Gross Brain, Brainstem, Spinal Cord Flashcards
Diencephalon contains?
- Thalamus
- Hypothalamus
Mesencephalon contains?
- Midbrain
- Cerebral Aqueduct
Telencephalon contains?
- Cerebral Hemisphere
- Lateral ventricle
Metencephalon contains?
- Fourth ventricle (Upper)
- Pons
Myelencephalon contains?
- Medulla
- Fourth ventricle (Lower)
Telencephalon (cortical anatomy)
- Frontal
- Parietal
- Temporal
- Occipital
- Insular
- Gyrus: ridge
- Sulcus: groove
- Fissure: deeper groove
Telencephalon (medial view)
- Integrates motor, sensory and helps both hemispheres communicate
Corpus Callosum
Telencephalon: (Medial view)
- Motor and sensory of
contralateral lower extremity
Paracentral Lobule
Telencephalon: (Medial view)
- Limbic
- Memory and learning
Cingulate gyrus
Telencephalon: (Medial view)
Olfactory Nerve
Frontal Lobe Functions
Personality, decision making, motor, speech
Frontal Lobe Frontal gyri: - Superior - Middle - ? - Inferior - ?
- Superior
- Middle
- Frontal eye fields
- Inferior
• Pars Orbitalis
• Pars Triangularis
• Pars Opercularis
Frontal Lobe
Precentral gyrus + Anterior paracentral gyru:
- ?
Precentral gyrus + Anterior paracentral gyru:
- Primary Motor cortex
Somotopically organized to represent the cortical distribution of different body regions
Homunculus (Coronal section)
Parietal Lobe Function
Sensory and association