Sep 16 - Time-keeping and calendars Flashcards
Why study astronomy?
To measure time
Measures of time based on astronomy (4)
§ 24 hours = time it takes for the sun to make one full circuit of the sky
§ Length of a month = moon’s cycle of phases
§ Year = based on cycle of seasons
§ Seven days = seven “planets” of ancient times: sun, moon, mercury, Venus, mars, Jupiter, Saturn
Examples of ancient cultures’ methods of determining time of day:
- Observing the sun’s path through the sky, and shadows cast through using sticks or sundials
- Also estimate the time from the position and phase of the moon, or by observing the constellations visible at a particular time
- AM = ante meridiem (before the middle of the day)
- PM = post meridiem (after the middle of the day)
Examples of ancient cultures’ methods of determining seasons:
- Stonehenge
- Architectural alignments
- Sun daggers
Solar Calendars:
one that is synchronized with the seasons so that seasonal events - such as the solstices and equinoxes - occur on approximately the same dates each year
Lunar Calendars
aimed to stay synchronized with the lunar cycle, so that the moon’s phase was always the same on the first day of each month (through its 29.5 day cycle of phases)
- Lunar calendars have 12 months, with some lasting 29 days and others 30 ; the lengths are chosen to make the average agree with the approximately 2912-day lunar cycle.
- A 12-month lunar calendar therefore has 354 or 355 days, or about 11 days fewer than a calendar based on the Sun.
- The lunar phases repeat on the same solar dates about every 19 years (a pattern known as the Metonic cycle)
Earth’s rotation period is actually 4 minutes short of 24 hours - why?
the daily circling of the stars in our sky is an illusion created by Earth’s rotation
You can therefore measure Earth’s rotation period by measuring how long it takes for any star to go from its highest point in the sky one day to its highest point the next day; AKA a sidereal day (23 hours, 56 minutes)
What do we call a 24 hour day?
Solar Day: Based on the time it takes for the SUN to make a circuit around the local sky; from its highest point in the sky one day to its highest point the next day - 24 hours on average
What do we call a month based on the moon?
Synodic month - gets its name from the idea that the sun and moon “meet” in the sky with every new moon; 29.5 day cycle of phases
What do we call a month based on the sun?
Earth’s motion around the Sun means that the Moon must complete more than one full orbit of Earth from one new moon to the next
The Moon’s true orbital period, or a sidereal month, is about 2713 days - describes how long it takes for the moon to complete an orbit relative to the positions of distant stars
What do we call a year based on the stars?
Sidereal year: The time it takes Earth to complete one orbit relative to the stars
What is our calendar (solar) based off of? How does this differ from sidereal?
Tropical Year: the cycle of the seasons, which we measure as the time from the March equinox one year to the March equinox the next year
About 20 minutes shorter than the sidereal year
Tropical & Sidereal year differences based on precession:
The difference between the sidereal year and the tropical year arises from Earth’s 26,000-year cycle of axis precession
Precession not only changes the orientation of the axis in space but also changes the locations in Earth’s orbit at which the seasons occur.
Sidereal Period (Planetary Periods)
the time the planet takes to orbit the Sun; again, the name comes from the fact that it is measured relative to distant stars