Sensory Physio Flashcards
Peripheral nerves are classified by two schemes.
- Their contribution to a compound ACTION POTENTIAL (A, B, and C waves)
recorded from an entire mixed peripheral nerve. - Based on FIBER diameter, myelin thickness, and conduction velocity
(classes I, II, III, and IV).
Which sensory (afferent) fiber type has the largest fiber diameter and the fastest conduction velocity?
Which sensory (afferent) fiber type has the smallest fiber diameter and the slowest conduction velocity?
An appropriate stimulus applied to a somatosensory receptor produces a ? that, when large enough, leads to action potentials that can be carried over a considerable distance into the central nervous system
generator potential
Information from all sensory systems except the olfactory are relayed through the ? on its
way to the cerebral cortex.
Sensory receptors encode the ? of the stimulus in the ?
of the receptor potential
- intensity
- amplitude
The number of active receptors ? with increased intensity of the stimulus
When a stimulus persists unchanged for several minutes without a change in position or amplitude, the neural response diminishes and sensation is lost.
Receptor adaptation
Receptors that respond to prolonged and constant stimulation
slowly adapting receptors
Receptors that respond only at the beginning or end of a stimulus are only active when the stimulus intensity increases or decreases.
rapidly adapting receptors
? are responsible for the sense of touch
Individual mechanoreceptor fibers convey information from a limited area of skin
Receptive fields
Allows for spatial resolution of detailed textures
2-point discrimination
2-point discrimination:
- Tactile acuity is highest in?
fingertips and lips (smallest receptive fields)
2-point discrimination:
- Tactile acuity is lowest on?
the calf, back and thigh (largest receptive
Primary afferent neurotransmission is controlled by ? and ?
pre- and
postsynaptic inhibitory mechanisms.
probably the more powerful form of
inhibitory control in all primary afferent fibers.
Presynaptic inhibition
This inhibition is actually a diminished excitatory signal:
- GABAergic associated influx of Cl- into the axon
- Results in hyperpolarization
- Less Ca2+ enters cytosol
- Leads to less NT release
Cortical processing steps
- Initial processing of the signal
- Integration of the initial processing into
larger schemes - Emotional response to the processing
Each area of sensory cortex
shares with its subcortical
components a map of at least
part of the sensory periphery.
Response mapping
Which layer of the cortex is enlarged in primary sensory cortex?
III and IV
Which layer of the cortex is the main site of termination of axons from the
III and IV
- Main output neurons are the?
pyramidal cells
- Neurons stacked above and below each other are fundamentally ?
- Neuronal columns side by side are significantly ? from one
- similar
- different
Sensory information arrives at it’s column in layer ? (via thalamus)
Sensory cortex includes ?, ?, and ?
primary, secondary and association areas
- Located in post-central gyrus
- Brodmann Area 3, 1, 2
- First stop for most cutaneous senses
- Somatotopic representation
Primary somatosensory cortex (S1)
involved in the integration of the information for position sense as well as size, shape discrimination.
Primary somatosensory cortex (S1)
- Located in wall of the sylvian fissure
- Receives input from S1
- Somatotopic representation (less detailed)
- Cognitive touch
Secondary somatosensory cortex (S2)
Comparisons between objects, different tactile sensations and determining whether something becomes a memory.
Secondary somatosensory cortex (S2)
• High level interpretation of
sensory inputs
• Receives input from multiple
sensory areas
• Analyzes spatial coordinates
of self in environment
- Names objects
- Many more functions
Parieto-temporal-occipital association cortex (PTO)
What sends projections back down to subcortical structures?
Primary sensory cortex
- sends projections back down to subcortical structures
- Most often back to thalamus.
• Descending corticothalamic axons > ascending
thalamocortical axons.
• Permits focusing activities
Primary sensory cortex
establish parallel paths of sensation
Cortico-cortical projections
• Links primary and association areas of the sensory cortex
• Vision, audition, and somatic senses establish a
hierarchy within the system.
• Allows for simultaneous processing of multiple
• Can be ipsilateral or contralateral hemispheric
connections (via corpus callosum).
Cortico-cortical projections
- Transmitted back from cortex to lower relay stations in the thalamus, medulla or spinal cord.
- Controls the intensity of sensory sensitivity.
- Typically inhibitory and suppresses sensory input
Corticofugal signals
No matter where along the afferent pathway is stimulated, the perceived sensation arises from the origin of the sensation.
Law of projections
An unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage.
The neural process of encoding noxious stimuli (a stimulus that is damaging or threatens damage to normal tissues.).
- Consequences of encoding may be autonomic (e. g. elevated blood pressure) or behavioral (motor withdrawal reflex or more complex nocifensive behavior). Pain sensation is not necessarily implied.
A high- threshold sensory receptor of the peripheral somatosensory nervous system that is capable of transducing and encoding noxious stimuli.
Location of pain
- Somatic or cutaneous pain
- Muscle pain
- Deep pain
- Visceral pain
Pain characterization: nociceptor modality
- Thermal
- Mechanical
- Chemical
non-nociceptor afferent that suddenly induce expression of the receptors that are activated by thermal, mechanical, and chemical. Non noceptor that suddenly express nociceptor properties so become fake nociceptor and transmit noxious stimuli
Phenotype switching
so rarely stimulated that eventually if something happens (like ex chronic inflammatory (a chronic condition)) can change genetic expression.
Silent nociceptors
• Lacks specialized receptor cells or encapsulations
• Characterization can further be broken down by various molecular
free nerve endings.
Transient receptor potential family of receptors
TRP receptors
- Ligand-gated non- selective cation channel permeable to?
- Ca2+, Na+ and/or K+
Activated by ligand capsaicin (ingredient in chilipepepr)
Activated by menthol (in mint)
- Activated by allyl. Isothiocyanate
- Found in mustards and radishes
activated by hotter temperatures like fires
activated by extreme cold
Mechanosensitive sodium-channel expressed by nociceptors?
Na 1.7
Receptor activated by ATP
Receptor activated by H+
can be released by noceptors but also once released, can circle back around and activate noceceptors again
What activates nociceptors?
- Sodium
- H+
- SP and CGRP
- Histamine
- Kinins (bradykinin)
Nociceptors are modulated by ? and ? in the dorsal horn.
- descending systems
- interneurons
rubbing the spot that hurts
to ease the pain
Gate control theory of pain
Gate control theory of pain includes?
- TENS units
- Phantom-limb pain
- Acupuncture?
dampens input on its way to the cortex
Descending inhibition
Gate is closed: No pain is sensed because the inhibitory interneuron is blocking the nociceptive signal from continuing to move forward.
Gate control theory
Steps of Gate Control Theory of Pain
- Activate an Aβ fiber by normal stimuli. The central process of this fiber
branches in the dorsal horn and synapses on an inhibitory interneuron upon which it releases EAA. - The activated interneuron releases glycine and inhibits the secondary
sensory neuron of the nociceptive pathway. - Rubbing an area of affected skin activates the A β fiber and reduces the
sensation of pain.
Descending inhibition:
- PAG are activated by ?, ?, and ?
- Descending projections travel to:
• ? - ? and ?released into dorsal horn and activate inhibitory interneurons
- Local inhibitory interneurons release ?
- Opiates activate ? receptors on pre-synaptic
(and post-syanaptic) terminals of a C-fiber. - Results in reduction of SP from the C-fiber and
reduces nociception
- opiates, EAA, and
cannabinoids - Locus Coeruleus (NE)
- Raphe nucleus (Serotonin)
- Serotonin and NE
- opiates (like
enkephalin) - mu
Descending serotonergic and noradrenergic neurons:
- Activate local ?
- Suppress ?
- interneurons
- spinothalamic
projection neurons
What 2 signals are both used for chronic pain and central sensitization?
- Peripheral signal
- Central signal
Important inflammatory mediator?
receive input from
nociceptors and play a role in localization of pain
S1 and S2
particularly important
in interpretation of nociception
Insular cortex
• Processes information about internal state of the body
• Contributes to autonomic
response to pain
- Integrates all signals related to pain. ***
- Damage causes asymbolia. **
Insular cortex
sensation of pain but without emotional unpleasantness
Part of the brain important in the emotional component to pain.
Visceral input travels with
autonomic nerves goes to
? and ?, integrating physiological changes
associated with visceral pain.
- hypothalamus
- medulla
What stimuli is adequate to activate nociceptors in skin?
- Thermal
- Mechanical (cutting, pinching, crushing)
- Chemical
What stimuli is adequate to activate nociceptors in joints?
- Mechanical (rotation/torque beyond the joint’s normal range of motion)
- Chemical
What stimuli is adequate to activate nociceptors in muscle?
- Mechanical (blunt force, stretching, crushing, overuse)
- Chemical
What stimuli is adequate to activate nociceptors in viscera?
- Mechanical (distension, traction on the mesentery)
- Chemical
• Brain requires some experience to localize pain, visceral pain is not experienced often enough in early development to “train” the brain to localize it.
• Afferents converge in
the dorsal horn.
• Antidromic signaling
further diffuses visceral
pain across multiple
Referred Pain