SEP, SIMPLE, 403B, 457 KEOGH, Flashcards
Employer contributions ONLY
Form 5305-SEP
Easy to set up
25% of Comp $265000 max or $53000
Flexible contributions
100% vested
Sole propritors- 20% of net income(see prior lesson)
looking for easy and inexpensive
Contributions MUST be the same for employees and owners
not age weighted
can be integrated with SSI
SEP Requirements
Must cover all employees
- 21 or older (currently, not by end of year)
- worked 3 or more out of last 5 years
- part time counts
- Can exclude those with under $600 compensation
- disadvantage to employer with lots of long term employees
had to be adopted before 1997 and continued to be grandfathered
25 employees at any tome during the year
50% of eligible employees must participate
$6000 catch up
employees can make pre-tax elective contributions $12500 ($10000 indexed to inflation) $3000 special catch up No discrimination testing Deferrals subject to FICA and FUTA
Mandatory employer match
$ for $ 3% employee compensation
can elect lower 1% - in no more than 2 out of 5 years
No deferral- no match
option: Non elective deferral 2% for all eligible employees (even if not deferring)
100 or fewer employees easy to administer employee salary deduction match 5304 or 5305-SIMPLE given to employees not IRS
No other qualified plans allowed
employee earned $5000 any previous 2 years
expected to ear $5000 current year
must notify 60 day election period
Can make on behalf of domestic employee
not in connection with trade or business
not deductible
Fully vested at all times
10% penalty on distributions increased to 25% in first 2 years
Simple 401K
exempt from AFP and ACP exempt from top heavy requirements very rigid plan design exempt from creditors no 1% special match election
TDA/TSA salary reductions subject to FICA and FUTA 501c3 religious educational hospitals
$6000 catch up
$3000 15 yrs same employer…and catch up
415 limit of $53000 applies
annuities or mutual funds
457 Plan
Government Units
Government Agencies
non Church TE Entities
$6000 catch up
Special catch up 3 yrs prior to normal retirement age Not in final yr of employment double normal limit or $18000 + amount by which preceding years limit exceeded actual deferral
no coordination with elective deferrals on other plans like 401k..can do both