Health Flashcards
If you … a person or animal, you damage some part of their body.
An … is damage done to a person’s or an animal’s body
:Four police officers sustained serious …ies in the explosion.
injure v / injury n
A … is damage to part of your body, especially a cut or a hole in your flesh, which is caused by a gun, knife, or other weapon.
Six soldiers are reported to have died from their …s.
If a weapon or something sharp … you, it damages your body.
wound n&v
When you …, you lose blood from your body as a result of injury or illness.
I cut my hand and it’s …ing.
bleed v / blood n
A … is a piece of thread that has been used to sew the skin of a wound together.
He had six stitches in a head wound.
stitch n&v
خراشیده شدن - خراشیدن
His elbow was … by a sharp piece of rock.
If you … a joint such as your ankle or wrist, you accidentally damage it by twisting it or bending it violently.
He fell and …ed his ankle
sprain / twist
A … is a part of your body such as your elbow or knee where two bones meet and are able to move together.
A … is a piece of cloth which supports someone’s broken or injured arm and is tied round their neck.
She was back at work with her arm in a … .
sling n
A … is a slight crack or break in something, especially a bone.
Your … is the bony part of your head which encloses your brain. جمجمه
you use … to indicate that something bad or undesirable is great or intense.
Steve passed out on the floor and woke up blinded and in severe pain
If something is …, it is on fire.
A … illness or operation is not likely to be dangerous to someone’s life or health.
His mother had to go to the hospital for … surgery
A … is an injury which appears as a purple mark on your body, although the skin is not broken. کبودی
کبودی دور چشم
He got a … … in a fight.
black eye
If you … yourself, you rub your fingernails against your skin because it is itching. خاراندان - خش انداختن
…s contain a clear liquid and are usually caused by heat or by something repeatedly rubbing your skin. تاول
blister n
چسب زخم - موچین - لوسیون ضد عفونی کننده - پانسمان
plaster - tweezers - antiseptic lotion - dressing
To … someone … doing something means to make it impossible for them to do it.
prevent sth (from doing sth)
If something such as a law, a policy, or an administrative structure is …, it is working or able to be used:
in place
If a part of your body is …, it is larger and rounder than normal, usually as a result of injury or illness. متورم
His eye was partly closed, and there was a swelling over his lid.ورم
swollen / swelling
the … of a bee
sting n&v
When a doctor or nurse … a patient or an illness, he or she tries to make the patient well again.
The tablets work more … if you take a hot drink after them
The summer homes on the island have no … .
اب لوله کشی
running water
Ear … are common in pre-school children. عفونت
Clean that cut, or it could become … . (عفونی(آلوده
Flu is highly … . واگیردار- مسری
infection - infected - infectious
When you …, you suddenly take in your breath and then blow it down your nose noisily without being able to stop yourself, for example because you have a cold.
A … is a small solid round mass of medicine which you swallow.
tablet / pill
If you have an …, a doctor or nurse puts a medicine into your body using a device with a needle called a syringe.
They gave me an … to help me sleep.
A … of an illness is something wrong with your body or mind that is a sign of the illness.
If the … persist, it is important to go to your doctor
He had … of food poisoning
آبریزش بینی
runny nose
If a part of your body or something you are wearing is …, you have an unpleasant feeling on your skin that makes you want to scratch.
I feel … all over.
itchy/itch n&v/scratch
If you are …, you are ill.
… is the discovery and naming of what is wrong with someone who is ill or with something that is not working properly.
I need to have a second test to confirm the ….
… drugs داروهای بدون نسخه
… is the treatment of illness and injuries by doctors and nurses.
Medicine / remedy
An … is a painful redness or swelling of a part of your body that results from an infection, injury, or illness.
You use … when you are introducing the reason for something. because of
owing to
The treatment has some unpleasant … including skin rashes and headaches
to have a body temperature that is higher than normal, especially because you are sick.
Susie has a temperature and has gone to bed.
have a temperature / a high temperature
fever n
another name for stomach ache
an upset stomach
if someone has …, a lot of liquid faeces comes out of their body because they are ill. اسهال
Symptoms include diarrhoea and vomiting.
A … is an area of red spots that appears on your skin when you are ill or have a bad reaction to something that you have eaten or touched.
I noticed a … on my leg.
Your … is the top part of the front of your body where your ribs, lungs, and heart are.
A … is an illness which is caused by small organisms such as bacteria
bug / virus
A … is a physical feeling.
Sleep was a short reprieve from the burning … that filled her body and the emptiness of her mind.
If a part of your body is …, you cannot feel anything there. My legs felt … and my toes ached
numb adj / numbness n
عصب - … cells
If you … or a part of your body aches, you feel a steady, fairly strong pain. My leg still aches when I sit down
درد کردن
Something that is … is firm or does not bend easily.
a … neck
If someone … something, they behave in an exaggerated or extreme way.
It is important never to … new exercises
To no longer be hungry; to no longer have a desire or inclination to eat.
lose your appetite
She’s been … … cancer for two years.
suffer from sth
if you suffer from …, you are not able to sleep
the pain the throat
sore throat
If you …, you faint or collapse.
He felt sick and dizzy and then … ….
pass out
Someone who is … is in a state similar to sleep, usually as the result of a serious injury or a lack of oxygen. بیهوش
unconscious =! conscious
If you …, you lose consciousness for a short time, especially because you are hungry, or because of pain, heat, or shock.
She suddenly fell forward on to the table and …ed.
faint / black out / lose consciousness
If you … into something or someone, you accidentally hit them while you are moving. خوردن به چیزی
I … my head on the shelf as I stood up.
I ran after him, …ing against people in my hurry.
2- How did you get that bump on your forehead? برآمدگی
bump(on/aginst) v&n
If something is …, it is very light in colour or almost white. رنگ پریده
Going without sleep for a long time makes me feel …/…. دچار سرگیجه منگ
(of a person) confused
I feel dizzy and ….
… is the salty colourless liquid which comes through your skin when you are hot, ill, or afraid.
Sweat n&v
quickly and unexpectedly.
… she didn’t look sleepy any more
All of a sudden
When someone who is unconscious … …, they recover consciousness.
When he … … and raised his head he saw Barney.
comes to / come round / regain consciousness
When someone … …, they vomit
throws up
physically or mentally exhausted
If you say that something will .. someone …, you mean that it will benefit them or improve them.
The outing will … me … .
It’s probably …(past form) you … to get away for a few hours.
do sb good
When you … … of a hotel or clinic where you have been staying, or if someone checks you out, you pay the bill and leave. تسویه کردن بیمارستان و هتل و …
check out
… is medical treatment in which someone’s body is cut open so that a doctor can repair, remove, or replace a diseased or damaged part.
His father has just recovered from heart … .
If a doctor … you, he or she looks at your body, feels it, or does simple tests in order to check how healthy you are.
examine sb / examination
If a doctor … medicine or treatment for you, he or she tells you what medicine or treatment to have.
Our doctor diagnosed a throat infection and …ed antibiotics and junior aspirin
prescribe sth / prescription
A … is a drug which reduces or stops physical pain.
When surgeons … … a patient in a hospital, they cut open a patient’s body in order to remove, replace, or repair a diseased or damaged part.
operate on sb / operation=surgery
When you …, you recover your health or strength after you have been ill or injured. بهبود یافتن
He’s still …ing from his operation.
recuperate = recover
If you are …ing, you are resting and getting your health back after an illness or operation.
After two weeks, I was allowed home, where I …ed for three months. دوره نقاهت رو گذروندن
convalesce v / Convalescence n
the room or department in a hospital where people go if they are injured or suddenly become ill. = Emergency
This will include such things as … and … services for people working locally.
Accident and Emergency
If someone is …ed to hospital, they are taken into hospital for treatment and kept there until they are well enough to go home. بستری شدن
Two crash victims were …ed to the local hospital
admit sb (to hospital)
When someone is …ed from hospital, prison, or one of the armed services, they are officially allowed to leave, or told that they must leave.
He has a broken nose but may be …ed today.
discharge sb
A … is a medical problem that occurs as a result of another illness or disease.
Blindness is a common … of diabetes.
If someone is in … …, they are being given extremely thorough care in a hospital because they are very ill or very badly injured.
She spent the night in … … after the operation
intensive care
A … is a room in a hospital which has beds for many people, often people who need similar treatment.
A toddler was admitted to the emergency … with a wound in his chest
If you … … an unpleasant or unhappy experience or an illness, you recover from it. بهبود یافتن / کنار آمدن
It took me a very long time to … … the shock of her death
get over
When you … from an illness or an injury, you become well again.
recover from / recovery
body part
surgery - an operation in which an organ is transplanted from a donor - پیوند عوضو
organ transplant
The operation has given me a …………… .
you are emphasizing that they are much more lively or successful than they have been in the past.
a new lease of life
…. is unselfish concern for other people’s happiness and welfare.
Love, … - just pretty words.
… behaviour.
Altruism / altruistic adj
A … is someone who gives a part of their body or some of their blood to be used by doctors to help a person who is ill.
Doctors removed the healthy kidney from the … .
means relating to beliefs about right and wrong.
A … is a difficult situation in which you have to choose between two or more alternatives.
To … something means to make it last longer.
Mr Chesler said foreign military aid was …ing the war.
The actual action of the drug can be …ed significantly.
prolong sth
If a situation will continue …, it will continue for ever or until someone decides to change it or end it. برای همیشه
The visit has now been postponed … .
I couldn’t stay there … .
If someone has an …. disease, they cannot be cured of it.
terminal illness
If you … someone who has stopped breathing, you cause them to start breathing again.
The chairman … the committee’s objections and signed the agreement
2- has priority on sth else
The needs of the mother should not … the needs of the child.
If you describe something or someone as …, you mean that they are the subject of intense public argument, disagreement, or disapproval.
The governor made a …1… decision to raise tax.
Reports in today’s newspapers have added fuel to the …2… .
controversial / controversy
Someone who is … weighs more than is considered healthy or attractive.
being even moderately … increases your risk of developing high blood pressure
overweight =/ underweight
If you … one thing … another thing, the first thing develops from the second thing.
He …ed his conclusions … the evidence given by the captured prisoners.
base sth on sth
is a substance that is found in foods such as bread, potatoes, pasta, and rice and gives you energy.
starchy food
نون سبوسدار
wholemeal bread
Food that is … is considered to make people fat easily.
Some foods are more … than others.
A … is the amount of food that is given to one person at a meal. پرس
The portions are very generous in this restaurant.
food derived from or containing milk and its derivatives
vitamins found in eggs, meat and … … .
dairy products
If someone is…, they are extremely fat.
If you are …, your body is not in good condition because you have not been taking regular exercise
unfit / fit
A … activity or action is done quickly and in an energetic way.
We went for a … walk.
brisk adj
If one thing … another, it causes it to increase, improve, or be more successful. تقویت کردن
It wants the government to take action to … the economy
… means organizing the activities of two or more groups so that they work together efficiently and know what the others are doing.
To … something, or to … that something happens, means to make certain that it happens.اطمینان حاصل کردن
Ensure that it is written into your contract.
- The President is under … pressure to resign.
2. He sipped his drink, staring …ly at me.(seriously)