harry potter sentences Flashcards
vēlēsanu kampana
election campaign
he declined to sign the document
vins atteicās parakstit dokumentu
kapitāla pieaugums
capital gains
the cook had many assistants
pavāram bija daudz paligu
palielināt kapitālu
to raise capital
vins atteicās parakstit dokumentu
he declined to sign the document
kandidātu izvirzisana
nomination of candidates
wait here, till he comes
gaidiet seit, kamēr vins atnāks
difterija ir lipiga slimiba
diphtheria is an infectious disease
kapitāla ieguldijums
capital investment
lūgt padomu
to ask for advice
nomination of candidates
kandidātu izvirzisana
vāc sienu kamēr spid saule !
make hay while the sun shines
to ask (request) for help
lūgt palidzibu
vins novilka taisny linijy ar lineālu
he draw a straight line with a ruler
capital investment
kapitāla ieguldijums
parliamentary candidate
deputāta kandināts
air line
gaisa linija
paslaik dzinsi ir lielā cienā
now jeans are in great demand
es dodu preksroku kafijai bez cukura
I prefer coffee without suger
go away !
be off !
ejiet projām !
close by
ciesi blakus
elbow joint
elkona locitava
liniju papirs
ruled (lined) paper