Sensory Functioning Flashcards
What is the audible sound range for humans?
20 Hz - 20,000 Hz
transduction (n.)
the conversion of different forms of energy into neural impulses
What kind of visual receptors are in the peripheral retina?
What kind of visual receptors are in the central retina?
somesthetic (n.)
having to do with body sensation
What are the haptic senses?
Touch, pressure, position sense
kinesthetic (n.)
having to do with movement
What do cones detect?
Color and position
proprioception (n.)
the ability to sense the position, location, orientation, and movement of one’s body and limbs
What do rods detect?
Black and white, and movement
Romberg test (n.)
Testing to see if swaying while standing increases when their eyes are closed
Which visual receptor cells are better are detecting motion?
Which visual receptors are better at seeing stationary things?
exteroceptors (n.)
receptors that respond primarily to external stimuli
interoceptors (n.)
receptors that respond primarily to internal stimuli
What structure controls circadian rhythm?
Suprachiasmatic nucleus
What structure controls pupillary response to light?
Pretectal area
What structure controls infradian rhythm?
Pineal gland
What structure controls motion detection and head orientation?
Superior colliculus
What structure controls eye movements that compensate for head movement?
Accessory optic nucleus
What structure manages conscious visual perception?
Visual cortex