Force Production Deficit Flashcards
What does it mean?
Muscle weakness - may be muscle, NMJ, peripheral n., or CNS dysfunction
Is presentation variable?
Yes - may be localized to one joint, segmental (generalized to an extremity or body region), or r/t fatigue (of skeletal muscle and not necessarily CP endurance)
Is movement fractionated?
Yes, if they can move 2/2 weakness
Key tests and signs: strength
< 3+/5 to 4/5 t/o
Focal weakness at one primary joint
Deterioration in ROM of speed of movement with repetition
Key tests and signs: STS
Failure during initiation phase, typically requiring assistance or accommodation
Extension of knees before hips during first half of execution
Key tests and signs: gait
May need manual assistance or AD to WB and maintain upright posture
Deviations often significant
When severe, cannot ambulate
Key tests and signs: reach and grasp
Difficulty or failure with reach > 60 deg of shoulder flexion or with sustaining reach position
Unable to maintain force for gripping objects, especially during transport
Key tests and signs: postural control
Unable to stand unsupported or loss of support moment at hip and knee during SLS
Limited improvement in performance with practice; may worsen with repeated trials
When severe, may not be able to sit unsupported
Associated signs: movement
Fractionated, if they can do it
Associated signs: muscle tone
Normal, mild, or flaccid
Associated signs: sensation
Normal or no more than mild loss of joint position sense at ankle, loss of sharp/dull sensation or numbness
Associated signs: nonequilibrium coordination
When severe, may be unable to test 2/2 weakness
When milder, likely to be slow but accurate
Associated signs: postural control
In early stages of recovery, unable to sit or perhaps stand unsupported; would fall w/o support
Differential movement dx:
Movement pattern coordination deficit
Expected outcome: good potential for recovery
Stable with standing ADLs
I ambulation in home and community (in familiar environments)
Ambulate w/o AD, or with cane at most (may need AFO)
Ascend/descend stairs reciprocally; may need railing for balance and support
Gait speed at least 60-80% of normal for age
Able to use hand in all functional tasks
W/ NS problems, may reach plateau in improvement in strength and notice ongoing difficulties w/ MSK fatigue, power, and speed
Expected outcome: poor potential for recovery
Varies with degree of involvement
In all but most severe forms, improved I w/ functional activities using compensatory strategies, but may still require assistance
Use of WC, at least for distances; degree of I r/t involved extremities
When less severe, can ambulate short distances w/ AD, bracing, or physical assistance at very slow speeds
Able to use and as an arrest w/ activity in less involved cases
When more severe, requires 24-hr care
Associated medical dx: good prognosis for recovery
Generalized debilitation Disuse atrophy Peripheral n contusion GBS CVA (mild) TBI MS (remitting)
Associated medical dx: poor prognosis for recovery
CVA TBI MS (chronic progressive) Chronic inflammatory diffuse polyneuropathy Myopathies MD SCI (low complete paraplegia) Poliomyelitis/postpolio syndrome CP