Nov. 29th - Atmospheric Processes & Mars Flashcards
Without the greenhouse effect, Earth’s surface would be…
too cold for liquid water to flow and for life to flourish
How does the greenhouse effect warm a planet?
- The energy that warms a planet comes from sunlight, and in particular from visible light.
- Some of this visible light is reflected back to space, and the rest is absorbed by the surface
- The absorbed energy must ultimately be returned to space, but planetary surfaces are too cool to emit visible light.
- Instead, planetary surface temperatures are in the range in which they emit mostly infrared light.
* The greenhouse effect works by temporarily “trapping” some of this infrared light, slowing its return to space.
The greenhouse effect occurs only when an atmosphere contains…
gases—called greenhouse gases—that can absorb the infrared light.
Once a greenhouse gas molecule absorbs the energy of an infrared photon, it quickly releases the energy by emitting a new infrared photon.
However, the new photon will be emitted in some random direction that is unlikely to be the same direction from which the original photon came. This photon can then be absorbed by another greenhouse gas molecule, which does the same thing.
The net result is that greenhouse gases tend to slow the escape of infrared radiation from the lower atmosphere, while their molecular motions heat the surrounding air.
In this way, the greenhouse effect makes the surface and the lower atmosphere warmer than they would be from sunlight alone. The more greenhouse gases present, the greater the degree of surface warming.
Note that the greenhouse effect by itself does not alter a planet’s overall energy balance:
As long as the strength of the greenhouse effect hasn’t changed, the total amount of energy that a planet receives from the Sun will be precisely balanced with the amount of energy it returns to space through reflection and radiation. If it were not, the planet would either heat up (if it received more energy than it returned) or cool down (if it returned more energy than it received).
There are two major and closely related lines of evidence for the greenhouse effect:
- The greenhouse effect can be directly measured in the laboratory.
- Validating the laboratory measurements with real worlds.
There are two major and closely related lines of evidence:
First, the greenhouse effect can be directly measured in the laboratory
Although the actual setups are somewhat more complex, the basic idea is simply to put a gas (such as carbon dioxide) in a tube, shine light of different wavelengths (such as visible light and infrared light) at it, and measure how much of that light passes through and how much is absorbed.
There are two major and closely related lines of evidence:
The second line of evidence comes from validating the laboratory measurements with real worlds.
Models that predict planetary temperatures without taking into account the greenhouse effect (“no greenhouse” temperatures) do not match actual temperatures for worlds with greenhouse gases.
In contrast, when the models include the greenhouse effect as measured in the laboratory, the predictions precisely match the actual temperatures for every planet in our solar system, as well as for Titan, the only moon with a substantial atmosphere.
This match of predicted and actual planetary temperatures represents confirmation of the laboratory measurements of the greenhouse effect, and explains why there is essentially no scientific doubt about the mechanism of the greenhouse effect.
We can better appreciate the importance of the greenhouse effect by comparing …
each planet’s average surface temperature—or global average temperature—with and without it.
A terrestrial planet’s interior heat has very little effect on its surface temperature, so sunlight is the only significant energy source for the surface
Therefore, without the greenhouse effect, a planet’s global average surface temperature would depend on only two things:
The planet’s distance from the Sun, which determines the amount of energy received from sunlight. The closer a planet is to the Sun, the greater the intensity of the incoming sunlight.
The planet’s overall reflectivity, which determines the relative proportions of incoming sunlight that the planet reflects and absorbs. The higher the reflectivity, the less light absorbed and the cooler the planet.
Both distance from the Sun and reflectivity have been measured for all the terrestrial worlds. With a little mathematics, these measurements can be used to calculate the…
“no greenhouse” temperature that each world would have without greenhouse gases
The “no greenhouse” temperatures for Mercury and the Moon:
lie between their actual day and night temperatures, since they have little atmosphere and hence no greenhouse effect.
As we should expect from the mechanism of the greenhouse effect, planets with greenhouse gases have…
higher temperatures than they would otherwise, and the more greenhouse gas, the higher the temperature.
“No greenhouse” Temperatures
Mars has a carbon dioxide atmosphere, but its low pressure tells us that the greenhouse effect should be quite weak.
As a result, Mars has a global average temperature only 6°C higher than its “no greenhouse” temperature.
“No greenhouse” Temperatures
At the other extreme, Venus’s thick atmosphere of carbon dioxide creates a greenhouse effect that bakes its surface to a temperature more than 500°C hotter than it would be otherwise.
“No greenhouse” Temperatures
We can also see why the greenhouse effect is so important to life on Earth
Without the greenhouse effect, our planet’s global average temperature would be a chilly −16°C (+3°F), well below the freezing point of water. With it, the global average temperature is about 15°C (59°F), or about 31°C warmer than the “no greenhouse” temperature.
This greenhouse warming is even more remarkable when you realize that it is caused by gases, such as water vapor and carbon dioxide, that are only trace constituents of Earth’s atmosphere.
The greenhouse effect can warm a planet’s surface and lower atmosphere, but other processes affect the temperature at…WHAT?
higher altitudes
The way in which temperature varies with altitude determines what is often called…
atomspheric structure
Earth’s atmospheric structure has four basic layers:
- Troposphere
- Stratosphere
- Thermosphere
- Exosphere
the lowest layer, in which temperature drops with altitude (something you’ve probably noticed if you’ve ever climbed a mountain).
begins where the temperature stops dropping and instead begins to rise with altitude. High in the stratosphere, the temperature falls again.
begins where the temperature again starts to rise at high altitude.
the uppermost region, in which the atmosphere gradually fades away into space.
The key to understanding atmospheric structure lies in interactions between…
atmospheric gases and energy from the Sun
The key to understanding atmospheric structure
Although visible light dominates the solar spectrum, the Sun also emits significant amounts of ultraviolet light and x-rays.
X-rays have enough energy to ionize (knock electrons from) almost any atom or molecule. They can therefore be absorbed by virtually all atmospheric gases.
The key to understanding atmospheric structure
Although visible light dominates the solar spectrum, the Sun also emits significant amounts of ultraviolet light and x-rays.
Ultraviolet photons generally do not have enough energy to cause ionization, but they can sometimes break molecules apart.
For example, ultraviolet photons can split water (H2O) molecules and are even more likely to be absorbed by weakly bonded molecules, such as ozone (O3), which split apart in the process.
The key to understanding atmospheric structure
Although visible light dominates the solar spectrum, the Sun also emits significant amounts of ultraviolet light and x-rays.
Visible-light photons generally pass through atmospheric gases without being absorbed, but some are scattered so that their direction change
The key to understanding atmospheric structure
Although visible light dominates the solar spectrum, the Sun also emits significant amounts of ultraviolet light and x-rays.
can be absorbed by greenhouse gases, which are molecules that easily begin rotating and vibrating.
Most visible sunlight is either absorbed by the surface or reflected to space, but a small amount of the visible light is scattered by atmospheric molecules.
This scattering has two important effects:
- Scattering makes the daytime sky bright, which is why we can’t see stars in the daytime
- Scattering explains the colors of our sky