance
Delusions of grandeur OR Thought withdrawal OR Thought insertion
Delusions of grandeur
Aspects of a Mental Status Examination looking at Speech Content/Delusions - someone or something is stealing the person’s thoughts
Delusions of grandeur OR Thought withdrawal OR Thought insertion
Thought withdrawal
Aspects of a Mental Status Examination looking at Speech Content/Delusions - someone is putting thoughts in the person’s head
Delusions of grandeur OR Thought withdrawal OR Thought insertion
Thought insertion
T/F - Aspects of a Mental Status Examination looking at Perceptual Disturbances
* Auditory hallucinations
* Visual hallucinations
* Olfactory hallucinations
* Tactile hallucinations
* Somatic hallucinations
Aspects of a Mental Status Examination looking at Perceptual Disturbances - loss of feeling in some part of the body with no medical cause
Hysterical anesthesia OR Depersonalization OR Derealization
Hysterical anesthesia