Oct. 28th - Spacecraft Exploration, Radioactive Dating Flashcards
How can we know about the universe in the past?
Because looking farther into space means looking further back in time, we can actually see parts of the universe as they were long ago, simply by looking far enough away. In other words, telescopes are somewhat like time machines, enabling us to observe the history of the universe
How did we come to be?
Birth of the Universe:
- The expansion of the universe began with the hot and dense Big Bang.
- The universe continues to expand, but on smaller scales gravity has pulled matter together to make galaxies
How did we come to be?
The big bang:
Telescopic observations of distant galaxies show that the entire universe is expanding, meaning that average distances between galaxies are increasing with time
This fact implies that galaxies must have been closer together in the past, and if we go back far enough, we must reach the point at which the expansion began. We call this beginning the Big Bang (around 14 billion years ago)
How did we come to be?
- Structures such as galaxies and galaxy clusters occupy regions where gravity has won out against the overall expansion.
- That is, while the universe as a whole continues to expand, individual galaxies and galaxy clusters (and objects within them such as stars and planets) do not expand
Galaxies as Cosmic Recycling Plants:
- The early universe contained only two chemical elements: hydrogen and helium.
- All other elements were made by stars and recycled from one stellar generation to the next within galaxies like our Milky Way.
Life Cycles of Stars:
Many generations of stars have lived and died in the Milky Way.
- Stars born in clouds of gas and dust; planets may form in surrounding disks
- Stars shine with energy released by nuclear fusion, which manufactures elements heavier than hydrogen and helium
- Massive stars explode when they die, scattering the elements they’ve produced in to space
Earth and Life:
By the time our solar system was born, 412 billion years ago, about 2% of the original hydrogen and helium had been converted into heavier elements. We are therefore “star stuff” because we and our planet are made from elements manufactured in stars that lived and died long ago.
How is a star born?
A star is born when gravity compresses the material in a cloud to the point at which the center becomes dense enough and hot enough to generate energy by nuclear fusion, the process in which lightweight atomic nuclei smash together and stick (or fuse) to make heavier nuclei.
Life/Death of a star
- The star “lives” as long as it can shine with energy from fusion, and “dies” when it exhausts its usable fuel.
- A star blows much of its contents back out into space; most massive stars die in titanic explosions called supernovae
Cosmic Recycling
- The returned matter mixes with other matter floating between the stars in the galaxy, eventually becoming part of new clouds of gas and dust from which new generations of stars can be born.
- Galaxies therefore function as cosmic recycling plants, recycling material expelled from dying stars into new generations of stars and planets.
Star stuff:
The early universe contained only the simplest chemical elements: hydrogen and helium (and a trace of lithium). We and Earth are made primarily of other elements, such as carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and iron. Where did these other elements come from?
Evidence shows that they were manufactured by stars, some through the nuclear fusion that makes stars shine, and most others through nuclear reactions accompanying the explosions that end stellar lives (recycling)
How do our lifetimes compare to the age of the universe?
- Calendars with each month representing the 14 billion year existence of the universe
- Solar system and planet didn’t form until 4.5 billion years ago
- Death of dinosaurs = 66 million years ago
Perhaps the most astonishing fact about the cosmic calendar is that the entire history of human civilization falls into just the last half-minute.
To date, we have sent robotic spacecraft to…
… all the terrestrial and jovian planets, as well as to many moons, asteroids, and comets.
What did Halley figure out from planetary transits?
In 1716, Halley hit upon the idea that would ultimately solve the problem: He realized that during a planetary transit, when a planet appears to pass across the face of the Sun, observers in different locations on Earth would see the planet trace slightly different paths across the Sun.
Comparison of these paths could allow calculation of the planet’s distance—which would in turn allow determination of the AU—through the simple geometry
Only Mercury and Venus can produce transits visible from Earth.
How do robotic spacecraft work?
- The spacecraft we send to explore the planets are robots designed for scientific study.
- All spacecraft have computers used to control their major components, power sources such as solar cells, propulsion systems, and scientific instruments used to study their targets.
- Robotic spacecraft operate primarily with preprogrammed instructions, but also carry radios that allow them to communicate with controllers on Earth.
- Most robotic spacecraft make one-way trips, never physically returning to Earth but sending their data back from space in the same way we send radio and television signals.
4 types of robotic missions:
- Flyby
- Orbiter
- Landers, rovers, and probes
- Sample return mission
4 types of robotic missions:
- A spacecraft on a flyby goes past a world just once and then continues on its way.
- Flybys tend to be cheaper than other missions because they are generally less expensive to launch into space; it doesn’t need to carry the extra fuel required by orbiters or landers for slowing down at another world.
4 types of robotic missions:
How was Voyager 2 efficient?
- Voyager 2 flew past Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune before continuing on its way out of our solar system
- This trajectory allowed additional fuel savings by permitting use of the gravity of each planet along the spacecraft’s path to help boost it onward to the next planet. This technique, known as a gravitational slingshot, can not only bend the spacecraft’s path but also speed the spacecraft up by essentially stealing a tiny bit of the planet’s orbital energy, though the effect on the planet is unnoticeable
In addition, flybys sometimes give us information that would be very difficult to obtain from Earth. For example, Voyager 2 helped us discover Jupiter’s rings and learn about the rings of Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune through views in which the rings were backlit by the Sun.
4 types of robotic missions:
An orbiter is a spacecraft that orbits the world it is visiting, allowing longer-term study.
* An orbiter can study another world for a much longer period of time than a flyby. Like the spacecraft used for flybys, orbiters often carry cameras, spectrographs, and instruments for measuring the strength of magnetic fields.
* Some missions also carry radar, which can be used to make precise altitude measurements of surface features.
* Radar has proven especially valuable for the study of Venus and Titan, because it provides our only way of “seeing” through their thick, cloudy atmospheres.
* An orbiter is generally more expensive than a flyby for an equivalent weight of scientific instruments, primarily because it must carry added fuel to change from an interplanetary trajectory to a path that puts it
4 types of robotic missions:
Landers, rovers, and probes
- These spacecraft are designed to land on a world’s surface or probe an atmosphere by flying through it. Some landers carry rovers or other vehicles (such as the Ingenuity helicopter taken to Mars) to explore wider regions)
- On worlds with solid surfaces, a lander can offer close-up surface views, local weather monitoring, and the ability to carry out automated experiments.
4 types of robotic missions:
Sample return mission
A sample return mission makes a round-trip journey in which it collects a sample that is returned to Earth for study.
Although probes and landers can carry out experiments on surface rock or atmospheric samples, the experiments must be designed in advance and the needed equipment must fit inside the spacecraft.
One way around these limitations is to design missions in which samples from other worlds can be scooped up and returned to Earth for more detailed study
Age of the Solar System
The first step in understanding how we’ve measured the age of our solar system is to understand…
…how we determine the age of an individual rock. A rock is a collection of a great many atoms held together in solid form.
The atoms must be older than Earth, having been forged in the Big Bang or in stars that lived long ago
The age of a rock is the time since its atoms became locked together in their present arrangement, which in most cases means the time since the rock last solidified.
Radiometric dating:
- The method by which we measure a rock’s age is called radiometric dating, and it relies on careful measurement of the rock’s proportions of various atoms and isotopes.
- The key to radiometric dating lies in the fact that some isotopes are radioactive, which is just a fancy way of saying that their nuclei tend to undergo some type of spontaneous change (also called decay) with time, such as breaking into two pieces or having a neutron turn into a proton.
Validity of the method: Radiometric Dating
- Radiometric dating is possible with many other radioactive isotopes as well
- We can validate the 412-billion-year radiometric age for the solar system as a whole by comparing it to an age based on detailed study of the Sun.
- Theoretical models of the Sun, along with observations of other stars, show that stars slowly expand and brighten as they age.
- The model ages are not nearly as precise as radiometric ages, but they confirm that the Sun is between about 4 and 5 billion years old.
Radioactive Dating: EXAMPLE
Parent isotopes & Half-lives
Consider the radioactive isotope potassium-40 (19 protons and 21 neutrons), which decays when one of its protons turns into a neutron, changing the potassium-40 into argon-40 (18 protons and 22 neutrons).
* We say that potassium-40 is the parent isotope, because it is the original isotope before the decay, and argon-40 is the daughter isotope left behind by the decay process.
* While the decay of any single nucleus is an instantaneous event, laboratory studies show that a modest amount (millions of atoms or more, which is still only a tiny fraction of a gram) of any radioactive parent isotope will gradually transform itself into the daughter isotope at a very steady rate.
* You can then use this rate to calculate the half-life, which is the time it would take for half of the parent nuclei to decay.
* Every radioactive isotope has its own unique half-life, which may be anywhere from a fraction of a second to many billions of years.