To … someone, especially a criminal, means to capture them.
The couple set up a 24-hour security camera to … the vandal scratching their car
A … is a person who works underground in mines in order to obtain minerals such as coal, diamonds, or gold.
If you … someone, you get them out of a dangerous or unpleasant situation.
… is reddish-brown metal that is used to make things such as coins and electrical wires. مس
A copper is a police officer. افسر پلیس
If a building or other structure …, it falls down very suddenly.
If a person or living thing … in a dangerous situation such as an accident or an illness, they do not die. زنده ماندن
A … is a tool or machine that you use for making holes.
If you … an object or person somewhere, you lift or lower them using a winch.
He would attach a cable around the chassis of the car and … it up on to the canal bank.
winch sb (up)
The … of a round object is the length of a straight line that can be drawn across it, passing through the middle of it. قطر (دایره)
The … of the tree was about 22 centimeters.
When people …, they shout loudly to show their approval or to encourage someone who is doing something such as taking part in a game.
We all … as they drove up the street.
The … of a book, play, film, or story is the main female character, who usually has good qualities.
If you say that a good event is a …, you mean that it is very surprising and unexpected.
You use … to describe something that happens at the beginning of a process.
The … reaction has been excellent.
A … of birds, sheep, or goats is a group of them.
They kept a small … of sheep
If something … what you believe, suspect, or fear, it shows that it is definitely true.
confirm sth
If something …, it makes a downward movement, usually quite quickly.
She dipped her toe into the pool to see how cold it was
With great displeasure, fear, and/or surprise.
Mom reacted … … when she saw that I’d dyed my hair hot pink the night before school picture day.
in horror
If you … …. … something unpleasant or difficult, you prepare yourself for it.
He … … … the icy plunge into the black water
brace yourself for
If you describe something or someone as …, you mean that they have some extremely good or special quality.
We’ve made … progress as a society in that regard.
فوق العاده
To land (an aircraft or spacecraft) under emergency conditions, usually with damage to the craft.
crash land
Something that is … is complete and has not been damaged or changed.
Most of the cargo was left … after the explosion.
Very few of the buildings remained … after the earthquake
A … event or process happens very quickly or without delay.
Our task is to challenge the U.N. to make a … decision.
An … is something that happens, often something that is unpleasant. حادثه
She reported the incident to the police
An … is a sudden, violent burst of energy, for example one caused by a bomb.
A second … came minutes later and we were enveloped in a dust cloud.
If someone … an election, a job appointment, or a game, they dishonestly arrange it to get the result they want or to give someone an unfair advantage.
the bad politician …ed the election so that he would win.
Something that is … involves or causes a sudden terrible disaster. فاجعه آمیز
An unchecked increase in the use of fossil fuels could have … results for the planet.
catastrophic adj
catastrophe n
If a liquid … or if you … it, it accidentally flows over the edge of a container.
70,000 tonnes of oil … from the tanker
put a lid or cover on.
A … is a hole in the ground from which a supply of water is extracted.
If a container …, there is a hole or crack in it which lets a substance such as liquid or gas escape. نشت کردن
The gas had apparently …ed from a cylinder.
… is a sticky mixture of earth and water.
You’ve got … on your shoes
If you … a quantity or value, you make an approximate judgment or calculation of it.
A … is a large, round container for liquids or food. بشکه
… is money that someone who has experienced loss or suffering claims from the person or organisation responsible, or from the state.
He received one year’s salary as … for loss of office
A … is someone who has been hurt or killed. قربانی
A … is a very frightening dream.
All the victims still suffered … .
To … means to come out from an enclosed or dark space such as a room or a vehicle, or from a position where you could not be seen.
If you describe a physical attack, accident, or injury as …, you mean that it is very bad, so that people are shocked when they see it or think about it. ناگوار
I have never seen such … injuries
To aim a weapon at someone or something and discharge it.
Hey, we’re not the enemy—quit …ing … us!
fire on sb
A … … is a gun which fires a lot of bullets one after the other very quickly. مسلسل
machine gun
Dense woods … the house.
If a group of people … their enemies, they attack them after hiding and waiting for them.
A … is a small piece of metal with a pointed or rounded end, which is fired out of a gun.
… is the natural tendency that a person or animal has to behave or react in a particular way. غریزه
He always knew what time it was, as if by … .
adj instinctive
If someone … a person or an animal, they kill them or injure them by firing a bullet or arrow at them.
The police had orders to … anyone who attacked them
If you … someone or something, you pay no attention to them.
A … experience makes you feel very disappointed. You can also use bitter to emphasize feelings of disappointment. awful
A … is a man who uses a gun to commit a crime such as murder or robbery.
When soldiers … a place, they make a sudden armed attack against it, with the aim of causing damage rather than occupying any of the enemy’s land.
… is ornaments that people wear, for example rings, bracelets, and necklaces. It is often made of a valuable metal such as gold, and sometimes decorated with precious stones.
If something is …, it makes you very frightened.
- To direct a blow at someone or something.
strike at
A … is a group of people, especially young people, who go around together and often deliberately cause trouble.
A … is a member of an organized group of violent criminals.
If you … … a person or animal, you frighten them so that they go away. فراری دادن
She … … her attacker by screaming.
scare of
A … is a person who is walking past someone or something.
If you … something or if it smashes, it breaks into many pieces, for example when it is hit or dropped.
When the engine of a vehicle …, or when you … it, the engine speed is increased as the accelerator is pressed. گاز دادن
- To force someone out of one’s home, often due to flooding.
Unfortunately, that hurricane … us …, and we’ve been staying with relatives ever since.
drown out
From a particular time; since then.
… … we moved here, I’ve been trying to find a painting to hang over the fireplace.
Ever since
If something … or is …, it breaks into a lot of small pieces.
If you … something, you take it or pick it up suddenly and roughly. قاپیدن
A … to an event such as an accident or crime is a person who saw it.
If you … someone or something, you look at them for a long time.
stare at
… is the feeling you have when something surprises you very much.
I stared at her in …
To … something means to make people aware of it
When a fire …, it burns strongly and brightly.
If something such as war, fighting, or disease … …, it begins suddenly.
He was 29 when war … .
breaks out
If something … …, it becomes very much quieter or less intense. تحلیل رفتن تضعیف شدن
The storm …ed … .
dies down
If you … … a fire, candle, or cigarette, you make it stop burning.
Firefighters tried to free the injured and … … the blaze.
put out
شرایط اضطراری
state of emergency
If you … that something is true, you say that it is true in a firm, deliberate way. You can also … an attitude or intention. اضهار کردن رسما بیان کردن
If you … …. a problem or task, you deal with it successfully.
cope with
… is strong anger that is difficult to control.
۱- منجر به چیزی شدن
The discovery of the bomb … an increase in security
۲- To prompt someone to do something means to make them decide to do it.
prompt sth
prompt sb
If something such as a liquid, gas, or smoke …s or is …, it moves outwards in all directions so that it covers a larger area
If you say that someone … that something is true, you mean they say that it is true but you are not sure whether or not they are telling the truth.
… people have nowhere to live.
If something such as a box, bag, room, or place … things, those things are inside it.
If you … a difficult problem or task, you deal with it in a very determined or efficient way.
The first reason to … these problems is to save children’s lives.
If you say that a town or building is … … … … or is razed to the ground, you are emphasizing that it has been completely destroyed by fire.
burn sth to the ground
If you … someone, you say or do things to make them stop worrying about something.
If someone is …, they are so upset and worried that they cannot think clearly.
- When someone … to do something, they promise in a serious way to do it.
- When they … something, they promise to give it. گرو - وثیقه
When someone … or is …, they die because they have gone or been pushed under water and cannot breathe.
غرق شدن
During the frequent air-raids, people … … in their cellars.
seek refuge
… means very great in degree or intensity
extreme …
extreme …