Sensation and Perception Flashcards
process by which our sense receive and represent stimuli from our environment
process of organizing and interpreting info from sensory
- enables us to recognize meaningful objects and events
complete sensation but incomplete perception
Absolute Threshold
minimum stimuli to detect a stimuli 50% of the time
Signal Detection Theory
assumes there is no absolute threshold
- detection depends on a person’s experience, fatigue, etc.
Subliminal Messaging
Priming - the activation of certain associations influencing one’s memory or response
- much of our info processing occurs automatically
Weber’s Law
Principle that, to be perceived as different, two stimuli must differ by a constant minimum percentage
- aka the “just noticeable difference”
Parts of the Eye & What they Do
Cornea (light enters), Iris, Pupil (size of pupil is adjusted by iris), lens (focuses rays), retina, and optic nerve (goes to brain)
length of sound waves determines pitch (highness or lowness)
- long waves have low frequency which gives a low pitch
Near sightedness vs. far sightedness
Near = the eye is too long, light rays focus in front of retina (blurry at a distance)
Far = eye is too short, light rays focus behind retina (blurry close up)
Parallel Processing
putting together several aspects of a problem simultaneously
- color, motion, form, depth
Trichromatic Theory
theory that retina contains three types of color receptors — green, red, & blue
- colorblind people have cones that don’t work properly
Opponent Processing Theory
theory that opposing retinal processes enable color vision
Hearing - order of process
Pinna (outer-ear) —> eardrum —> middle ear (hammer, anvil, stirrup) —> oval window —> cochlea —> hair cells
Five tastes = sweet, sour, salty, bitter, meaty
- each bump on your tongue is about 200+ taste buds
- adults have weaker taste buds
- odors are deeply linked to memory
- humans have 20 million receptors
- there are roughly 10,000 odors
- Herz experiment
Kinesthetic Sense
system for sensing the position and movement of individual body parts
Vestibular Sense
sense of body movement and position
- tied with balance
- located in semicircular canals
Feeling of dizziness
Selective Attention
the focusing of conscious awareness on a particular stimulus
- cocktail party effect
Inattentional Blindness
failing to see visible objects when our attention is directed elsewhere
Emphasizes our tendency to integrate pieces of into meaningful wholes
The 5 Ways of Grouping
Proximity - groups things that are nearby together
Similarity - groups that are similar
Continuity - perceive smooth continuous patterns
Connectedness - uniform and linked
Closure - fill in gaps, assume circles are blocked by illusory triangle
Visual Cliff
Experiment with box and glass - gives image of cliff
- investigates depth perception
Binocular Cues
crucial for depth perception