Seminal Fluid Flashcards
Seminal fluid purposes
Transport sperm
Why examine?: infertility and vasectomy work ups, donation, forensic
Seminal fluid make up
Spermatozoa produced by testis and matured by epididymis
Fluid: seminal vesicles, prostate gland, bulbourethral glands - for nutrition, motility
Ssample collection process
Edge for 2-3 days, 3 samples over 3 month period
- Body temp, eval within 1hr’
- Complete collection
What is affected by sperm count and WBCs?
Volume for sperm collection
2-5 mls
Other important features and grading of semen
Viscosity: slightly visvous, drop test, grade 0-4, 4 being like gel and 0 like water
Semen coagulates immediately
30-60 mins to liquify again
>60 mins or no coag at all is abnormal
How to manually break up coaged semen: amylase, bromelin
<20 million mL
No sperm
Sperm motility count rating
0: non motile
1: non progressive / motion but not forward
2: slow progressive / non linear
3: slow progressive / moderate linear
4: rapid progressive / strong linear
Calculation for motile sperm
- count immobile
- immobilize all and count all
Formula: (total count - immotile count)/total count
Normal motility percentage
80% with 3-4 grade motility
Why test immobile sperm?
Check if actually non motile and alive or just dead
How to test immobile sperm
Supravital eosin stain: if damaged cell membrane then it is dead
Normal: 75% viable
How to check for anti sperm antibodies
Agglutination with head-head or tail-tail pattern
How to check penetration quality
Post-sex cervical mucus collected = if many sperm, good
Abnormalities in sperm
Normal, not necessarily associated with one particular disease
Normal can be 30-70%
<= 5% is infertile
<= 30% is subfertile
Acrosome abnormalities
No acrosome: round head syndrome, globozoospermia
Other cells in semen
- >1 million/ml usually inflammation, damage to sperm, gland related
Prostate/germ cells
RBCs +/ bacteria always report
Immature sperm abnormal and causes
Abnormal if >2%
- Structural abnormalities
- Testicular stress
- Heavy alcohol consumption
Cell diff of semen
count 100 sperm
(# cell type x sperm concentration) / 100
Infection effects on sperm
UG infections cause 15% of infertility - normal flora or STDs
Bugs - anti sperm Ab mimic
Yeast - impairs mobility
Fructose in semen uses and ranges
Energy, metabolism, motility
- seminal vesicles
Normal >= 13umol/sample
Test when decreased sperm count or viability
Normal pH of semen
And changes and their cause
Decreased: physiological abnormalities
Increased: infections
Important chemical tests
Acid phosphatase: rape kits
Zinc, citric acid: prostate gland function
Signs of infertility
- <20 million/ul or >250 million/ul
- <80% w forward motility
- <75% viable
- agglutination +
- decreased mucous penetration
- > 60 min liquefaction or no coag