harry potter sentences 5 Flashcards
time of national awakening
nacionālās atmodas laiks
she has good visual memory
vinai ir laba redzes atmina
sākt no jauna
to start afresh
he saved money for a trip abroad
vins taupija naudu ārzemju celojumam
vai tu atgriezisies laikā uz pusdienām ?
will you return in time for dinner ?
svētdiena ir mana atpūtas diena
Sunday is my restday (day of rest)
vina sēroja pēc brāla
she was in mourning for her brother
she was very busy therefor she could not come
vina bija loti aiznemta, tāpēc nevarēja atnākt
salātu mērce
salad dressing
atkritumu tvertne
don’t hurry, do it slowly and calmly !
nesteidzies, dari to lēnā garā !
rapid current
ātra straume
may I offer you a cup of tea ?
vai es varu piedāvāt jums tasi tējas ?
she bought it at a low price
vina nopirka to par lētu cenu
spēlēt galveno lomu
to play the leading part
in my opinion
to my mind
pēc mana uzskata
cheap, inexpensive
( par cenu )
stiprs kā klints
as firm as a rock
I bought it for myself
es to nopirku sev
beginning with (form) Monday we have holidays
sākot ar pirmdienu, mums ir brivdienas
can you guess this riddle ?
vai tu vari atminēt so miklu ?
tā ir tava vieta
that is your place
that place is yours
first aid
ātrā palidziba
vai es varu uzticēt jums so pienākumu ?
can I entrust this duty to you ?
can I entrust you with this duty ?
dirt cheap
loti lēts
salātu trauks
salad-bowl (dish)
atkritumu tvertne
nāc, cik ātri iespējams !
come as quickly as possible !
pleasure trip
atpūtas celojums
I had my shoes mended
es liku salabot kurpes
she is recovering after the long illness
vina atlabst pēc ilgās slimibas
to decide in favour of somebody
lemt kādam par labu
ātrā palidziba
first aid
ilgi gaiditā diena pienāks atri
the long awaited day will soon come
atpūtas bāze
recreation centre
they hung the room with new wall-paper
vini iztapsēja istabu ar jaunām tapetēm
she has a very responsive nature
vinai ir loti atsauciga daba
she gave up all hope
vina atmeta visas ceribas
unbutton your coat !
atpogā mēteli !
I was told that they had a new car
man teica, ka viniem ir jauna masina
vinai ir laba redzes atmina
she has good visual memory
unanimous decision
vienbalsigs lēmums
we have complete trust in our doctor
mēs pilnigi uzticamies mūsu ārstam
lemt sekojoso
to resolve on the following
vins taupija naudu ārzemju celojumam
he saved money for a trip abroad
atpūtas celojums
pleasure trip
at first
in the beginning
recreation centre
atpūtas bāze
vins sāka celojumu uz pilsētu
he set out (off) for town
ātrs solis
quick step
izteikt savus uzskatus
to ezpress one’s opinion (views)
mēs pilnigi uzticamies mūsu ārstam
we have complete trust in our doctor
es to nopirku sev
I bought it for myself
they discovered a nice place for the picnic
vini atrada jauku vietu piknikam
in accordance with the decision
saskanā ar lēmumu
seeing the delicious fruit made my mouth water
redzot gardos auglus, man saskrēja mutē siekalas
vina nopirka to par lētu cenu
she bought it at a low price
vini iztapsēja istabu ar jaunām tapetēm
they hung the room with new wall-paper
salad dressing
salātu mērce
vins atnesa fotoaparātu uz skolu
he brought his camera to school
she was in mourning for her brother
vina sēroja pēc brāla
vina atnāks man pakal no rita
she will come for (collect) me in the morning
she will pick me up in the morning
no sākuma lidz galam
from (the) beginning to (the) end
to play the leading part
spēlēt galveno lomu
vini atrada jauku vietu piknikam
they discovered a nice place for the picnic
māte atmodināja vinu septinos
mother woke him up at seven
( par cenu )
cheap, inexpensive
vini sēroja par sava tēva nāvi
they mourned over the death of their father
he tells it from memory
vins stāsta to pēc atminas
at first
in the beginning
loti lēts
dirt cheap
salad-bowl (dish)
salātu trauks
will you return in time for dinner ?
vai tu atgriezisies laikā uz pusdienām ?
that is your place
that place is yours
tā ir tava vieta
vina bija loti aiznemta, tāpēc nevarēja atnākt
she was very busy therefor she could not come
tāpēc ka
atnāc ciemos svētdien !
come to see me on Sunday !
sadalit lomas
to cast roles
mother woke him up at seven
māte atmodināja vinu septinos
pēc mana uzskata
in my opinion
to my mind
mēs palikām mājās, tāpēc ka lija
we stayed at home because it was raining
we stayed at home because it was raining
mēs palikām mājās, tāpēc ka lija
fast cyclist
ātrs ritenbraucējs
vai es varu piedāvāt jums tasi tējas ?
may I offer you a cup of tea ?
quick step
ātrs solis
nesteidzies, dari to lēnā garā !
don’t hurry, do it slowly and calmly !
vienbalsigs lēmums
unanimous decision
vai tu vari atminēt so miklu ?
can you guess this riddle ?
from (the) beginning to (the) end
no sākuma lidz galam
vins stāsta to pēc atminas
he tells it from memory
where did you find the key ?
jur tu atradi atslēgu ?
to ezpress one’s opinion (views)
izteikt savus uzskatus
ātrs ritenbraucējs
fast cyclist
es liku salabot kurpes
I had my shoes mended
he set out (off) for town
vins sāka celojumu uz pilsētu
to start afresh
sākt no jauna
vina atlabst pēc ilgās slimibas
she is recovering after the long illness
jur tu atradi atslēgu ?
where did you find the key ?
she confides in her mother
vina uzticas savai mātei
ātra straume
rapid current
as firm as a rock
stiprs kā klints
they mourned over the death of their father
vini sēroja par sava tēva nāvi
she will come for (collect) me in the morning
she will pick me up in the morning
vina atnāks man pakal no rita
come to see me on Sunday !
atnāc ciemos svētdien !
vina atmeta visas ceribas
she gave up all hope
Sunday is my restday (day of rest)
svētdiena ir mana atpūtas diena
sākumam mēs izpildisim tikai dazus vingrinājumus
to begin with, we’ll do only a few exercises
lemt kādam par labu
to decide in favour of somebody
the performance will begin (commence) at six
izrāde sāksies sesos
nacionālās atmodas laiks
time of national awakening
to resolve on the following
lemt sekojoso
atpogā mēteli !
unbutton your coat !
man teica, ka viniem ir jauna masina
I was told that they had a new car
to begin with
vina uzticas savai mātei
she confides in her mother
the long awaited day will soon come
ilgi gaiditā diena pienāks atri
redzot gardos auglus, man saskrēja mutē siekalas
seeing the delicious fruit made my mouth water
he brought his camera to school
vins atnesa fotoaparātu uz skolu
to begin with, we’ll do only a few exercises
sākumam mēs izpildisim tikai dazus vingrinājumus
izrāde sāksies sesos
the performance will begin (commence) at six
sākot ar pirmdienu, mums ir brivdienas
beginning with (form) Monday we have holidays
vinai ir loti atsauciga daba
she has a very responsive nature
saskanā ar lēmumu
in accordance with the decision
come as quickly as possible !
nāc, cik ātri iespējams !
can I entrust this duty to you ?
can I entrust you with this duty ?
vai es varu uzticēt jums so pienākumu ?
tāpēc ka
to begin with
to cast roles
sadalit lomas