sentences 2 Flashcards
sis kugis var uznemt simts pasazieru
this ship can carry a hundred passengers
science has greatly advanced during the last fifty years
zinātne ir stipri virzijusies uz prieksu pēdējos piecdesmit gados
he is constantly being asked for advice
vinam pastāvigi lūdz padomu
caurbrauksana aizliegta
no thoroughfare, no thruway(amer.)
on an average there are twenty pupils in class every day
klasē katru dienu ir caurmērā divdesmit skolēnu
he has immense (grand) plans
vinam ir grandiozi plāni
pret manu gribu
against my will
spējigais students sanēma stipendiju, lai varētu turpināt studijas
the talented student received a grant to continue his studies
jāturas pie stingras kārtibas
you must keep to strict order
valsts valūta ir drosa
the currency of the contry is sound(stable)
let me go !
laid mani valā !
logu rūtis ir gatavotas no stikla
window panes are made of glass
laba griba
vinam ir grandiozi plāni
he has immense (grand) plans
griezties atpakal
to turn back
he has a firm character
vinam ir stingrs raksturs
blockade, siege
to turn (to the( right
griezties pa labi
griezties pa labi
to turn (to the( right
vins runāja blēnas
he talked nonsense
zinātne ir stipri virzijusies uz prieksu pēdējos piecdesmit gados
science has greatly advanced during the last fifty years
mischievous smile
blēdigs smaids
stikla fabrika
glass works (dsk)
laid mani valā !
let me go !
currency transactions
valūtas operācijas
they entertained their guests in grand style
vini uzmēma viesus augstā stilā
stingrs lēmums
firm decision
on (an) average
towards, in the direction of
virzienā uz
bruto svars
gross weight
folder (dokumentu) file
aktu vāki
she is shivering with cold
vina dreb no aukstuma
on (an) average
vini uzmēma viesus augstā stilā
they entertained their guests in grand style
vina dreb no aukstuma
she is shivering with cold
we were delighted about the results
mēs bijām sajūsmā par rezultātiem
vins pamazām virzās uz savu mērki
he is gradually progressing towards his goal
pasazieru uzgaidāmā telpa
waiting room
vina ir mana attāla radiniece
she is my distant relative
sini skolā ir stingra disciplina
there is strict diiscipline at this school
atcelt blokādi
to raise (lift) the blockade
ko autors attēlo savā grāmatā?
what does the author describe (depict) in his book?
ārzemju valūta
foreign currency
kādā virzienā vins aizgāja ?
in which direction did he go ?
laba griba
she was poisoned by mushrooms
vina saindējās ar sēnēm
no thoroughfare, no thruway(amer.)
caurbrauksana aizliegta
to make faces (at)
to grimace
taisit grimases
the talented student received a grant to continue his studies
spējigais students sanēma stipendiju, lai varētu turpināt studijas
this book needs a new cover
sai grāmatai ir vajadzigi jauni vāki
to turn
to see a doctor
griezties pie ārsta
to open
vērt valā
vērt valā
to open
aktu vāki
folder (dokumentu) file
block of flats, apartment house
vins nevarēja atturēties, to nepateicis
he could not refrain from saying it
stikla izstrādājumi
vina saindējās ar sēnēm
she was poisoned by mushrooms
vina pacēla katlina vāku, lai redzētu, vai zupa vārās
she lifted the cover from the pot to see if the soup was boiling
tā ir viena no augstākajām būvēm pilsētā
that is one of the highest buildings in the city
students were granted funds
studentiem atvēlēja lidzeklus
pasazieru vilciens
passenger train
pienemt budzetu
to adopt (accept) a budget
he talked nonsense
vins runāja blēnas
laist valā
to set free
do you realize what you are doing?
vai tu sajēdz, ko dari ?
valūtas kurss
exchange rate, currency rate
sajust slāpes
to feel thirsty
gross weight
bruto svars
gross income
bruto ienākumi
vai tu sajēdz, ko dari ?
do you realize what you are doing?
his style of writing ir original
vina rakstibas stils ir ipatnējs
free will
briva griba
to set free
laist valā
mēs bijām sajūsmā par rezultātiem
we were delighted about the results
this ship can carry a hundred passengers
sis kugis var uznemt simts pasazieru
bruto pelna
gross profit
blēdigs smaids
mischievous smile
water is of vital importance to human life
ūdenim ir būtiska nozime cilvēka dzivē
mēs redzējām kugi (at)tālumā
we saw a ship in the distance
vina rakstibas stils ir ipatnējs
his style of writing ir original
atbildibas sajūta
sense of responsibility
valūtas operācijas
currency transactions
bruto ienākumi
gross income
the door is open
durvis ir valā
exchange rate, currency rate
valūtas kurss
sleep is necessary to your health
miegs ir nepieciesams jūsu veselibai
to turn back
griezties atpakal
miegs ir nepieciesams jūsu veselibai
sleep is necessary to your health
feeling of pain
sāpju sajūta
zēns palaida putnu valā
the boy set the bird free
window panes are made of glass
logu rūtis ir gatavotas no stikla
klasē katru dienu ir caurmērā divdesmit skolēnu
on an average there are twenty pupils in class every day
stingrs skats
steady gaze
the boy set the bird free
zēns palaida putnu valā
he has no sense of duty
vinam nav nekādas pienākuma sajūtas
vinam ir stingrs raksturs
he has a firm character
block of flats, apartment house
he is gradually progressing towards his goal
vins pamazām virzās uz savu mērki
the waves carried the boat to shore
vilni nesa laivu uz krastu
she is my distant relative
vina ir mana attāla radiniece
vilni nesa laivu uz krastu
the waves carried the boat to shore
ūdenim ir būtiska nozime cilvēka dzivē
water is of vital importance to human life
durvis ir valā
the door is open
she put the lid on the kettle
vina uzlika tējkannai vāku
against my will
pret manu gribu
vinam pastāvigi lūdz padomu
he is constantly being asked for advice
vins palaida virvi valā
he let the rope go
he was jealous of his rival’s success
vins bija greizsirdigs uz sava sāncensa sekmēm
to raise (lift) the blockade
atcelt blokādi
the teacher was strict
skolotājs bija stingrs
gross profit
bruto pelna
to turn
in which direction did he go ?
kādā virzienā vins aizgāja ?
briva griba
free will
sense of responsibility
atbildibas sajūta
you must keep to strict order
jāturas pie stingras kārtibas
that is one of the highest buildings in the city
tā ir viena no augstākajām būvēm pilsētā
studentiem atvēlēja lidzeklus
students were granted funds
sai grāmatai ir vajadzigi jauni vāki
this book needs a new cover
49 m vilnos var dzirdēt zinas
in the 49 metre band you can hear the news
passenger train
pasazieru vilciens
she lifted the cover from the pot to see if the soup was boiling
vina pacēla katlina vāku, lai redzētu, vai zupa vārās
we saw a ship in the distance
mēs redzējām kugi (at)tālumā
stikla izstrādājumi
in the 49 metre band you can hear the news
49 m vilnos var dzirdēt zinas
he let the rope go
vins palaida virvi valā
taisit grimases
to make faces (at)
to grimace
magnifying glass
palielināmais stikls
tāds troksnis bojā manus nervus
such noise wrecks my nerves
griezties pie ārsta
to see a doctor
there is strict diiscipline at this school
sini skolā ir stingra disciplina
foreign currency
ārzemju valūta
to adopt (accept) a budget
pienemt budzetu
skolotājs bija stingrs
the teacher was strict
steady gaze
stingrs skats
firm belief
stingra ticiba
virzienā uz
towards, in the direction of
blockade, siege
to feel thirsty
sajust slāpes
waiting room
pasazieru uzgaidāmā telpa
vins bija greizsirdigs uz sava sāncensa sekmēm
he was jealous of his rival’s success
sāpju sajūta
feeling of pain
the currency of the contry is sound(stable)
valsts valūta ir drosa
such noise wrecks my nerves
tāds troksnis bojā manus nervus
what does the author describe (depict) in his book?
ko autors attēlo savā grāmatā?
glass works (dsk)
stikla fabrika
stingra ticiba
firm belief
palielināmais stikls
magnifying glass
he could not refrain from saying it
vins nevarēja atturēties, to nepateicis
firm decision
stingrs lēmums
vina uzlika tējkannai vāku
she put the lid on the kettle
vinam nav nekādas pienākuma sajūtas
he has no sense of duty