Senior DJ Unit 4 Flashcards
What is the key verse for unit 4?
John 3:36
Whom did Jesus know according to John 2:24?
All men
What learn about Nicodemus in John 3:1?
He was a Pharisee and a ruler of the Jews
What do we learn about Nicodemus from John 3:10?
He was a teacher of Israel and didn’t understand what Jesus said
The Pharisees, whose name was derived from the Hebrew word, which means what?
“separated, ones”
What were the Pharisees?
Religious leaders
What were the Pharisees zealous of?
The law and the oral traditions
Although the Pharisees were considered experts in the field, they were also known for what, according to Luke 18:11?
Self righteousness and pride
What did Jesus often rebuke the Pharisees for according to Luke 11:39?
Their conformity to external practices to be noticed by men while neglecting their inner spiritual condition
What of what ruling counsel was Nicodemus a member of?
The Sanhedrin
How many men were in the Sanhedrin?
How did Nicodemus describe Jesus in John 3:2?
Rabbi, a teacher come from God
What had Nicodemus along with others seen Jesus perform that caused him to think God was with him?
What must you do to see the Kingdom of God according to John 3:3?
Be born again
What did Jesus tell Nicodemus was necessary for a man to be born of in order to enter the kingdom of God, according to John 3:5?
Water and the Spirit
What is the Greek word for again (John 3:3)?
What is the definition of anothen?
From above; by analogy, from the first; by implication, anew
What did Jesus compare the wind to as an illustration in John 3:8?
Everyone who has been born of the spirit
What two things are contrasted in John 3:6-8?
Born of the flesh-born of the spirit
What two things are contrasted in John 3:12?
Earthly things – heavenly things
What two things are contrasted in John 3:17?
Judge/condemn – save
What two things are contrasted in John 3:19-21?
Light – darkness
What two things are contrasted and John 3:31?
One from above – one who is from the Earth
What two things are contrasted, and John 3:36?
Whoever believes in the Son will receive eternal life – whoever rejects, the Son will not see life
What were the Pharisees looking for in the Messiah?
To overthrow Roman rule and set up an earthly kingdom
What is the definition of “kingdom of God”?
God’s sovereign, reign, and rule. God’s reign was the major focus of Jesus is teaching. It’s fullness is in the future, and yet it has also come in Jesus himself.
What do we learn about the kingdom of God in Daniel 4:3?
God’s kingdom is an everlasting kingdom
What do we learn about the kingdom of God in Matthew 13:44?
Jesus told a parable comparing the kingdom to a treasure
What do we learn about the kingdom of God in Luke 17:20–21?
Jesus said the kingdom is in your midst/in you
What do we learn about the kingdom of God in Romans 14:17?
The kingdom of God is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit
What is the role of the Holy Spirit in our regeneration according to Ezekiel 36:24–28?
God promised His people He would cleanse them from their sin and put His Spirit within them, so they would be able to obey Him.
What do we learn about the role of the Holy Spirit in our regeneration according to Titus 3:5?
God did not save us in accordance with our works, but by His mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit.
What is the definition of regeneration?
The action of the Holy Spirit, in transforming the lives of those given the gift of faith, so they experience a ‘new birth’ and salvation through Jesus Christ
What is the Greek word for Rabbi (John 3:2)?
What is the definition of Rhabbi?
My master, i.e Rabbi, as an official title of honor
What is the Greek word for teacher (John 3:2)?
What is the definition of didaskslos?
In the N.T. one who teaches concerning the things of God, and the duties of man