Sensation And Perception Flashcards
What is the difference between absolute threshold and difference threshold?
Absolute threshold is the amount necessary to be perceived, difference is the amount of difference between multiple stimuli needed before they are perceived as being different.
What is jnd?
Just noticeable difference: amount of change needed to predict e difference between two stimuli.
What do Fechner’s law and Steven’s power law intend to measure?
The relationship between the intensity and the sensation of a stimulus.
What is signal detection theory?
A theory that allows researches to test the response biases and stimulus a sensitivity of participants with a valid paradigm of hits, misses, false alarms, correct negatives via ROC curves. John Swets refined these.
What are the four steps in sensory information processing?
Reception, transduction (from physical to neural energy), projection areas, and neural pathways.
What is the duplicity theory of vision?
Retina contains two kinds of photoreceptors.
What is the difference between rods and cones?
Rods are for dim light and more plentiful, cones are for colours, details, and bright lights (only receptors in fovea).
What is the organization of cells in the eye?
Rods and cones connect to bipolar cells which connect with ganglion cells. Gang lions group together to form the optic nerve. (Horizontal and amacrine cells as well.)
Who is Max Wertheimer and what is the phi phenomenon?
Founder of Gestalt Psychology, two lights flashing in succession often perceived as one.
What happens at and after the optic chiasm?
The nasal fibers cross paths and transmit information to the lateral geniculate nucleus (thalamus), the visual cortex (occipital lobe), and the superior colliculus.
What did Hubel and Wiesel study that earned them a Nobel Prize?
Feature detection theory, specialization do of simple (orientation and boundaries), complex (movement), and hyper complex (object shape, abstract) cells.
What is the difference between brightness and illumination?
Illumination is the objective measurement of light on a surface whereas brightness is just the subjective impression of illumination.
What are rhodopsins and what do they have to do with dark adaptation?
Rhodopsins are the only photo pigments for rods made of a vitamin A derivative. When it absorbs light, it decomposes, so the light entering rods before you enter the theatre decompose a large amount of your rods through a process called bleaching. Adaptation is waiting for the rods to regenerate.
Want is simultaneous brightness contrast?
Idea that areas look brighter if surrounded by darkness, caused in part by lateral inhibition.
Describe the difference between additive and subtractive colour mixture.
Subtractive - mixing pigments, like paint
Additive - lights, red blue and green, either we perceive actual light or get reflected off an object
What is the Young-Hemholtz theory of colour vision?
Trichromatic theory: three types of cones differentials receptive to colours, the combination of stimulation to different degrees would determine the colour perceived