Sense Flashcards
to become unable to hear
go deaf
کمی ناشنوا / ناشنوای کامل
totally/partially deaf
Someone who is …. is not able to hear properly
hard of hearing
to make it likely that someone will experience something harmful or unpleasant:
About 800,000 children … poisons each year.
be exposed to sth
at full speed or capacity:
If you didn’t hear it …, you felt it vibrating through your body.
at full blast
the words of a popular song:
He wrote the … for Abba’s songs.
1- If you … , you say something, especially to defend a person or protest about something, rather than just saying nothing.
2- If you ask someone to …, you are asking them to speak more loudly.
speak up
When you …, you say something very quietly, using your breath rather than your throat, so that only one person can hear you. پچ پچ کردن
whisper (sth)
any type of noise that is not the sound that you are specifically listening to or monitoring:
The recording wasn’t very good, there was too much ….
background noise
What to say if you didn’t understand someone?:
. I’m sorry, I didn’t … that
not catch sth
If someone can …, they are able to understand what someone else is saying by looking at the way the other person’s lips move as they speak, without actually hearing any of the words.
a written translation superimposed on a film or television programme that has foreign dialogue
… is the activity of stealing farm animals, especially cattle.
round up and steal (cattle, horses, or sheep).
If you … or … in water, you hit or disturb the water in a noisy way, causing some of it to fly up into the air.
splash about
When a dog …, it makes a short, loud noise, once or several times.
A … is a very loud and unpleasant noise that lasts for some time.
If you … a door or window or if it …, it shuts noisily and with great force.
slam sth
If you …, you shout loudly, usually because you are excited, angry, or in pain:
I’m sorry I … at you last night.
yell (at sb)
A … is a low continuous noise (n):
The silence of the night was punctuated by the distant … of traffic
the activity of breathing through the mouth and nose while asleep خرناس
When someone who is asleep …, they make a loud noise each time they breathe.
When you … food, you use your teeth to break it up in your mouth so that it becomes easier to swallow: جویدن
If you … something, you use your teeth to cut into it, for example in order to eat it or break it. If an animal or person bites you, they use their teeth to hurt or injure you.
… food is strongly flavoured with spices: خیلی تند - ادویه دار
The … of a food or drink is its taste.
You can say that food is … when it has a strong, burning taste caused by chillies, pepper, or ginger.
hot (of taste)
… is used to describe something such as a feeling, attitude, or illness that is not very strong or severe: ملایم
If you say that food, especially savoury food, is …, you mean that it has a fairly strong and pleasant flavour which makes it good to eat: خوش طعم
… are the things that are used to make something, especially all the different foods you use when you are cooking a particular dish.
بی مزه
If you say that something is …, you mean you cannot eat it, for example because it tastes bad or is poisonous.
If something is …, it is safe to eat and not poisonous.
If you say that something is …, you mean that it is average in quality, rather than being very good or very bad.
If you … something, you cause it to go from your mouth down into your stomach.
swallow sth
A … of drink or food is the amount that you put or have in your mouth: لقمه
An … is a taste that remains in your mouth after you have finished eating or drinking something.
Food that is … has a very pleasant taste.
An … person, object, or emotion is genuine: اصل - خالص
The … of something, especially food or soil, is its structure, for example whether it is light with lots of holes, or very heavy and solid: شالوده
If you say that food tastes or looks …, you do not like it because its taste or appearance does not seem genuine, and seems to be created by added substances
… food is no longer fresh or good to eat.
If you’re looking for a snack, go talk to Jenny—she …, so she probably keeps candy bars in her desk: شیرینی خور
have (got) a sweettooth
A … smell or taste is unpleasant and makes you feel slightly sick, often because it is extremely sweet.
قهوه رقیق
weak (of coffee,tea, etc.)
قهوه غلیظ
strong (of coffee,tea, etc.)
Someone’s … is their ability to see: بینایی
To … something means to hide it or make it appear different so that people will not know about it or will not recognise it.
If you are …, you are not wearing your usual clothes or you have altered your appearance in other ways, so that people will not recognise you.
in disguise
If you … yourself, you put on clothes which make you look like someone else or alter your appearance in other ways, so that people will not recognise you
disguise yourself as sb/sth
… is the careful watching of someone, especially by an organisation such as the police or the army.
Your … is your ability to see: دید
… is the action or process of carefully watching someone or something.
If you … events or a situation, you pay attention to what is happening, so that you can take action at the right moment.
keep watch (on sth/sb)
in a way that is not easy to notice نامحسوس
If you say that someone or something is …, you think they are noticeable in an unpleasant way.
تو چشم، قابلمشاهده، تابلو
If you … at something or someone, you look at them very quickly and then look away again immediately.
glance at sb/sth
quick look at someone or something.: نظر اجمالی
If you say that someone or something …, you mean that you can no longer see them, usually because you or they have changed position.
If you … someone or something, you know who that person is or what that thing is.
recognise sb
If someone or something …, they disappear suddenly or in a way that cannot be explained: ناپدید شدن
If you … something or someone, you become aware of them.
notice sth
If you … something or someone, you notice them.
spot sb/sth
If you … something …, you manage with difficulty to see or hear it:
I heard the voices, but couldn’t … what they were saying.
make sth out
If you … at someone or something, you look at them for a long time.
stare (at sth/sb)
to be watching carefully in order to find, obtain, or avoid someone or something:
Police in Brighton are …. a gang of car thieves.
on the lookout for sth/sb
not visible
out of sight
If a result or a decision is … or within sight, it is likely to happen within a short time:
An agreement on many aspects of trade policy was in sight.
in sight
چشم کسی به کسی یا چیزی افتادن
catch a glimpse of sb/sth
If you … someone or something, you see them very briefly and not very well.
glimpse sb/sth
If you … something somewhere, you push it firmly against something else
… are small hard objects sewn on to shirts, coats, or other pieces of clothing
make a hole
If you … someone or something, you move your hand slowly and gently over them: نوازش کردن - لمس کردن
… is the thick and usually soft hair that grows on the bodies of many mammals: خز
If you … something or someone, you tap them lightly, usually with your hand held flat: نوازش کردن
pat sth/sb
If you … something, you press it firmly, usually with your hands. چپاندن - چلاندن
squeeze sth
If you … a part of someone’s body, you take a piece of their skin between your thumb and first finger and give it a short squeeze: نیشگون گرفتن
با ملایمت
I … on the window to try to get her attention :
با انگشت به چیزی ضربه زدن
توجه کسی را جلب کردن
get sb’s attention
If you … someone, you push them gently, usually with your elbow, in order to draw their attention to something:
سقلمه زدن
Now, I would like to …your …. to Fred,
توجه کسی را به چیزی جلب کردن
draw sb’s attention to sth
The doctor told me to … this salve … the affected area on my face for two to three weeks.
مالش دادن
rub/rub sth into sth
نوک انگشتان
با شدت
… things have a pleasant smell, either naturally or because perfume has been added to them: معطر
رایحه - عطر
Something that is … has a colour, taste, or smell which is pleasant and not strong or intense. ظریف
Something that is … is not immediately obvious or noticeable: نامحسوس
A … is a pleasant or sweet smell: بوی خوش
خوشبو کننده هوا
air freshener
citrus fruit
A … sound, colour, mark, feeling, or quality has very little strength or intensity.
When you …, you breathe in air through your nose hard enough to make a sound, for example when you are trying not to cry, or in order to show disapproval: فین فین کردن
If a smell, memory, etc …, it does not disappear for a long time, باقی ماندن
The smell didn’t vanish, but … on for weeks.
linger (on)
If you describe someone or something as …, you think that they are strange or unusual, sometimes in an unpleasant way.
Something that is … smells old and damp.
بوی ناگرفته - کپک زده
… food is no longer fresh or good to eat: بیات
To … means to smell extremely unpleasant: بوی بد دادن
بوی تعفن
If food, wood, or another substance is rotten, it has decayed and can no longer be used: فاسد
If you describe someone’s attitude or their behaviour as nauseating, you mean that you find it extremely unpleasant and feel disgusted by it. تهوع آور
چندش آور