Feelings Flashcards
Someone who is … is extremely tired after hard work or a difficult or unpleasant experience. خسته و کوفته
worn out
If you say that you are …, you mean that you are very hungry.
too thirsty
dying for a drink
If your mouth, throat, or lips are …, they are unpleasantly dry.
If you feel …, you feel that you are losing your balance and are about to fall. گیج
If you feel …, you feel unsteady and think that you are about to fall over, usually because you are not well. گیج
If you feel …, you feel as if you want to vomit. حالت تهوع
استفراغ کردن
If you say that you are …, you mean that you feel very hot, usually unpleasantly hot. غلیان
If you say that you are …, you are emphasising that you feel very cold.
If you feel drowsy, you feel sleepy and cannot think clearly: خواب آلود
If you are …, you do not have much energy or enthusiasm.
Someone who is … is fully awake and unable to sleep: کاملا بیدار
wide awake
Someone who is … or sound asleep is sleeping deeply.
fast asleep
When you …, your body shakes slightly because you are cold or frightened.(in cold) لرزیدن
When you …, your body shakes slightly because you are cold or frightened. (in fear)
If you are …, you are bored, impatient, or dissatisfied, and you want to do something else. بی قرار
restless -on edge-tense
If you have … in part of your body, you feel small sharp pains there for a short period of time. It usually happens when that part of your body has been in an uncomfortable position. خواب رفتگی
pins and needles
من میرم بخوابم
go to sleep
to be very excited about doing something or eager for something to happen or begin:
The children …. for summer.
can hardly wait
extremely bored:
There are no jobs, there’s nothing to do; these young people are … .از بیحوصلگی دیوانه شدن
bored to death/tears
If you are f…, you are unhappy, bored, or tired of something, especially something that you have been experiencing for a long time.
fed up with
to amaze and impress you:
Tell me again about the picture.'
It’s beautiful. It’s so beautiful it … your …
take your breath away
If you say that something is …, you are emphasising that it is extremely beautiful or amazing.
تحت تاثیر قراردادن
impressed - impressive - impress sb
If you are …, you feel happy because something unpleasant has not happened or is no longer happening.
تسکین یافته
If you are …, you feel extremely disappointed or depressed about something that has happened.
درب و داغان از نظر روحی
Something that is … is very surprising.
astonishing - astonish sb
shocked or astounded
is a feeling of deep sadness or regret:
Words cannot express my … .
غم و اندوه
If an unpleasant event or feeling … something, it makes it less happy or enjoyable. تحت شعاع قراردادن
overshadow sth
irritate someone: روی اعصاب کسی راه رفتن
get on one’s nerves
If you say that someone or something … you … , you mean that you find them extremely annoying.
drive sb mad/crazy
ناامیدی - ناامید
frustration - frustrated -
extremely angry - خشمگین
furious - fury(n)=rage
تعجبی نداره که :
She didn’t sleep last night, so … she’s tired.
no wonder (that)
سرخوش - نئشه
ecstatic = elated
Extremely happy
over the moon
something that annoys or bothers a person very much:
My … is having to stand in line
pet hate
To be interested in something:
My daughter … sports all of a sudden and really wants to take tennis lessons.
be into sth
If something happens …, it happens quickly and unexpectedly.
all of a sudden
If you … someone, you feel great love and admiration for them.
If you … something, you like it very much.
خیلی دوست داشتن
adore -
If you say that someone or something is …, you are emphasising that they are very attractive and you feel great affection for them.: دوست داشتنی
If something … you …, it fails to excite or interest you:
Lawrence is one of those writers who either excite you enormously or … you … .
leave sb cold
If you are … or … something or someone, you like them very much indeed.
(not) mad about/on sth/sb
If you are a … of someone or something, especially a famous person or a sport, you like them very much and are very interested in them
If you … someone or something, you like them very much.
go for sb/sth
To … someone means to make them feel a strong sense of dislike and disapproval.
مشمئز کردن متنفر کردن حال بهم زدن
my teacher disgusts me
disgust sb - disgusting
disgusting to the senses or emotions
a vile smell
گند، ناخوشایند
If you …, you dislike them very much.
نمی تونی تحمل کنی
can’t bear sth/sb
can’t stand sb/sth
متنفر بودن i hate my teacher
hate sb/sth
A … person has very strong feelings about something or a strong belief in something:
Joe is … … baseball (= he likes it very much). پراشتیاق
passionate about
If you … to someone to do something, you make a serious and urgent request to them:
از کسی درخواست کردن برای چیزی
(not) appeal to sb
to be not worth the time, money etc that you use because there is little or no result.
a waste of time,money, etc
an intense desire or longing - میل شدید - ولع
craving for sth
If you say that something or someone is …, you mean you think they are horrible and disgusting. تعوع آور
revolting or repulsive
مجذوب - علاقه مندی یا شیفتگی
fascinated - fascination
If you … something, you want it. میل به چیزی داشتن
میل انجام هیچ کاری رو ندارم
have no desire to do sth
A … of things consists of several different things together.
If a condition or problem … something, it was caused originally by that thing: نشات گرفتن
Much of the instability… the economic effects of the war
stem from sth
افسرده - افسردگی
depression depressed
… is an unhappy feeling that you have because you have done something wrong or think that you have done something wrong. گناه
Marta felt sense of … about leaving home
In a … argument or conflict, people argue very angrily or fight very fiercely. تلخ تلخی
bitter - bitterness
If you are …, you are very tired.
weary - weariness
If you describe something as …, you mean it is extremely important.
crucial - vital
If you … … something or if it …s … , it gradually becomes bigger, for example because more is added to it. تقویت کردن
build up
To become reckless or wild; to start to be in an unruly or unmanageable state or manner.
I’m sorry for the way I acted last night. I had too much to drink and got out of control.
get/be out of control
If someone … … or if you … them …, they become less angry than they were:
He has had time to cool down and look at what happened more objectively.
cool down - calm down
If you … … a problem or task, you deal with it successfully.
cope with sth
If you … strong feelings, you do not express them or show them, especially when this makes you tense or angry. سرکوب کردن
bottle sth up
احساسی - احساس
emotion - emotional
the … cause of the disaster اساسی
If you … something such as a job or a place to live, you try to find one.
seek sth/sb
a person who gives counsel; adviser
retain (or fail to retain) composure when angry.
lose your temper - keep your temper
The team’s fans have ….. after a run of three successive defeats and six games without a win.
lose patience
to act in a way that is out of control : to act wildly
go mad - go berserk
If an event or attempt …s … , it is unsuccessful:
fall flat
If you … someone or something or … them, you laugh at them or make jokes about them in a way that causes them to seem ridiculous: مسخره کردن
make fun of sb - poke fun at sb
If something … you, it makes you want to laugh or smile
it makes you feel worried or unhappy.
upset (adj and verb)
دست انداختن، مسخره کردن کسی
او زد زیر گریه
burst into tears
To start laughing suddenly or uncontrollably:
The kids burst out laughing when the clown fell down on stage.
burst out laughing
To do something to excessive degree. زیاده روی کردن
I didn’t mind at first, but now you’ve gone too far. If you go too far, I’ll slap you.
go too far
When someone …, they cry in a noisy way, breathing in short breaths. هق هق کردن
قلقلک دادن
tickle sb
to cause someone to become very angry; to ignite someone’s anger.
She’s finally stopped crying - don’t … her … again.
set sb off
If you are …, you cannot stop laughing.
in stitches
It made them … … … . با صدای بلند خندیدن
roar with laughter
تبسم کردن
to tell someone something that is not true, as a joke:
Did Ronnie really call or are you just pulling my leg?
pull sb’s leg
have sb on
When someone …, their eyebrows become drawn together, because they are annoyed, worried, or puzzled, or because they are concentrating:
What are you …ing … me for?
frown (at sb)