Nov. 4th - Comets & Outer Solar System Flashcards
Some comets return periodically, such as…
Halley’s comet
* Halley realized (in 1705) that a 1682 comet had returned.
* Became first predicted comet, in 1758
Parts of a comet
- Gas and dust evaporated from comet nucleus - very diffused
- Most well-known feature: the tail
- Dust tail (white) - neutral dust in orbit
- Ion tail (blue) - ionized dust
Parts of a comet
Tail - What direction does it point to?
Always point away from the Sun due to radiation pressure, rather than “behind” comet in its orbit
Parts of a comet
Dust Tail
- white: neutral dust in orbit
- being pushed backwards
Parts of a comet
Ion Tail
- Blue: ionized dust
- Made of smaller particles, pushed harder - making a straighter tail
What are active comet orbits like?
Big elliptical orbits (unlike asteroids)
Comet Composition
- Mostly ice (water ice, carbon dioxide ice, methane ice, ammonia ice)
- Some rocky materials mixed in, and a few metals
- Ices imply: condensed in low temperature regions
- Comets are thus leftover planetesimals which formed outside Jupiter’s orbit
- Therefore, comets originally ‘froze out’ in the outer regions, as a rock/ice mix
Comets vs Asteroids
Asteroids: moderate eccentricity orbits, most between 2-4 au
* Rocky planetesimals, with varying degrees of metal
* Many escaped ones become Near Earth Asteroids (NEA)
Comets: active are big, eccentric orbits - not close enough to be affected by planet gravity?
* Some get inside earth’s orbit (with aphelion at or outside Jupiter) and get bright due to activity
* Some go out as far as 50,000 AU
There are the two cometary “reservoirs” of inactive comets
Comet nuclei:
* An inactive (above) and active (left) cometary nucleus
* It seems only a fraction of surface is active at any one time
Kuiper Belt
Cometary origins:
- Originally formed in the outer solar system
- Kuiper Belt is similar to the asteroid belt: leftover planetesimals
Oort Cloud
Cometary origins:
- Leftover planetesimals from the jovian planets
- Many of the comets flung out from between the giant planets ended up in the Oort cloud
Comet Composition
Spectra confirm the distant origin of comets because…
they show the presence of compounds that could have condensed only in the cold outer regions of the solar nebula
For a comet plunging inward, we call this frozen center (the “dirty snowball” in solid form) the nucleus of the comet.
As the comet accelerates toward the Sun, its surface temperature increases, and ices begin to vaporize into gas that easily escapes the comet’s weak gravity.
Some of the escaping gas drags dust particles away from the nucleus, and the gas and dust create a huge, dusty atmosphere called a coma.