Senior DJ Unit 2 Flashcards
What is the title for John 1:19-34?
John’s testimony
What is the title for John 1:35-51?
Christ’s first followers
Whom did the leaders of the Jews send to John the Baptist with questions about what he was doing?
Priest and Levites
What was John’s answer to the Priest and Levites question who are you?
I am not the Christ/Messiah
What is John’s answer to the priests and Levites question “are you Elijah?”?
I am not
What is John’s answer to the priests and Levites question “are you the prophet?”?
What is John’s answer to the priests and Levites question “what do you say about yourself”?
I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, “Make straight the way of the Lord.”
What is John’s answer to the priests and Levites question “why are you baptizing”?
I baptize in water, but One comes after me of whom I am not worthy to untie His sandal.
Where did the priests and Levites question John?
Bethany/Bethabara beyond/across/on the other side of the Jordan
What did John say when he saw Jesus coming to him?
Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world
How did John know for sure that Jesus was indeed the One who baptizes in the Holy Spirit?
God told him that he would see the Holy Spirit descend on Him like a dove and remain on Him.
What time of day did two disciples follow Jesus to the house where He was staying as recorded in John 1:39?
The tenth hour/four in the afternoon
Which person went from doubting to believing when Jesus demonstrated that He already knew him?