Sensory Detection Deficits Flashcards
What does this category do during movement?
Snap their joints to make up for lost proprioceptive feedback
Can they get to upright?
It will be difficult 2/2 decreased proprioception
What is impaired that causes deficits with proprioception?
Muscle spindles - not able to provide feedback
What does it mean?
Inability to execute intersegmental movement due to lack of joint position sense or 2/2 multisensory failure affecting joint position sense, vision, or the vestibular system; can be UE, LE, or both
Key tests and signs: sensation
Moderate-severe impairment in joint position sense or protective sensation of one or both LEs
Mild or greater loss of joint position sense and touch sensation of one LE or both UEs
New visual field deficit > 50%
Key tests and signs: STS
Failure during execution phase, w/ HE of knees before hip ext, instability of ankle, or stepping to alter BOS
Key tests and signs: gait
Variation in foot placement, HE of knee during stance, loss of eccentric ankle control
Requires assistance
Some improvement w/ visual guidance, if possible
Key tests and signs: reach and grasp
Slow and dyscoordinated
Improves w/ visual guidance
Key tests and signs: postural control
Unable or difficult to stand unsupported
If able to stand unsupported, significant increase in sway or LOB w/ EC
Limited improvement in performance w/ practice
What type of cues are essential for training/improvement?
Visual cues/visual guidance
Associated signs: movement
Poor timing and coordination of limb movement during tasks
Associated signs: nonequilibrium coordination
Slow and clumsy
Some improvement w/ visual guidance
Differential movement dx:
Movement pattern coordination deficit
Perceptual deficit
Sensory selection and weighting deficit
Will cueing/guidance guarantee improvement?
Expected outcome
Ambulation w/ AD
Increased difficulty in conditions of poor lighting and uneven surfaces
Limited standing stability for functional tasks
Lack of hand function w/o visual guidance
What types of environments are particularly challenging?
Low lighting
Uneven surfaces
Associated medical dx:
CVA TBI Peripheral neuropathy (multiple) Multi system failure B vestibular loss